Storage location of meta description and keyword in Joomla - joomla

I wanted to update meta description and keywords with the joomla web interface. Unfortunately I get a Error 500 message when I trys to save changes.
Since I was not able to fix the error and I have to change the metadata quickly, I wanted to update them manually. Unfortunately I was not able to find the place where these values are stored.
Can you please point me to the right file / db Table?
Thank you very much


Problem with joomla with photos and redirection

I deleted the pictures through the Joomla panel and I get such an error on the page as you can see in the picture. How to deal with this?
How to add redirection but without domain?
Your first issue about the pictures seems to be an issue with the component you're using, which is com_joomgallery in your case. When you delete the picture, it gets deleted but somehow its showing up in your JoomGallery image listing and so is the error.
Can you let me know from where you've deleted the photos? Was it from JoomGallery or from somewhere else?
If you haven't deleted them from JoomGallery then that's the reason for your issue, because JoomGallery database table still have those records and when it tries to list them its unable to find the thumbnails/images that you've deleted.
About your second question, how are you redirecting to external URL? If you're trying to open the external URL from an anchor tag try doing it like
But you're using Route::_ to open the external URL, then don't. As Route::_ isn't used for external links but is meant only for internal URLs. If you want to open or redirect using Joomla, then try like this
$url = Uri::getInstance("//");
$externalURL = $url->toString();
echo "<a href='$externalURL'>Link</a><br>";
I hope this helps.

add custom image field for custom options in magento

I am working on magento 1.9 version.I want to add a custom image field in drop down of custom options.
I added a text field using following guide
which is working fine.but when I add a file field then it shows in admin but not save image field value in database.
please help me to solve this.
Did you specifically click "flush cache storage" By following this guide and adding new tables directly to the database, Magento already has this record in cache. By flushing cache storage, you will allow magento to recognize the new structure and be able to save the record. I have accidentally forgotten to do this quite a few times and you end up with the inability to save a record even though your structure is there.

cannot access magento: report errors magento

After install sample data, can't access magento. when enter It shows "The requested URL "" cannot be found or is not available. Please check the spelling or try again later.".
I m new to magento, please can anyone help me?
Thank you.
in magento/errors folder maku sure u gave a local.xml. If not dont worry just rename the local.xml.sample to local.xml
if it still shows error then go to phpmyadmin and select your magento database
then find core_config_data table, in there, check the web/unsecure/baseurl and we/secure/baseurl values in path and value fields.
make sure that those values are correct.
This actually causes because sample data overwrites the data.
To check the error you need to check the folder as magento store error reports in the folder:
check the report for more detailed error.
Possible steps that could help:
remove cache and sessions
check PHP error logs
Fix the errors and try to check the magento url.

Folder metadata displaying ID instead of folder Name

I am new to Oracle UCM(already hate it) and I have this bug on the standart "Content information" page when displaying "Folder" meta - instead of DCOLLECTIONNAME I get DCOLLECTIONID from COLLECTIONS table. Now we have two versions of UCM installed on different servers, one with our custom module and one without it, you can guess which one works fine :-) I checked settings in admin aplet / Configuration manager and they are the same on both servers, so my next thought was there must be some problem with page template(I found some function named getCollectionPathFromID somewhere which does exactly what I need but dont know where to put it to make it work). Can anyone point me to the right direction? I found some template called std_page.htm but it contains realy huge amount of code... Any help would be appreciated.
What specific versions of WebCenter Content are you using? Are the two instances on the exact same version? You can find this information on the Configuration for instance name page.
How are you trying to view the data?
Are you calling &IsSoap=1 or &IsJava=1? Or are you meaning the display of the folder name/path on the page is showing dCollectionID?
I assume that based on dCollectionID you are using the Folders_g (Contribution Folders) component and not FrameworkFolders.
Can you provide a link to download your custom component? It sounds like this may be the culprate.

Joomla access permission error

When i'm going to edit content in Article, i got below error.
You don't have permission to access /administrator/index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
i can't edit my content. how could i avoid this ?
Sometimes when editing articles, the content of the article is flagged by the server as dangerous (e.g. code in the article looks like an attempt at SQL injection), which results in the HTTP 403 you received. You can try editing your content to make it less suspicious, or you will need to look at the security layer in play on your server.
If your server uses Mod Security, you will probably need to contact your hosting company to add a rule exception. If you use some sort of Joomla security add-on, then it's possible that that is the piece responsible for throwing the 403.
If you aren't sure, your best bet might be to ask your hosting company or sysadmin.
I ran into the same issue. I couldn't solve it, but a quick workaround would be to edit the article directly in the database, under jos_content (replace jos_ by your table prefix if different). When you are editing the article in Joomla's backend, look in the URL for the ID of this article. Then, in the table, search for that ID (ex : SELECT * FROM jos_content WHERE id = YOUR_ID). Edit the content field, and there you go
If you are using Mac, change the permission of the Joomla folder to "read&write".
