Problem with joomla with photos and redirection - joomla

I deleted the pictures through the Joomla panel and I get such an error on the page as you can see in the picture. How to deal with this?
How to add redirection but without domain?

Your first issue about the pictures seems to be an issue with the component you're using, which is com_joomgallery in your case. When you delete the picture, it gets deleted but somehow its showing up in your JoomGallery image listing and so is the error.
Can you let me know from where you've deleted the photos? Was it from JoomGallery or from somewhere else?
If you haven't deleted them from JoomGallery then that's the reason for your issue, because JoomGallery database table still have those records and when it tries to list them its unable to find the thumbnails/images that you've deleted.
About your second question, how are you redirecting to external URL? If you're trying to open the external URL from an anchor tag try doing it like
But you're using Route::_ to open the external URL, then don't. As Route::_ isn't used for external links but is meant only for internal URLs. If you want to open or redirect using Joomla, then try like this
$url = Uri::getInstance("//");
$externalURL = $url->toString();
echo "<a href='$externalURL'>Link</a><br>";
I hope this helps.


Lektor server doubles subfolder in url without obvious reason

I am trying to export an existing php-based dynamic webpage into a lektor project which up to now really worked well.
Unfortunately one problem is giving me a headache:
While my navigation works perfectly with every page and subpage, links to subpages in the content section don't.
E.g. if I set a relative path like
[My Link to Subpage](/peter/personalinfo)
it is correctly shown in the browser view. If I hover the mouse over the link the browser shows the correct url
But if I click it I get
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
and the url in the address field shows
So I click the correct url but the browser calls the wrong url and of course can't find anything there.
I don't understand how this doubling can happen. I naively would expect that if I clicked a link the browser would exactly look at that address. But it seems like the server is redirecting to the malformed url. And yes, it does so with any link to a subpage.
the navigation looks like this:
-- Personalinfo
-- Contact
-- Portfolio
-- Personalinfo
-- Contact
-- Portfolio
Any idea why this happens and how to change it?
Update: The problem doesn't appear with the built static page on a webserver.
there is an open issue (#997) that is already fixed and will be released soon. But you can fix this yourself, just append a slash at the end of your link [My Link to Subpage](/peter/personalinfo/)

Umbraco adds extra slash to beginning of page URL

Umbraco 7.12.4
Recently I renamed a node in Umbraco. It used to be called "Projects". I want it to be called "My Projects". After renaming it, no matter whether I put the name back to the original value or set an entirely new value, the following occurs:
Change page name
Click on properties. The Url appears correct, without an extra /
Access the website. The website works correctly
Access the website AGAIN. This page now redirects to http://my-projects and fails.
Click on properties. The Url now appears as in the image below.
I have checked routes. Cleared URL redirects. Emptied recycle bin. Tried page names that have never existed before.
Any ideas? I am pulling my hair out. Thanks!
The problem was related to a missing host name - look at comments :-)

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /appetitclic/wp-content/themes/Apc/img/logo.png on this server

Hello all :)
I am currently working on a WP website and a the moment I am working locally with Wampserver.
None of my pictures happen to appear on my website.
Here is the error I get when I put the image url in my browser :
You don't have permission to access
/appetitclic/wp-content/themes/Apc/img/logo.png on this server.
I have no problem accessing phpmyadmin and image from TewentyTwelve template work fine.
Things I have tried :
-Editing (and creating) .htaccess in wp-admin.
-Editing phpmyadmin.conf
-Puting Wamp on online mode
-Working through instead of locally.
I am pretty sure the problem doesn't have to so with the code because I have access to the /appetitclic/wp-content/themes/Apc/img/ folder and I see the list of images (not working). I maybe missed one or two workarounds but I am pretty sure I tried most of the common ones.
If you need any info on my setup / configs I have tried ask away.
Thank you very much,
If you start your relative url with a backslash '/' that means go to the servers root folder and work up from there.
Try loosing the leading slash and see what that does.
I have that same problem when I downloaded random images for img preloading testing.
So I went to change permission from no access to read & write (if on Mac then > Get info. You shall see that permission section at the very bottom).
You might use chmod to change permission to particular users.
Hope this help.
I had the same problem today. I created a static webpage put in the html folder of my web server. It turned out that some images could not be loaded. The solution is quite simple. I just right click the image folder and changed the properties to allow readers to view the images.

Moved joomla site to another host but doesn't work

I have recently moved my joomla site to another hosting. But now the site doesn't work. Shows blank page. Though the administrator's page (/administrator) is shown and works correctly. Have any ideas for what reason it can be?
Remove the .htaccess altogether
clear the cache and tmp folders
make sure db name, login and password are correct in the configuration.php
make sure the server path (tmp and logs folders) are correct
if you still get an empty page, make sure you're looking at the right log file. Turn php error logging on or display them.
post some more details here...

Magento : CMS upload image fail silently

I am trying to figure out why the tinyMCE WYSIWYG editor in the CMS module of Magento will not upload images. I can create/delete folders but any file will simply not get uploaded, and there seems to be no message as to why the file is not successfully written on the server.
Anyone may have an idea why?
** Update **
I'm using Magento 1.6.2. I have tried to track down the problem and it seems that the controller never gets executed. I have added a line to log the arguments in the uploadAction() action (in Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_Wysiwyg_ImagesController) and nothing gets logged.
This is project inherited from someone else, and was modified to some extend, but nothing seems to point out that this part of Magento would have been touched in anyway by the modifications.
** EDIT**
The project associated with this question has been dropped and I no longer can provide an answer to this question. If anyone can confirm a working answer (as this problem was apparantly common with Magento), I will gladly mark that answer as "accepted".
Otherwise, I will flag this question for removal for the aformentioned reasons.
Thank you.
Other than solutions provided here, it may occur when you use a CDN (or a different domain) for your javascript and media files in admin panel. If you use CDN, use it for your website(s) scope and use your own domain for default scope. It will make your website(s) media and javascript files to be loaded from CDN, and backend's media and javascript files to be loaded from your own domain. This will solve your problem.
There are some known issues with flash image uploader on Magento. Unfortunately when it falls, it falls silently. Here are some cases when smth can break it:
if you try to use it with secured connection using open ssl certificate
if you're using it on server with apache authentication
on some Magento versions with prototype 1.7
I think the latter is your best bet. Maybe you should try to apply the patch from here:
In my case it was a cross domain problem, and one quite hard to find if you ask me...
What was puzzling me was that the uploader for product images was working like a charm but the one in the CMS section was failing completely silently. We are serving the skin folder from an Amazon S3 bucket, and the flash uploader lives under that folder.
Interestingly enough, our version of Magento ( is using two different methods to calculate the path to the SWF file, depending whether you are under CMS or Product update.
The CMS file (app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/cms/browser/content/uploader.phtml) is using the following method to embed the Flash Uploader:
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('media/uploader.swf') ?>
While the Product image uploader is using:
<?php echo $this->getUploaderUrl('media/uploader.swf') ?>
In our case, the first one resolves to the AWS S3 url, obviously in a separate domain, while the second one will still reference the local domain's url.
So yeah, the quick, dirty fix would be to replace getSkinUrl for getUploaderUrl in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/cms/browser/content/uploader.phtml. Alternatively you can extend the core to load a different template in which you would have replaced that method.
I hope this helps somebody... I wish I had found something like this five days ago when I first stumbled upon the issue :-)
Are you using flash uploader with https? If so, is your secure address in differente domain (usually used in shareds ssl)?
I got some trouble with this. I solved by installing a flash uploader disabler plugin.
You can download the plugin with this downloader key:
I hope it helps.
