How best to include other scripts? - bash

The way you would normally include a script is with "source"
echo "The main script"
echo "The included script"
The output of executing "./" is:
The included script
The main script
... Now, if you attempt to execute that shell script from another location, it can't find the include unless it's in your path.
What's a good way to ensure that your script can find the include script, especially if for instance, the script needs to be portable?

I tend to make my scripts all be relative to one another.
That way I can use dirname:
my_dir="$(dirname "$0")"

I know I am late to the party, but this should work no matter how you start the script and uses builtins exclusively:
if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
. "$DIR/"
. "$DIR/"
. (dot) command is an alias to source, $PWD is the Path for the Working Directory, BASH_SOURCE is an array variable whose members are the source filenames, ${string%substring} strips shortest match of $substring from back of $string

An alternative to:
scriptPath=$(dirname $0)
.. the advantage being not having the dependence on dirname, which is not a built-in command (and not always available in emulators)

If it is in the same directory you can use dirname $0:
source $(dirname $0)/
echo "The main script"

I think the best way to do this is to use the Chris Boran's way, BUT you should compute MY_DIR this way:
MY_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
To quote the man pages for readlink:
readlink - display value of a symbolic link
-f, --canonicalize
canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given
name recursively; all but the last component must exist
I've never encountered a use case where MY_DIR is not correctly computed. If you access your script through a symlink in your $PATH it works.

A combination of the answers to this question provides the most robust solution.
It worked for us in production-grade scripts with great support of dependencies and directory structure:
# Full path of the current script
THIS=`readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null||echo $0`
# The directory where current script resides
DIR=`dirname "${THIS}"`
# 'Dot' means 'source', i.e. 'include':
. "$DIR/"
The method supports all of these:
Spaces in path
Links (via readlink)
${BASH_SOURCE[0]} is more robust than $0

SRC=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
source "${SRC}/"

1. Neatest
I explored almost every suggestion and here is the neatest one that worked for me:
script_root=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
It works even when the script is symlinked to a $PATH directory.
See it in action here:
2. The coolest
# Copyright
script_root=$(ls -l /proc/$$/fd | grep "255 ->" | sed -e 's/^.\+-> //')
This is actually from another answer on this very page, but I'm adding it to my answer too!
3. The most reliable
Alternatively, in the rare case that those didn't work, here is the bullet proof approach:
# Copyright
myreadlink() { [ ! -h "$1" ] && echo "$1" || (local link="$(expr "$(command ls -ld -- "$1")" : '.*-> \(.*\)$')"; cd $(dirname $1); myreadlink "$link" | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname $1)/\1|"); }
whereis() { echo $1 | sed "s|^\([^/].*/.*\)|$(pwd)/\1|;s|^\([^/]*\)$|$(which -- $1)|;s|^$|$1|"; }
whereis_realpath() { local SCRIPT_PATH=$(whereis $1); myreadlink ${SCRIPT_PATH} | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH})/\1|"; }
script_root=$(dirname $(whereis_realpath "$0"))
You can see it in action in taskrunner source:
Hope this help someone out there :)
Also, please leave it as a comment if one did not work for you and mention your operating system and emulator. Thanks!

This works even if the script is sourced:
source "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/"

You need to specify the location of the other scripts, there is no other way around it. I'd recommend a configurable variable at the top of your script:
. $installpath/
echo "The main script"
Alternatively, you can insist that the user maintain an environment variable indicating where your program home is at, like PROG_HOME or somesuch. This can be supplied for the user automatically by creating a script with that information in /etc/profile.d/, which will be sourced every time a user logs in.

I'd suggest that you create a setenv script whose sole purpose is to provide locations for various components across your system.
All other scripts would then source this script so that all locations are common across all scripts using the setenv script.
This is very useful when running cronjobs. You get a minimal environment when running cron, but if you make all cron scripts first include the setenv script then you are able to control and synchronise the environment that you want the cronjobs to execute in.
We used such a technique on our build monkey that was used for continuous integration across a project of about 2,000 kSLOC.

