cannot access magento: report errors magento - magento

After install sample data, can't access magento. when enter It shows "The requested URL "" cannot be found or is not available. Please check the spelling or try again later.".
I m new to magento, please can anyone help me?
Thank you.

in magento/errors folder maku sure u gave a local.xml. If not dont worry just rename the local.xml.sample to local.xml
if it still shows error then go to phpmyadmin and select your magento database
then find core_config_data table, in there, check the web/unsecure/baseurl and we/secure/baseurl values in path and value fields.
make sure that those values are correct.
This actually causes because sample data overwrites the data.

To check the error you need to check the folder as magento store error reports in the folder:
check the report for more detailed error.
Possible steps that could help:
remove cache and sessions
check PHP error logs
Fix the errors and try to check the magento url.


Prestashop Url change

I have a problem,
I changed the url of my prestashop because I have a new url.
But now i have the Problem that i tipped in the wrong path, and if i want to log in as admin then the shop directs me everytime to the wrong path so I can't change anything...
Does anybody know in which folder of the FTP Server I can change it in the data?
I tired to delete the htaccess data but this didn't help me.
Or is it another option to go back to where I started, before i changed the Url?
I think that your problem occurred not from a .htaccess but from your database. Prestashop keeps domain URL in the DB and if you changed it you better to check table configuration fields PS_SHOP_DOMAIN, PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL and table shop_url. I think that the problem is over there.
When you want to migrate to another server, you have to
Update the _DB_... constants in config/ file
Since your database does not changed, this step is not necessary.
Update PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL fields in configuration database table
Update the domain, domain_ssl and physical_uri fields in the shop_url database table
Now you can log in to the admin page. When you did it, your first step has to go to Preference -> SEO & URLs, then turn off and on again the Friendly URLs switch to update the .htaccess files.
These steps are works on Prestashop 1.6, but not tested on 1.7.
See the official blog post for additional details:

Magento /admin panel doesn't work

After I copied my magento installation on a new domain. The admin panel doesn't work. I checked the .htaccess, baseurls and tried a lot of other things, still the 404 error page.
The version of my installion is 1.9.
Please follow the following step.
delete cache folder from var
if you domain name changed then open your database and select core_config_data and set secure and insecure web url to your domain specific url
if you have still further problem for css and js and you have to make merge css and js flag to 0 which is also found in core_config_data
I hope sagar helped you to get rid of the problem.
to my opinion this issue happens due to improper setup of the core stores in magento.
what I did to resolve the issue to check the core_store tables. Check if store admin is active.
Make it active and your 404 problem will go away.
Thanks me later !!!

Magento getting a blank page when create a new product

Today when i try to create a product from magento backend, i got a blank page. After going through some articles i increase the memory limit in htaccess file. That also did not help to solve my issue.
Can anyone please help me to solve this.
Could you please get follow the following step.
1 get free copy of .htaccess file and place to your installation
clear cache in admin panel and also reindex
if you got in error in messages on syslog file or exception then
post here
Good luck with your bug resolving
Go to System -> Configuration -> Developer and under Log Settings set Enabled to YES.
Create a new product to get the blank page.
Go to root folder site/var/log and copy stack trace from exception.log and post it here.

Mangage Customer edit display blank in magento admin panel

We have Added this code
in index.php but there is no error.
Please tell me another solution. Is any problem in Database or server issue?
Try to enable developer mode from index.php
And check what is error display.
Please check the logs if you get some clue there.
Also, have you used any extension which is overriding the Customer management in admin. If yes, you can try to disable it once to identify the issue.
I hope you have ensured that its happening with the edit page and not for a particular customer.

strange issue in category edit/update Magento

Hi i am going through very strange issue in magento , i have several categories i magento with child categories , i need to update a category information ,i am able to update the many categories but when i try to update the first category under the default category , it didn't work and the browser keeps on loading .I have tried to found the issue on google but nothing was there , in some places it was suggested that it happens due to upgrade but i haven't upgrade the magento or any other module .Please suggest me what can be the issue .
This happens in some cases where the category name contains special characters.
This is for sure a javascript error, otherwise you would have got a response from the server, in this case the you are not getting a response and hence the loading continues. What you could do is check the server response and monitor the firebug / inspect element to get some ideas.
You can check for these javascript elements in the
/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/category/tree.phtml file.
You should add some more info to the question starting with the Magento version, but follow these steps:
Enable error printing in general by adding these lines to your .htaccess
php_value display_errors 1
Enable logging in Magento in System->Confihuration->Developer->Log Settings
Do as Keyut suggested and try to update the erroneous category with the console open, monitoring the XHR calls. Check the response of the call invoked after you clicked "Save" for errors.
Do as Tobias suggested and check the logs found under var/log in your Magento folder.
By now you should have at least found the error, so you can solve it or ask for further help.
