How to install t4Toolbox in Vs2010? - visual-studio-2010

I am beginner. I am trying to use T4template in Visual studio project.
I am using VS2010.
I have downloaded vsix file from locaion
But it is for VS 2012.
Is it available for VS 2010.

On the link you provided there is written:
SUPPORTS: Visual Studio 2012
However, on the Web there are some compatible versions (outdated of course), for example on CodePlex

Take a deep look here: and in the author blog.
This version support well VS2010:
CodePlex link:
Don't forget to tank Oleg Sych for his great work!


Installation of AnkhSVN Visual Studio 2019

I can not Install AnkhSVN -Subversion Support for Visual Studio 2019,
I have tried to Install It, It says Version is Invalid for VS2019
I use VS2019 Professional
I have made a fork of the AnkhSVN project and published a version on Visual Studio Marketplace as AnkhSVN2019.
This version targets only Visual Studio 2019.
The page on the Visual Studio Marketplace is here:
You can also find it by searching the Visual Studio Marketplace in Visual Studio.
The project is on GitHub here:
As far as I can tell it is working correctly, but that is based on a small number of systems, and I only use a subset of the features.
Support for Visual Studio 2022
My fork of AnkhSVN does not support Visual Studio 2022, but there is a version in the GitHub repository from the original developers of AnkhSVN.
As of 4-December-2021, this version is not available in the Visual Studio Marketplace, but you can download the package from the releases page on GitHub.
As of 4-December-2021, the download link for the current version is,
but there may now be a newer version.
The latest AnkhSVN version is not compatible with Visual Studio 2019 (and the project, unfortunately, seems dead).
A possible solution is to edit manually the files stored in the vsix file (it's a zip file with a different extension).
The file to edit are:
Change the occurance of [15.0,16.0) to [15.0,17.0)
Change the prerequisite in this way:
<Prerequisite Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor" Version="[15.0,)" DisplayName="Visual Studio core editor" />
search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)"
search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)" as the catalog.json
After these changes it's possible to install the extension in VS2019 but still open a warning shown by VS related an incompatibility of the load process (AnkhSVN use a synchronous load, VS2019 want an async load).
Looks like it doesn't support VS2019 by default.
But you can try to update extension for VS2019.
Rename vsix to zip
Open extension.vsixmanifest, manifest.json and catalog.json and for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor change version to [15.0,)
Open extension.vsixmanifest and also replace all [15.0,16.0) by
Zip all files
Rename to vsix
The original AnkhSVN project developed by CollabNet is now abandoned and does not support Visual Studio 2019 now (the project is inactive for more than 17 months). As an alternative, consider migrating to VisualSVN that is now completely free for use on non-domain computers (no registration required) and provides about the same functionality compared with AnkhSVN (some users consider VisualSVN to be better for their use cases).
Migrating from AnkhSVN to VisualSVN is a straightforward process. The most recent VisualSVN 7.1 and VisualSVN 6.5 releases add support for multiple working copies within a single solution, and this makes the migration practically instant and painless for almost all users. See the article KB58: Migrating from AnkhSVN to VisualSVN for instructions and the article KB7: Using Multiple Working Copies in VisualSVN if your solution projects span across multiple working copies.
Note that the workarounds suggested in the accepted answer may cause overall Visual Studio destabilization and do not make AnkhSVN compatible with Visual Studio 2019. See the comments under these answers:
BTW, according to this post, those hacky workarounds do not work anymore.
DISCLAIMER: I am a support engineer with VisualSVN Team.
I've just installed AnkhSVN 2.8.12824 via "Manage Extensions". It seems to work, though Visual Studio 2019 complains that it might not be compatible with a future Visual Studio update (Deprecated APIs).
See also
Possibly also
AnkhSVN supports Visual Studio 2019 now. Download here [broken link]
Seems to still be active on GitHub:
The owner removed the program from the marketplace until he works out the async loading in the code, according to a comment from him in the github project

ASP.NET-5 in Visual Studio 2013

Can I create ASP.NET-5 projects in Visual Studio 2013 somehow?
Also share please links with documentation, examples or anything that could help to create project using mvc6 that used to be on web api.
The simple answer is not. I'm pretty sure, vNext is such big change in Microsoft technologies that they will not put any effort in adding that vs2013, you can get vs2015 community edition is very complete free version of visual studio.
this link is very good starting point.