Shell Script Loader is my solution for this.
It provides a function named include() that can be called many times in many scripts to refer a single script but will only load the script once. The function can accept complete paths or partial paths (script is searched in a search path). A similar function named load() is also provided that will load the scripts unconditionally.
It works for bash, ksh, pd ksh and zsh with optimized scripts for each one of them; and other shells that are generically compatible with the original sh like ash, dash, heirloom sh, etc., through a universal script that automatically optimizes its functions depending on the features the shell can provide.
[Fowarded example]
This is an optional starter script. Placing the startup methods here is just a convenience and can be placed in the main script instead. This script is also not needed if the scripts are to be compiled.
# load
# include directories to search path
loader_addpath /usr/lib/sh deps source
# load main script
echo '---- ----'
# remove loader from shellspace since
# we no longer need it
# main procedures go from here
# ...
echo '---- ----'
echo '---- ----'
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
What's best is scripts based on it may also be compiled to form a single script with the available compiler.
Here's a project that uses it: It can run portably with or without compiling the scripts. Compiling to produce a single script can also happen, and is helpful during installation.
I also created a simpler prototype for any conservative party that may want to have a brief idea of how an implementation script works: It's small and anyone can just include the code in their main script if they want to if their code is intended to run with Bash 4.0 or newer, and it also doesn't use eval.

Steve's reply is definitely the correct technique but it should be refactored so that your installpath variable is in a separate environment script where all such declarations are made.
Then all scripts source that script and should installpath change, you only need to change it in one location. Makes things more, er, futureproof. God I hate that word! (-:
BTW You should really refer to the variable using ${installpath} when using it in the way shown in your example:
. ${installpath}/
If the braces are left out, some shells will try and expand the variable "installpath/"!

I put all my startup scripts in a .bashrc.d directory.
This is a common technique in such places as /etc/profile.d, etc.
while read file; do source "${file}"; done <<HERE
$(find ${HOME}/.bashrc.d -type f)
The problem with the solution using globbing...
for file in ${HOME}/.bashrc.d/*.sh; do source ${file};done you might have a file list which is "too long".
An approach like...
find ${HOME}/.bashrc.d -type f | while read file; do source ${file}; done
...runs but doesn't change the environment as desired.

This should work reliably:
source_relative() {
local dir="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}"
[[ -z "$dir" ]] && dir="$PWD"
source "$dir/$1"

Using source or $0 will not give you the real path of your script. You could use the process id of the script to retrieve its real path
ls -l /proc/$$/fd |
grep "255 ->" |
sed -e 's/^.\+-> //'
I am using this script and it has always served me well :)

Of course, to each their own, but I think the block below is pretty solid. I believe this involves the "best" way to find a directory, and the "best" way to call another bash script:
scriptdir=`dirname "$BASH_SOURCE"`
source $scriptdir/
echo "The main script"
So this may be the "best" way to include other scripts. This is based off another "best" answer that tells a bash script where it is stored

Personally put all libraries in a lib folder and use an import function to load them.
folder structure contents
# Imports '.sh' files from 'lib' directory
function import()
local file="./lib/$"
local error="\e[31mError: \e[0mCannot find \e[1m$1\e[0m library at: \e[2m$file\e[0m"
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
source "$file"
if [ -z $IMPORTED ]; then
echo -e $error
exit 1
echo -e $error
exit 1
Note that this import function should be at the beginning of your script and then you can easily import your libraries like this:
import "utils"
import "requirements"
Add a single line at the top of each library (i.e.
Now you have access to functions inside and from
TODO: Write a linker to build a single sh file

we just need to find out the folder where our and is stored; just change your with this:
SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
SCRIPT_DIR="$(echo $0| sed "s/$SCRIPT_NAME//g")"
source $SCRIPT_DIR/
echo "The main script"

According man hier suitable place for script includes is /usr/local/lib/
Files associated with locally installed programs.
Personally I prefer /usr/local/lib/bash/includes for includes.
There is bash-helper lib for including libs in that way:
. /usr/local/lib/bash/includes/
include api-client || exit 1 # include shared functions
include mysql-status/query-builder || exit 1 # include script functions
# include script functions with status message
include mysql-status/process-checker; status 'process-checker' $? || exit 1
include mysql-status/nonexists; status 'nonexists' $? || exit 1

Most of the answers I saw here seem to overcomplicate things. This method has always worked reliably for me:
FULLPATH=$(readlink -f $0)
INCPATH will hold the complete path of the script excluding the script filename, regardless of how the script is called (by $PATH, relative or absolute).
After that, one only needs to do this to include files in the same directory:
Reference: TecPorto / Location independent includes

