OSX bash script works but fails in crontab on SFTP - macos

this topic has been discussed at length, however, I have a variant on the theme that I just cannot crack. Two days into this now and decided to ping the community. THx in advance for reading..
Exec. summary is I have a script in OS X that runs fine and executes without issue or error when done manually. When I put the script in the crontab to run daily it still runs but it doesnt run all of the commands (specifically SFTP).
I have read enough posts to go down the path of environment issues, so as you will see below, I hard referenced the location of the SFTP in the event of a PATH issue...
The only thing that I can think of is the IdentityFile. NOTE: I am putting this in the crontab for my user not root. So I understand that it should pickup on the id_dsa.pub that I have created (and that has already been shared with the server)..
I am not trying to do any funky expect commands to bypass the password, etc. I dont know why when run from the cron that it is skipping the SFTP line.
please see the code below.. and help is greatly appreciated.. thx
export DATE=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`
export YYMMDD=`date +%y%m%d`
BYEbye ()
rm ${A}.file1${PDATE}
rm ${A}.file2${PDATE}
echo "Finished cleaning internal logs"
exit 0
echo "get -r *" >> ${A}.file1${PDATE}
echo "quit" >> ${A}.file1${PDATE}
eval mkdir ${FEED}${YDATE}
eval cd ${FEED}${YDATE}
eval /usr/bin/sftp -b ${A}.file1${PDATE} ${USER}#${HOST}
exit 0

Not an answer, just comments about your code.
The way to handle filenames with spaces is to quote the variable: "$var" -- eval is not the way to go. Get into the habit of quoting all variables unless you specifically want to use the side effects of not quoting.
you don't need to export your variables unless there's a command you call that expects to see them in the environment.
you don't need to call date twice because the YYMMDD value is a substring of the DATE: YYMMDD="${DATE:0:6}"
just a preference: I use $HOME over ~ in a script.
you never use the "file2" temp file -- why do you create it?
since your sftp batch file is pretty simple, you don't really need a file for it:
printf "%s\n" "get -r *" "quit" | sftp -b - "$USER#$HOST"
Here's a rewrite, shortened considerably:
FEED_DIR="$HOME/Dropbox/$(date +%Y%m%d)"
mkdir "$FEED_DIR" || { echo "could not mkdir $FEED_DIR"; exit 1; }
cd "$FEED_DIR"
echo "get -r *"
echo quit
} |
sftp -b - "${USER}#${HOST}"


bash script to log as another user and keep the terminal open

I have set up a http server at localhost, with several sites. I would like to connect to each site root folder, at the same way I used to at a remote server via ssh. So, I tried to create a bash script, intended to log as user "http", giving the site root folder as argument and change the $HOME to the site root folder:
echo "Connecting to $1 as http...";
read -p "ContraseƱa: " -s pass;
su - http << EOSU >/dev/null 2>&1
export HOME="/srv/http/$1";
echo $HOME;
source .bash_profile;
exec $SHELL;
It does not work, basically because of:
echo $HOME keeps giving out the home folder of the user launching the script.
when the script reaches the end, it ends (obvious), but I would like that it stays open, so I could have a terminal session for user "http" and go on typing commands.
In other words, I am looking for a script that saves me 3 commands:
# su - http
# cd <site_root_folder>
# export HOME=<site_root_folder>
Someone suggested the following:
"export HOME=/srv/http/$(printf '%q' "$1")"
'cd $HOME'
'. .bash_profile'
su http -- --init-file <(printf '%s\n' "${init_commands[#]}")
I am sorry but their post is gone... In any case, this give me out bash: /dev/fd/63: permission denied. I am not so skillful to understand the commands above and try to sort it out. Can someone help me?
Possible solution:
I have been playing around, based on what was posted and some googling, and finally I got it :-)
trap 'rm -f "$TMP"' EXIT
TMP=$(mktemp) || exit 1
chmod a+r $TMP
cat >$TMP <<EOF
export HOME=/srv/http/$(printf '%q' "$1")
cd \$HOME
. .bash_profile
su http -- --init-file $TMP
I admit it is not a nice code, because of:
the temporary file is created by the user executing the script and later I have to chmod a+r so user "http" can access... not so good.
I am sure this can be done on the fly, without creating a tmp file.
If some can improve it, it will be welcome; although in any case, it works!
Your main problem is that the $HOME is evaluated as when the user run the script, meaning that it will get his evaluation of $HOME instead of evaluating it as the given user.
You can evaluate the $HOME as the given user (using the eval command) but I wont recommend it, it is generally bad practice to use this kind of evaluation, especially when talking about security.
I can recommend you to get the specific user home directory with standard linux tools like passwd
Example of the behavior you are seeing:
# expected output is /home/eliott
$ sudo -u eliott echo $HOME
Working it around with passwd:
$ sudo -u eliott echo $(getent passwd eliott | cut -d: -f6)

If-else-statement is working wrong in crontab?