How to get Microsoft HTML Help 2 Compiler?

Where can I download the Microsoft HTML Help 2 compiler (or bounding SDK)? I want to generate HTML 2 documentation from my programming projects using Sandcastle Help File Builder and the Sandcastle Guided Installation wizard is instructing me to download that component.
Excerpt about HTML 2 taken from Sandcastle main page:
The HTML Help 2.x output includes a
valid set of collection files and an
H2Reg.exe configuration file to
simplify deployment and integration of
the help file into existing
collections such as those used by
Visual Studio.
The HTML Help 2 compiler is available from Microsoft in the Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.0 download.
(You shouldn't need to have Visual Studio 2008 IDE installed to have these SDK tools.)
Apparently the file needed is hxcomp.exe
After installation of the SDK (on x64 system) the needed file was installed here and the Sandcastle Wizard found it.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Help 2.0 Compiler\hxcomp.exe
On an x86 system it would be found under the regular Program Files folder name.
Addendum Notes: About tracking down the answer, etc:
According to a CodePlex Sandcastle Help File Builder forum post:
So I checked my installation, and it
appears that I don't have HXCOMP.EXE
installed on my machine anywhere.
According to this article, it's only
in version 1.0 of the VS 2008 SDK. I
have Visual Studio 2008 installed.
The article referenced in the above post mentions:
Where can I download HxComp.exe?
VS 2010 doesn't use MS Help2 format so there is no Help2
compiler available for it. Starting
with VS 2010, the new MS Help Viewer
format is used
For VS 2008 hxcomp.exe is a part of VS 2008 SDK version 1.0. Note, the
latest version VS 2008 SDK doesn't
contain hxcomp.exe, so you need to
install version 1.0! It is probably
possible to install version 1.0 and
then the latest version over it.
For VS 2005 hxcomp.exe is a part of VS 2005 SDK.
For VS .NET 2003 hxcomp.exe is a part of VSHIK 2003.
For VS .NET 2002 hxcomp.exe is a part of VSHIK 2002 (Visual Studio Help
Integration Kit v2.1).
-- Excerpted from
Although I found the solution by installing the recommended VS 2008 SDK 1.0, you might use one of the alternate sources listed in the points.

openFrameworks Visual Studio Setup Tutorial?

I've been trying to get oF examples to compile with Visual Studio, but I'm either missing a link or something.. Is there a tutorial on how to setup oF with Visual Studio 2010 (or 2008 - or any version)? If not, can someone provide step-by-step directions on setting up oF with Visual Studio?
(Unfortunately, the oF website doesn't provide any info on setting up oF with VS. Their VS link just tells you how to download VS o.O )
There is a short Tutorial how to setup Openframeworks and Visual Studio 2010
in the OpenFrameworks Forum.
link to article
I haven't tried it yet, but it seems ok to me. Zach event hosts prebuild libraries for Visual Studio 2010 (poco comes to mind). They are currently working on a 2010 Version by the way.
Edit December 2010: The people at openframeworks released a new version 0.062 which is available for Visual Studio 2010. You can find it here: link text

Smart Paster Add-In for Visual Studio 2010

Does anyone know of any free add-in similar to Smart Paster, but for Visual Studio 2010?
Unfortunately, Smart Paster only works for VS2005 and VS2008.
For the ones that don't know what I'm talking about, check it out.
My simplified (C# only) version for 2010 is here
The post explains the VS2010 incompatibility (CommandBarButton.FaceId throws an exception) so you can change the VS2008 source code if you want.
Update: full source and binary are now in Codeplex
Working code for the addin for Visual Studio 2010 can be found here:
I found that link via this page:
However, the zip on that page is for a version that is not compatible with 2010. But get the code from Google code. That works.