here is a nice function you can use. it builds on what #sacii made. thank you
it will let you list any number of space separated script names to source (relative to the script calling source_files).
optionally you can pass an absolute or relative path as the first argument and it will source from there instead.
you can call it multiple times (see example below) to source scripts from different dirs
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function source_files() {
local scripts_dir
if [ -d "$scripts_dir" ]; then
if [[ ! -d "$scripts_dir" ]]; then scripts_dir="$PWD"; fi
for script_name in "$#"; do
# shellcheck disable=SC1091 disable=SC1090
. "$scripts_dir/$"
here is an example you can run to show how its used
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function source_files() {
local scripts_dir
if [ -d "$scripts_dir" ]; then
if [[ ! -d "$scripts_dir" ]]; then scripts_dir="$PWD"; fi
for script_name in "$#"; do
# shellcheck disable=SC1091 disable=SC1090
. "$scripts_dir/$"
## -- EXAMPLE -- ##
# assumes dir structure:
# /
# scripts/
# nested/
# scripts/
cd /tmp || exit 1
tee <<- EOF > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export SIBLING_VAR='sibling var value'
# scripts/
mkdir -p scripts
tee scripts/ <<- EOF > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export CHILD_VAR='child var value'
# nested/scripts/
mkdir -p nested/scripts
tee nested/scripts/ <<- EOF > /dev/null
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export GRANDCHILD_VAR='grandchild var value'
source_files 'sibling'
source_files 'scripts' 'child'
source_files 'nested/scripts' 'grandchild'
echo "$CHILD_VAR"
rm -rf scripts nested
cd - || exit 1
sibling var value
child var value
grandchild var value

You can also use:
source "$PWD/"


loop in bash for parameters that uses multiple sources

I have a bash script which works like this;
File structure;
Usage of the main script,;
./ <param> i.e ./ param1, ./ param2
So when you run the script with specific params it fetches the config files from config/<param>.conf
What I'm trying to do is to run this second script, ./ so it runs the ./ <param> for you in a loop using the params inside config folder, without .conf extensions.
Here's my;
# run the script with the first param you found inside ~/config/
# folder without including it's .conf extension,
# wait for 5 seconds and then do the same with the 2nd param you found
for i in $(find ~/config -name '*.conf'); do
./ $(basename $i) | cut -d'.' -f 1
sleep 5
but this one is just displaying the params inside config folder and doing nothing else.
Inside of the config/param1.conf;
Inside of the config/param2.conf;
Inside of the;
function testFunction {
echo "$var"
if [ -f "$cfg_file" ]; then
. "$cfg_file"
testFunction $1
exit 1
echo "$1.conf doesn't exist"
exit 1
So after all, when you run the, the expected behavior should be printing the Hello1 and Hello2 strings into shell.
How can I fix this?
In loop (using .sh extensions for bash scripts is not great practice):
for i in ~/config/*.conf; do
i_basename=${i##*/} # change ~/config/foo.conf to just foo.conf
i_basename=${i_basename%.conf} # change foo.conf to just foo
./get "$i_basename"
sleep 5
The ${var##prefix} and ${var%suffix} syntax is parameter expansion; with ## it removes the longest match from the beginning (so for */, everything up to the last /); with %, it removes the shortest successful match starting from the end.
In get:
# Using POSIX function syntax; see
testFunction() {
echo "$var"
if [ -f "$cfg_file" ]; then
. "$cfg_file"
echo "$cfg_file doesn't exist"
exit 1
With respect to lack of .sh extensions -- UNIX commands don't conventionally have extensions (you run ls, not ls.elf); similarly, when you install a Python module built with setuptools, it doesn't put .py extensions on shims it creates in /usr/local/bin, even if the libraries those executable shims invoke do have such extensions. Moreover, bash and POSIX sh are two different languages: Bash scripts often don't work correctly when started with sh (as unlike bash, sh isn't guaranteed to support language features like arrays), but the extension implies that they will.
-name expects the parameter to be just a filename, not a whole pathname. You should use the directory as a regular argument to find, not as part of -name.
for i in $(find ~/config -name '*.conf'); do
Don't use basename, you should pass the entire pathname to
Then in you should should use $1 as the whole path to the config file, rather than concatenating it with a directory prefix.
I don't see any point in this:
case $1 in
$1) cfg=$1 ;;
The case will always be true, how can $1 not match $1? Remove that code.