When i use this:
*/5 6-18 * * 1-6 [ "$(ls -A /DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/)" ] &&
mail -s "DIR IS EMPTY" myemail#klkldkl.de <<< "message"
i get two mails:
mv: cannot stat `/DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/*': No such file or
You get
mv: cannot stat `/DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/*': No such file or directory
for exactly the reason stated: that directory is empty, hence it does not contain a file named * (asterisk). It's just the way glob expansion works in the shell: if the glob doesn't match anything it is passed literally to the command. Since mv attemps to rename a non-existing file, it complains as shown.
This would all be much more readable, if instead of a sequence of && and || operators in a crontab you would place the whole logic in a script with equivalent if/else/fi constructs and just call the script from cron.
You get two mails because you explicitly send the first with mail -s. The second is from cron because the output on stderr and stdout is not empty.
Your commands are equivalent to
if [ "$(ls ...)" ]; then
if ! mv; then
Note that there is no else.
Just like user Jens already mentioned, and also from my experience, unless you are using a very simple and usually single command, you should stick to script files. So, in your case, I would go with a script file. I'll give you an example.
# ok, lets start by checking if dir contains files
if [ "$(ls -A $dir_where_files_are_or_not)" ]; then
# dir contains files, so lets rsync and mv them
rsync -au $dir_where_files_are_or_not/ $dir_where_files_should_go
mv $dir_where_files_are_or_not/* $save_dir
# dir is empty, lets send email
mail -s "DIR IS EMPTY" myemail#klkldkl.de <<< "message"
Now, I just put this code in a file. Give it a name, for example "chkfiles" and save it in a directory (I use /usr/local/sbin for all of my scripts).
Next, in a shell, run the command chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/chkfiles to make the file executable. Then add the script to your crontab.
I would suggest the following line inside crontab:
*/5 6-18 * * 1-6 /bin/bash /usr/local/sbin/chkfiles
I used /bin/bash to call the right interpreter for this script. It should now work as expected.
Important Notes:
Before running the script, you need to change the dir_where_files_are_or_not, dir_where_files_should_go and save_dir vars to your needs.
Do NOT include trailing slashes in the dirs, otherwise the rsync and mv might not do what you really want
You get two mails because when mv fails, cron captures what is written to standard error and mails it to the owner, then runs the mail command. You can suppress the error message from mv to avoid the mail from cron.
mv /DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/* /SAVE_DIR/ 2> /dev/null || mail -s "DIR IS EMPTY" myemail#klkldkl.de <<< "message"

Shell Script to load multiple FTP files

I am trying to upload multiple files from one folder to a ftp site and wrote this script:
for i in '/dir/*'
if [-f /dir/$i]; then
ftp -n $HOST << END_SCRIPT
quote USER $USER
put $FILE
It is giving me following error when I try to execute:
username#host:~/Documents/Python$ ./script.sh
./script.sh: line 22: syntax error: unexpected end of file
I can't seem to get this to work. Any help is much appreciated.
It's complaining because your for loop does not have a done marker to indicate the end of the loop. You also need more spaces in your if:
if [ -f "$i" ]; then
Recall that [ is actually a command, and it won't be recognized if it doesn't appear as such.
And... if you single quote your glob (at the for) like that, it won't be expanded. No quotes there, but double quotes when using $i. You probably also don't want to include the /dir/ part when you use $i as it's included in your glob.
If I'm not mistaken, ncftp can take wildcard arguments:
ncftpput -u username -p password x.x.x.x archives /dir/*
If you don't already have it installed, it's likely available in the standard repo for your OS.
First, the literal, fixing-your-script answer:
# no reason to set variables that don't change inside the loop
for i in /dir/*; do # no quotes if you want the wildcard to be expanded!
if [ -f "$i" ]; then # need double quotes and whitespace here!
ftp -n "$host" <<END_SCRIPT
quote USER $user
quote PASS $password
put $file $dir/$file
Next, the easy way:
lftp -e 'mput -a *.i' -u "$user,$password" "ftp://$host/"
(yes, lftp expands the wildcard internally, rather than expecting this to be done by the outer shell).
First of all my apologies in not making myself clear in the question. My actual task was to copy a file from local folder to a SFTP site and then move the file to an archive folder. Since the SFTP is hosted by a vendor I cannot use the key sharing (vendor limitation. Also, SCP will require password entering if used in a shell script so I have to use SSHPASS. SSHPASS is in the Ubuntu repo however for CentOS it needs to be installed from here
Current thread and How to run the sftp command with a password from Bash script? did gave me better understanding on how to write the script and I will share my solution here:
for i in /dir/*; do
if [ -f "$i" ]; then
export SSHPASS=password
sshpass -e sftp -oBatchMode=no -b - user#ftp.com << !
cd foldername/foldername
put $file
mv $file /somedir/test
Thanks everyone for all the responses!

