Smart Paster Add-In for Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio

Does anyone know of any free add-in similar to Smart Paster, but for Visual Studio 2010?
Unfortunately, Smart Paster only works for VS2005 and VS2008.
For the ones that don't know what I'm talking about, check it out.

My simplified (C# only) version for 2010 is here
The post explains the VS2010 incompatibility (CommandBarButton.FaceId throws an exception) so you can change the VS2008 source code if you want.
Update: full source and binary are now in Codeplex

Working code for the addin for Visual Studio 2010 can be found here:
I found that link via this page:
However, the zip on that page is for a version that is not compatible with 2010. But get the code from Google code. That works.


Visual Studio 2008 theme for Visual Studio 2010

i'm working on Visual Studio 2008 for a long time and i like the default theme of VS2008. But when working with Visual Studio 2010 the default color scheme look different and i really don't like it. I found this post to change the color scheme but there are no ready style look like VS2008, anyone can suggest me a link to download VS2008 style for VS2010 ?
I think you'll find the below blog useful:
In addition if found the following styles for vs2010 to look like vs2008:
Keep in my mind you need to install vs extension as prerequisite -
Update: Since the above links haven't satisfied the answer, I'm adding another source I've found to support the question.
The following link help you change your visual studio 2010 to looks like 2008.
Source: Is there a way to make Visual Studio 2010 look more like VS 2008?

Code Map Missing Visual Studio

We just switched over to VS 2013 and I heard that you're supposed to be able to
generate code maps for your entire application. Awesome feature indeed, that could
get new developers on our project up to speed.
Watched a couple of tutorials, but when I tried to just right click on a method
in the application, the 'Show on Code Map' context menu is missing. In fact, I
can't find anything in VS that has anything to do with Code Maps.
My version:
Visual Studio Premium 2013
I tried installing Modeling SDK for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but that didn't do anything.
Anyone got any ideas?
You need Visual Studio ULTIMATE to create Code Maps.
This has changed for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017:
The Enterprise Edition allows creating code maps.
The Community and Professional Editions can open diagrams generated in other Visual Studio editions in read-only mode.

openFrameworks Visual Studio Setup Tutorial?

I've been trying to get oF examples to compile with Visual Studio, but I'm either missing a link or something.. Is there a tutorial on how to setup oF with Visual Studio 2010 (or 2008 - or any version)? If not, can someone provide step-by-step directions on setting up oF with Visual Studio?
(Unfortunately, the oF website doesn't provide any info on setting up oF with VS. Their VS link just tells you how to download VS o.O )
There is a short Tutorial how to setup Openframeworks and Visual Studio 2010
in the OpenFrameworks Forum.
link to article
I haven't tried it yet, but it seems ok to me. Zach event hosts prebuild libraries for Visual Studio 2010 (poco comes to mind). They are currently working on a 2010 Version by the way.
Edit December 2010: The people at openframeworks released a new version 0.062 which is available for Visual Studio 2010. You can find it here: link text

Add-in for Visual Studio 2010

I am just about to get used with Visual Studio 2010 right now.
So could you mention visual studio add-in that is ready for Visual Studio 2010?
Take a look within Visual Studio itself: Tools -> Extension Manager.
This will show various tools and other extensions from I'm not sure if it's working very well right now, as I'm having connection issues within VS and the site seems a bit slow.
I know AnkhSVN exists on there and I'm sure others do as well.
Here's a blog post with some more information: Get VS2010 Extensions easily with built-in Extension Manager (and checking out a VS2010T4 editor)
JetBrains has preview builds of ReSharper available. It may not be completely stable yet, but some ReSharper is better than no ReSharper...
AnkhSVN - a subversion client is VS 2010 compatible.
Hope that helps,
Get ReSharper. It really helps you make fewer errors and code faster.
My addin Atomineer Pro Documentation provides automatic DocXml/Doxygen comment generation tool for use in C/C++/C#/VB/Java. It supports XML Documentation, Doxygen, JavaDoc, and Qt format comments.
An alternative for documenting in XML format for C#/VB is GhostDoc - there is a feature comparison here to give an idea of how they measure up to each other.

Setting up F# in Visual Studio 2005

Are there any decent tutorials for setting up F# in Visual Studio 2005? Everything I have found points at VS2008.
ie: 'F# projects' under projects, etc.
Unfortunately the CTP release of F# doesn't support VS 2005. Two options:
Use, the most recent pre-CTP release
Download the free VS2008 shell and use that instead (I haven't tried it, but apparently it works)
Installing F# Editing for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
That page also links to Don Syme's F# blog, which has a lot of useful stuff on working with F# in VS, including a demo of F# intellisense in VS2005.