Relative paths based on file location instead of current working directory [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I get the directory where a Bash script is located from within the script itself?
(74 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
With having the content:
cat ../some.txt
Then running ./ inside dir works fine while running ./dir/ on the same level as dir does not. I expect this to be due to the different working directories. Is there an easy way to make the path ../some.txt relative to the location of
What you want to do is get the absolute path of the script (available via ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) and then use this to get the parent directory and cd to it at the beginning of the script.
parent_path=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ; pwd -P )
cd "$parent_path"
cat ../some.text
This will make your shell script work independent of where you invoke it from. Each time you run it, it will be as if you were running ./ inside dir.
Note that this script only works if you're invoking the script directly (i.e. not via a symlink), otherwise the finding the current location of the script gets a little more tricky)
#Martin Konecny's answer provides an effective solution, but - as he mentions - it only works if the actual script is not invoked through a symlink residing in a different directory.
This answer covers that case: a solution that also works when the script is invoked through a symlink or even a chain of symlinks:
Linux / GNU readlink solution:
If your script needs to run on Linux only or you know that GNU readlink is in the $PATH, use readlink -f, which conveniently resolves a symlink to its ultimate target:
scriptDir=$(dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$BASH_SOURCE")")
Note that GNU readlink has 3 related options for resolving a symlink to its ultimate target's full path: -f (--canonicalize), -e (--canonicalize-existing), and -m (--canonicalize-missing) - see man readlink.
Since the target by definition exists in this scenario, any of the 3 options can be used; I've chosen -f here, because it is the most well-known one.
Multi-(Unix-like-)platform solution (including platforms with a POSIX-only set of utilities):
If your script must run on any platform that:
has a readlink utility, but lacks the -f option (in the GNU sense of resolving a symlink to its ultimate target) - e.g., macOS.
macOS uses an older version of the BSD implementation of readlink; note that recent versions of FreeBSD/PC-BSD do support -f.
does not even have readlink, but has POSIX-compatible utilities - e.g., HP-UX (thanks, #Charles Duffy).
The following solution, inspired by,
defines helper shell function, rreadlink(), which resolves a given symlink to its ultimate target in a loop - this function is in effect a POSIX-compliant implementation of GNU readlink's -e option, which is similar to the -f option, except that the ultimate target must exist.
Note: The function is a bash function, and is POSIX-compliant only in the sense that only POSIX utilities with POSIX-compliant options are used. For a version of this function that is itself written in POSIX-compliant shell code (for /bin/sh), see here.
If readlink is available, it is used (without options) - true on most modern platforms.
Otherwise, the output from ls -l is parsed, which is the only POSIX-compliant way to determine a symlink's target.
Caveat: this will break if a filename or path contains the literal substring -> - which is unlikely, however.
(Note that platforms that lack readlink may still provide other, non-POSIX methods for resolving a symlink; e.g., #Charles Duffy mentions HP-UX's find utility supporting the %l format char. with its -printf primary; in the interest of brevity the function does NOT try to detect such cases.)
An installable utility (script) form of the function below (with additional functionality) can be found as rreadlink in the npm registry; on Linux and macOS, install it with [sudo] npm install -g rreadlink; on other platforms (assuming they have bash), follow the manual installation instructions.
If the argument is a symlink, the ultimate target's canonical path is returned; otherwise, the argument's own canonical path is returned.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Helper function.
rreadlink() ( # execute function in a *subshell* to localize the effect of `cd`, ...
local target=$1 fname targetDir readlinkexe=$(command -v readlink) CDPATH=
# Since we'll be using `command` below for a predictable execution
# environment, we make sure that it has its original meaning.
{ \unalias command; \unset -f command; } &>/dev/null
while :; do # Resolve potential symlinks until the ultimate target is found.
[[ -L $target || -e $target ]] || { command printf '%s\n' "$FUNCNAME: ERROR: '$target' does not exist." >&2; return 1; }
command cd "$(command dirname -- "$target")" # Change to target dir; necessary for correct resolution of target path.
fname=$(command basename -- "$target") # Extract filename.
[[ $fname == '/' ]] && fname='' # !! curiously, `basename /` returns '/'
if [[ -L $fname ]]; then
# Extract [next] target path, which is defined
# relative to the symlink's own directory.
if [[ -n $readlinkexe ]]; then # Use `readlink`.
target=$("$readlinkexe" -- "$fname")
else # `readlink` utility not available.
# Parse `ls -l` output, which, unfortunately, is the only POSIX-compliant
# way to determine a symlink's target. Hypothetically, this can break with
# filenames containig literal ' -> ' and embedded newlines.
target=$(command ls -l -- "$fname")
target=${target#* -> }
continue # Resolve [next] symlink target.
break # Ultimate target reached.
targetDir=$(command pwd -P) # Get canonical dir. path
# Output the ultimate target's canonical path.
# Note that we manually resolve paths ending in /. and /.. to make sure we
# have a normalized path.
if [[ $fname == '.' ]]; then
command printf '%s\n' "${targetDir%/}"
elif [[ $fname == '..' ]]; then
# Caveat: something like /var/.. will resolve to /private (assuming
# /var# -> /private/var), i.e. the '..' is applied AFTER canonicalization.
command printf '%s\n' "$(command dirname -- "${targetDir}")"
command printf '%s\n' "${targetDir%/}/$fname"
# Determine ultimate script dir. using the helper function.
# Note that the helper function returns a canonical path.
scriptDir=$(dirname -- "$(rreadlink "$BASH_SOURCE")")
Just one line will be OK.
cat "`dirname $0`"/../some.txt