Is this a valid self-update approach for a bash script?

I'm working on a script that has gotten so complex I want to include an easy option to update it to the most recent version. This is my approach:
set -o errexit
SELF=$(basename $0)
runSelfUpdate() {
echo "Performing self-update..."
# Download new version
wget --quiet --output-document=$0.tmp $UPDATE_BASE/$SELF
# Copy over modes from old version
OCTAL_MODE=$(stat -c '%a' $0)
chmod $OCTAL_MODE $0.tmp
# Overwrite old file with new
mv $0.tmp $0
exit 0
The script seems to work as intended, but I'm wondering if there might be caveats with this kind of approach. I just have a hard time believing that a script can overwrite itself without any repercussions.
To be more clear, I'm wondering, if, maybe, bash would read and execute the script line-by-line and after the mv, the exit 0 could be something else from the new script. I think I remember Windows behaving like that with .bat files.
Update: My original snippet did not include set -o errexit. To my understanding, that should keep me safe from issues caused by wget.
Also, in this case, UPDATE_BASE points to a location under version control (to ease concerns).
Result: Based on the input from these answers, I constructed this revised approach:
runSelfUpdate() {
echo "Performing self-update..."
# Download new version
echo -n "Downloading latest version..."
if ! wget --quiet --output-document="$0.tmp" $UPDATE_BASE/$SELF ; then
echo "Failed: Error while trying to wget new version!"
echo "File requested: $UPDATE_BASE/$SELF"
exit 1
echo "Done."
# Copy over modes from old version
OCTAL_MODE=$(stat -c '%a' $SELF)
if ! chmod $OCTAL_MODE "$0.tmp" ; then
echo "Failed: Error while trying to set mode on $0.tmp."
exit 1
# Spawn update script
cat > updateScript.sh << EOF
# Overwrite old file with new
if mv "$0.tmp" "$0"; then
echo "Done. Update complete."
rm \$0
echo "Failed!"
echo -n "Inserting update process..."
exec /bin/bash updateScript.sh
(At least it doesn't try to continue running after updating itself!)
The thing that makes me nervous about your approach is that you're overwriting the current script (mv $0.tmp $0) as it's running. There are a number of reasons why this will probably work, but I wouldn't bet large amounts that it's guaranteed to work in all circumstances. I don't know of anything in POSIX or any other standard that specifies how the shell processes a file that it's executing as a script.
Here's what's probably going to happen:
You execute the script. The kernel sees the #!/bin/sh line (you didn't show it, but I presume it's there) and invokes /bin/sh with the name of your script as an argument. The shell then uses fopen(), or perhaps open() to open your script, reads from it, and starts interpreting its contents as shell commands.
For a sufficiently small script, the shell probably just reads the whole thing into memory, either explicitly or as part of the buffering done by normal file I/O. For a larger script, it might read it in chunks as it's executing. But either way, it probably only opens the file once, and keeps it open as long as it's executing.
If you remove or rename a file, the actual file is not necessarily immediately erased from disk. If there's another hard link to it, or if some process has it open, the file continues to exist, even though it may no longer be possible for another process to open it under the same name, or at all. The file is not physically deleted until the last link (directory entry) that refers to it has been removed, and no processes have it open. (Even then, its contents won't immediately be erased, but that's going beyond what's relevant here.)
And furthermore, the mv command that clobbers the script file is immediately followed by exit 0.
BUT it's at least conceivable that the shell could close the file and then re-open it by name. I can't think of any good reason for it to do so, but I know of no absolute guarantee that it won't.
And some systems tend to do stricter file locking that most Unix systems do. On Windows, for example, I suspect that the mv command would fail because a process (the shell) has the file open. Your script might fail on Cygwin. (I haven't tried it.)
So what makes me nervous is not so much the small possibility that it could fail, but the long and tenuous line of reasoning that seems to demonstrate that it will probably succeed, and the very real possibility that there's something else I haven't thought of.
My suggestion: write a second script whose one and only job is to update the first. Put the runSelfUpdate() function, or equivalent code, into that script. In your original script, use exec to invoke the update script, so that the original script is no longer running when you update it. If you want to avoid the hassle of maintaining, distributing, and installing two separate scripts. you could have the original script create the update script with a unique in /tmp; that would also solve the problem of updating the update script. (I wouldn't worry about cleaning up the autogenerated update script in /tmp; that would just reopen the same can of worms.)
Yes, but ... I would recommend you keep a more layered version of your script's history, unless the remote host can also perform version-control with histories. That being said, to respond directly to the code you have posted, see the following comments ;-)
What happens to your system when wget has a hiccup, quietly overwrites part of your working script with only a partial or otherwise corrupt copy? Your next step does a mv $0.tmp $0 so you've lost your working version. (I hope you have it in version control on the remote!)
You can check to see if wget returns any error messages
if ! wget --quiet --output-document=$0.tmp $UPDATE_BASE/$SELF ; then
echo "error on wget on $UPDATE_BASE/$SELF"
exit 1
Also, Rule-of-thumb tests will help, i.e.
if (( $(wc -c < $0.tmp) >= $(wc -c < $0) )); then
mv $0.tmp $0
but are hardly foolproof.
If your $0 could windup with spaces in it, better to surround all references like "$0".
To be super-bullet proof, consider checking all command returns AND that Octal_Mode has a reasonable value
OCTAL_MODE=$(stat -c '%a' $0)
case ${OCTAL_MODE:--1} in
-[1] )
printf "Error : OCTAL_MODE was empty\n"
exit 1
777|775|755 ) : nothing ;;
* )
printf "Error in OCTAL_MODEs, found value=${OCTAL_MODE}\n"
exit 1
if ! chmod $OCTAL_MODE $0.tmp ; then
echo "error on chmod $OCTAL_MODE %0.tmp from $UPDATE_BASE/$SELF, can't continue"
exit 1
I hope this helps.
Very late answer here, but as I just solved this too, I thought it might help someone to post the approach:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -fb
readonly THISDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd)
readonly MY_NAME=$(basename "$0")
readonly FILE_TO_FETCH_URL="https://your_url_to_downloadable_file_here"
readonly EXISTING_SHELL_SCRIPT="${THISDIR}/somescript.sh"
readonly EXECUTABLE_SHELL_SCRIPT="${THISDIR}/.somescript.sh"
function get_remote_file() {
readonly REQUEST_URL=$1
readonly TEMP_FILE="${THISDIR}/tmp.file"
if [ -n "$(which wget)" ]; then
$(wget -O "${TEMP_FILE}" "$REQUEST_URL" 2>&1)
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
chmod 755 "${OUTPUT_FILENAME}"
return 1
function clean_up() {
# clean up code (if required) that has to execute every time here
function self_clean_up() {
function update_self_and_invoke() {
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
function main() {
# your code here
if [[ $MY_NAME = \.* ]]; then
# invoke real main program
trap "clean_up; self_clean_up" EXIT
main "$#"
# update myself and invoke updated version
trap clean_up EXIT
update_self_and_invoke "$#"