Bash function - return parent script file path

I have a bash script containing a function which is sourced by a number of different bash scripts. This function may fail based on its input, and I'd like to create logging within the function to identify what script(s) are causing failures.
source /path/to/
The closest I've come is this:
ps --no-heading -ocmd -p $$
This works well enough if the full file path is used to run the parent script, returning:
/bin/bash /path/to/
But it fails to provide the full path if the parent script is run from a relative path, returning:
/bin/bash ./
Ideally, I'd like a way to reliably return the parent script file path for both cases.
I suppose I could have each parent script pass its file path to the function (via $0 or similar), but that seems hard to enforce and not terribly elegant.
Any ideas, or alternative approaches? Should I not worry about the relative path case, and just use full/absolute file paths for everything?
I'm using Centos 5.9.
Bash version -
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
You can use readlink to follow all symbolic links to get an absolute path.
echo $(readlink -f $0)
As soon as the parent script starts export
or so, into an env variable, say ORIG_SCRIPT, then in the function just use ORIG_SCRIPT.
You need to do this as soon as the script starts because $0 may be relative to the PWD and if you later change PWD before you need the value of ORIG_SCRIPT, it gets unnecessarily complicated.
Since you know the pid by $$, you may get something from /proc/<PID>/cmdline but I don't know how exactly this one works right now.
You could use ${BASH_SOURCE[1]} to get the script that calls the function but that is not always on absolute path form. You could get the absolute path of it by readlink -m, realpath, or other shell-script based solutions, but if your script changes directory from time to time, conversion of relative paths to absolute paths would no longer be accurate as those tools base from the current directory to get the actual form.
There's a workaround however but this requires that you won't change directories in your scripts before calling (sourcing) the script that contains the function. You would have to save the current directory in that script itself then base forming of absolute paths through that directory. You are free to change directories after the script has already been included. As an example:
function x {
if [[ -n $CALLING_SCRIPT ]]; then
if [[ $CALLING_SCRIPT == /* ]]; then
echo "Calling script: $CALLING_SCRIPT"
echo "Caller is not a script."
function getabspath {
local -a T1 T2
local -i I=0
local IFS=/ A
case "$1" in
read -r -a T1 <<< "$1"
read -r -a T1 <<< "/$PWD/$1"
for A in "${T1[#]}"; do
case "$A" in
[[ I -ne 0 ]] && unset T2\[--I\]
case "$1" in
[[ I -ne 0 ]] && __="/${T2[*]}/" || __=/
[[ I -ne 0 ]] && __="/${T2[*]}" || __=/.
function x {
if [[ -n $CALLING_SCRIPT ]]; then
if [[ $CALLING_SCRIPT == /* ]]; then
getabspath "$CALLING_SCRIPT"
echo "Calling script: $__"
echo "Caller is not a script."
You could also play around with FUNCNAME and BASH_LINENO to be more specific with the errors. I'm just not sure if they're already supported in Bash 3.2.
If you actually had Bash 4.0+ you could make use of associative arrays to map absolute paths with it but if there are two scripts with the same names or are called with almost similar names, one value could be overridden. There's no fix to that since we can't choose our keys from BASH_SOURCE.
Added Note: You could also prevent your script from being unnecessarily sourced multiple times as it only requires to be once through a solution like Shell Script Loader. You might find convenience through it as well.

How to change current working directory inside command_not_found_handle

I'm trying to write a not found handle in Bash that does the following:
If $1 exists and it's a directory, cd into it.
If $1 exists inside a user defined directory $DEV_DIR, `cd into it.
If the previous conditions don't apply, fail.
Right now I have something like this:
export DEV_DIR=/Users/federico/programacion/
function command_not_found_handle () {
if [ -d $1 ]; then # the dir exists in '.'
cd $1
if [ -d $to ]; then
cd $to
echo `pwd`
echo "${1}: command not found"
And although it seems to be working (the echo pwd command prints the expected dir), the directory in the actual shell does not change.
I was under the impression that since this is a function inside my .bashrc the shell wouldn't fork and I could do the cd but apparently that's not working. Any tips on how to solve this would be appreciated.
I think what's going on is that the shell fork()s after setting up any redirections but before looking for commands, so command_not_found_handle can't affect the interactive shell process.
What you seem to want to do may partly possible using the autocd feature:
shopt -s autocd
From man bash:
autocd - If set, a command name that is the name of a directory
is executed as if it were the argument to the cd com‐
mand. This option is only used by interactive shells.
Otherwise, just create a function that you invoke by name that performs the actions you are trying to use command_not_found_handle for.
It won't change directies if you run this program as a script in your main shell because it creates a sub-shell when it executes. If you source the script in your current shell then it will have the desired effect.
~/wbailey> source
That said, I think the following would achieve the same result:
wesbailey#feynman:~/code_katas> cd xxx 2> /dev/null || cd ..; pwd
just replace the ".." with your env var defined directory and create an alias in your .bashrc file.
I've had the very same wish and the solution that I've been using for a while was opening a new tab in gnome terminal by issuing the command gnome-terminal --tab --working-directory="$FOLDER" from inside the command_not_found handle.
But today I've come up with a solution which is not tied to a specific terminal application, but has exactly the intended behaviour.
The solution uses the PROMPT_COMMAND, which is run before each prompt. The PROMPT_COMMAND is bound to a function responsible for checking for a file related to current shell, and cd'ing into the directory specified in that file.
Then, the command_not_found_handle fills in the file when a change in directory is desired. My original command_not_found_handle also checkout a git branch if the current directory is a git repository and the name matches an existing branch. But to keep focus on answering the current question, I've stripped that part of code.
The command_not_found_handle uses find for searching for the directory matching the given name and goes only 2 levels deep in the directory tree, starting from a configured list.
The code to be added to bash_rc follows:
current_shell_cd() {
if [ -r "$CD_FILE" ]; then
local CD_TARGET="$( cat "$CD_FILE" )"
[ ! -z "$CD_TARGET" ] && cd "$CD_TARGET" 2>/dev/null
rm "$CD_FILE"
command_not_found_handle () {
local COMMAND="$1";
# List folders which are going to be checked
local FOLDER=$(
find "${BASE_FOLDER_LIST[#]}" \
-maxdepth 2 -type d \
-iname "$COMMAND" -print -quit )
if [ ! -z "$FOLDER" -a -d "$FOLDER" ]
mkdir -p "$( dirname "$CD_FILE" )"
echo "$FOLDER" > "$CD_FILE"
printf "%s: command not found\n" "$1" 1>&2
return 127