Bash script to run over ssh cannot see remote file

The script uses scp to upload a file. That works.
Now I want to log in with ssh, cd to the directory that holds the uploaded file, do an md5sum on the file. The script keeps telling me that md5sum cannot find $LOCAL_FILE. I tried escaping: \$LOCAL_FILE. Tried quoting the EOI: <<'EOI'. I'm partially understanding this, that no escaping means everything happens locally. echo pwd unescaped gives the local path. But why can I do "echo $MD5SUM > $LOCAL_FILE.md5sum", and it creates the file on the remote machine, yet "echo md5sum $LOCAL_FILE > md5sum2" does not work? And if it the local md5sum, how do I tell it to work on the remote?
scp "files/$LOCAL_FILE" "$i#$i.567.net":"$REMOTE_FILE_PATH"
ssh -T "$i#$i.567.net" <<EOI
touch I_just_logged_in
echo `date` > I_just_changed_directories
echo `whoami` >> I_just_changed_directories
echo `pwd` >> I_just_changed_directories
echo "$MD5SUM" >> I_just_changed_directories
echo $MD5SUM > $LOCAL_FILE.md5sum
echo `md5sum $LOCAL_FILE` > md5sum2
You have to think about when $LOCAL_FILE is being interpreted. In this case, since you've used double-quotes, it's being interpreted on the sending machine. You need instead to quote the string in such a way that $LOCAL_FILE is in the command line on the receiving machine. You also need to get your "here document" correct. What you show just sends the output to touch to the ssh.
What you need will look something like
ssh -T address <'EOF'
The quoting rules in bash are somewhat arcane. You might want to read up on them in Mendel Cooper's Advanced Guide to Bash Scripting.