Reliable way for a Bash script to get the full path to itself [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I get the directory where a Bash script is located from within the script itself?
(74 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a Bash script that needs to know its full path. I'm trying to find a broadly-compatible way of doing that without ending up with relative or funky-looking paths. I only need to support Bash, not sh, csh, etc.
What I've found so far:
The accepted answer to Getting the source directory of a Bash script from within addresses getting the path of the script via dirname $0, which is fine, but that may return a relative path (like .), which is a problem if you want to change directories in the script and have the path still point to the script's directory. Still, dirname will be part of the puzzle.
The accepted answer to Bash script absolute path with OS X (OS X specific, but the answer works regardless) gives a function that will test to see if $0 looks relative and if so will pre-pend $PWD to it. But the result can still have relative bits in it (although overall it's absolute) — for instance, if the script is t in the directory /usr/bin and you're in /usr and you type bin/../bin/t to run it (yes, that's convoluted), you end up with /usr/bin/../bin as the script's directory path. Which works, but...
The readlink solution on this page, which looks like this:
# Absolute path to this script. /home/user/bin/
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f $0)
# Absolute path this script is in. /home/user/bin
But readlink isn't POSIX and apparently the solution relies on GNU's readlink where BSD's won't work for some reason (I don't have access to a BSD-like system to check).
So, various ways of doing it, but they all have their caveats.
What would be a better way? Where "better" means:
Gives me the absolute path.
Takes out funky bits even when invoked in a convoluted way (see comment on #2 above). (E.g., at least moderately canonicalizes the path.)
Relies only on Bash-isms or things that are almost certain to be on most popular flavors of *nix systems (GNU/Linux, BSD and BSD-like systems like OS X, etc.).
Avoids calling external programs if possible (e.g., prefers Bash built-ins).
(Updated, thanks for the heads up, wich) It doesn't have to resolve symlinks (in fact, I'd kind of prefer it left them alone, but that's not a requirement).
Here's what I've come up with (edit: plus some tweaks provided by sfstewman, levigroker, Kyle Strand, and Rob Kennedy), that seems to mostly fit my "better" criteria:
SCRIPTPATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
That SCRIPTPATH line seems particularly roundabout, but we need it rather than SCRIPTPATH=`pwd` in order to properly handle spaces and symlinks.
The inclusion of output redirection (>/dev/null 2>&1) handles the rare(?) case where cd might produce output that would interfere with the surrounding $( ... ) capture. (Such as cd being overridden to also ls a directory after switching to it.)
Note also that esoteric situations, such as executing a script that isn't coming from a file in an accessible file system at all (which is perfectly possible), is not catered to there (or in any of the other answers I've seen).
The -- after cd and before "$0" are in case the directory starts with a -.
I'm surprised that the realpath command hasn't been mentioned here. My understanding is that it is widely portable / ported.
Your initial solution becomes:
SCRIPT=$(realpath "$0")
And to leave symbolic links unresolved per your preference:
SCRIPT=$(realpath -s "$0")
The simplest way that I have found to get a full canonical path in Bash is to use cd and pwd:
ABSOLUTE_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
Using ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} instead of $0 produces the same behavior regardless of whether the script is invoked as <name> or source <name>.
I just had to revisit this issue today and found Get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
There's more variants at the linked answer, e.g. for the case where the script itself is a symlink.
Get the absolute path of a shell script
It does not use the -f option in readlink, and it should therefore work on BSD/Mac OS X.
source ./script (When called by the . dot operator)
Absolute path /path/to/script
Relative path like ./script
When called from symlink
When symlink is nested eg) foo->dir1/dir2/bar bar->./../doe doe->script
When caller changes the scripts name
I am looking for corner cases where this code does not work. Please let me know.
pushd . > /dev/null
while([ -h "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]); do
cd "`dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`"
SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink "`basename "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`")";
cd "`dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`" > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
echo "srcipt=[${SCRIPT_PATH}]"
echo "pwd =[`pwd`]"
Known issus
The script must be on disk somewhere. Let it be over a network. If you try to run this script from a PIPE it will not work
wget -o /dev/null -O - http://host.domain/dir/ |bash
Technically speaking, it is undefined. Practically speaking, there is no sane way to detect this. (A co-process can not access the environment of the parent.)
SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname `which $0`)
which prints to standard output the full path of the executable that would have been executed when the passed argument had been entered at the shell prompt (which is what $0 contains)
dirname strips the non-directory suffix from a file name.
Hence you end up with the full path of the script, no matter if the path was specified or not.
As realpath is not installed per default on my Linux system, the following works for me:
SCRIPT="$(readlink --canonicalize-existing "$0")"
SCRIPTPATH="$(dirname "$SCRIPT")"
$SCRIPT will contain the real file path to the script and $SCRIPTPATH the real path of the directory containing the script.
Before using this read the comments of this answer.
Easy to read? Below is an alternative. It ignores symlinks
cd $(dirname "$0")
echo -n "current "
echo script $currentDir
Since I posted the above answer a couple years ago, I've evolved my practice to using this linux specific paradigm, which properly handles symlinks:
ORIGIN=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
BASEDIR=$(readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname)
Fancy operators are not needed.
You may try to define the following variable:
CWD="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd -P)"
Or you can try the following function in Bash:
realpath () {
[[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"
This function takes one argument. If the argument already has an absolute path, print it as it is, otherwise print $PWD variable + filename argument (without ./ prefix).
Bash script absolute path with OS X
Get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself
Answering this question very late, but I use:
SCRIPT=$( readlink -m $( type -p ${0} )) # Full path to script handling Symlinks
BASE_DIR=`dirname "${SCRIPT}"` # Directory script is run in
NAME=`basename "${SCRIPT}"` # Actual name of script even if linked
We have placed our own product realpath-lib on GitHub for free and unencumbered community use.
Shameless plug but with this Bash library you can:
get_realpath <absolute|relative|symlink|local file>
This function is the core of the library:
function get_realpath() {
if [[ -f "$1" ]]
# file *must* exist
if cd "$(echo "${1%/*}")" &>/dev/null
# file *may* not be local
# exception is ./file.ext
# try 'cd .; cd -;' *works!*
local tmppwd="$PWD"
cd - &>/dev/null
# file *must* be local
local tmppwd="$PWD"
# file *cannot* exist
return 1 # failure
# reassemble realpath
echo "$tmppwd"/"${1##*/}"
return 0 # success
It doesn't require any external dependencies, just Bash 4+. Also contains functions to get_dirname, get_filename, get_stemname and validate_path validate_realpath. It's free, clean, simple and well documented, so it can be used for learning purposes too, and no doubt can be improved. Try it across platforms.
Update: After some review and testing we have replaced the above function with something that achieves the same result (without using dirname, only pure Bash) but with better efficiency:
function get_realpath() {
[[ ! -f "$1" ]] && return 1 # failure : file does not exist.
[[ -n "$no_symlinks" ]] && local pwdp='pwd -P' || local pwdp='pwd' # do symlinks.
echo "$( cd "$( echo "${1%/*}" )" 2>/dev/null; $pwdp )"/"${1##*/}" # echo result.
return 0 # success
This also includes an environment setting no_symlinks that provides the ability to resolve symlinks to the physical system. By default it keeps symlinks intact.
Considering this issue again: there is a very popular solution that is referenced within this thread that has its origin here:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
I have stayed away from this solution because of the use of dirname - it can present cross-platform difficulties, particularly if a script needs to be locked down for security reasons. But as a pure Bash alternative, how about using:
DIR="$( cd "$( echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" )" && pwd )"
Would this be an option?
If we use Bash I believe this is the most convenient way as it doesn't require calls to any external commands:
THIS_DIR=$(dirname $THIS_PATH)
The accepted solution has the inconvenient (for me) to not be "source-able":
if you call it from a "source ../../yourScript", $0 would be "bash"!
The following function (for bash >= 3.0) gives me the right path, however the script might be called (directly or through source, with an absolute or a relative path):
(by "right path", I mean the full absolute path of the script being called, even when called from another path, directly or with "source")
echo $0 executed
function bashscriptpath() {
local _sp=$1
local ascript="$0"
local asp="$(dirname $0)"
#echo "b1 asp '$asp', b1 ascript '$ascript'"
if [[ "$asp" == "." && "$ascript" != "bash" && "$ascript" != "./.bashrc" ]] ; then asp="${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}"
elif [[ "$asp" == "." && "$ascript" == "./.bashrc" ]] ; then asp=$(pwd)
if [[ "$ascript" == "bash" ]] ; then
asp="$(dirname $ascript)"
#echo "b2 asp '$asp', b2 ascript '$ascript'"
if [[ "${ascript#/}" != "$ascript" ]]; then asp=$asp ;
elif [[ "${ascript#../}" != "$ascript" ]]; then
while [[ "${ascript#../}" != "$ascript" ]]; do
elif [[ "${ascript#*/}" != "$ascript" ]]; then
if [[ "$asp" == "." ]] ; then asp=$(pwd) ; else asp="$(pwd)/${asp}"; fi
eval $_sp="'$asp'"
bashscriptpath H
export H=${H}
The key is to detect the "source" case and to use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} to get back the actual script.
One liner
`dirname $(realpath $0)`
Bourne shell (sh) compliant way:
SCRIPT_HOME=`dirname $0 | while read a; do cd $a && pwd && break; done`
Perhaps the accepted answer to the following question may be of help.
How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac?
Given that you just want to canonicalize the name you get from concatenating $PWD and $0 (assuming that $0 is not absolute to begin with), just use a series of regex replacements along the line of abs_dir=${abs_dir//\/.\//\/} and such.
Yes, I know it looks horrible, but it'll work and is pure Bash.
Try this:
cd $(dirname $([ -L $0 ] && readlink -f $0 || echo $0))
I have used the following approach successfully for a while (not on OS X though), and it only uses a shell built-in and handles the 'source' case as far as I have seen.
One issue with the (hastily put together) example code below is that the function uses $PWD which may or may not be correct at the time of the function call. So that needs to be handled.
function canonical_path() {
# Handle relative vs absolute path
[ ${1:0:1} == '/' ] && x=$1 || x=$PWD/$1
# Change to dirname of x
cd ${x%/*}
# Combine new pwd with basename of x
echo $(pwd -P)/${x##*/}
echo $(canonical_path "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
type [
type cd
type echo
type pwd
Just for the hell of it I've done a bit of hacking on a script that does things purely textually, purely in Bash. I hope I caught all the edge cases.
Note that the ${var//pat/repl} that I mentioned in the other answer doesn't work since you can't make it replace only the shortest possible match, which is a problem for replacing /foo/../ as e.g. /*/../ will take everything before it, not just a single entry. And since these patterns aren't really regexes I don't see how that can be made to work. So here's the nicely convoluted solution I came up with, enjoy. ;)
By the way, let me know if you find any unhandled edge cases.
canonicalize_path() {
local path="$1"
read -a parts < <(echo "$path")
local i=${#parts[#]}
local j=0
local back=0
local -a rev_canon
while (($i > 0)); do
case "${parts[$i]}" in
""|.) ;;
..) ((back++));;
*) if (($back > 0)); then
while (($j > 0)); do
echo -n "/${rev_canon[$j]}"
canonicalize_path "/.././..////../foo/./bar//foo/bar/.././bar/../foo/bar/./../..//../foo///bar/"
Yet another way to do this:
shopt -s extglob
while [[ -L "$selfpath" ]];do
selfpath=$(readlink "$selfpath")
if [[ ! "$selfpath" =~ ^/ ]];then
echo $selfpath $selfdir
More simply, this is what works for me:
MY_DIR=`dirname $0`
source $MY_DIR/
