Add text to PrintDate Object - crystal-reports-2010

How to add text on the PrintDate Object instead of adding new textobject on the reports? the printdate only display 8/21/2013. How to have this As of Printdate[8/21/2013] this are the list of employee. What I mean of PrintDate Object is the default Field Object added when you create a report.

"As of " & ToText(CurrentDate, "MMMM dd, yy") & " this are the list of employee:"


Tableau: How to restrict a dropdown filter to fields that start with "2021*" (a fiscal week field that adds a new field weekly)?

I need an automatic way to have new fiscal weeks (a string that looks like yyyyww) added to my dropdown filter. It's necessary that it's a dropdown unfortunately. Can I just filter out all values that don't start with "2021*" in this particular table? I use those other values in other parts of my dashboard, so I can't filter them out of my data completely.
Create a calculation called DateDisplay as follows:
IF STARTSWITH((STR([Period])),'2021') = TRUE then 'Display'
Add the new DateDisplay field to the Filters Shelf and uncheck NULL
Select 'Show Filter' for the string date field
On the drop down menu (down arrow on the right) for the filter which is now showing, select the options 'Only Relevant Values'

Cannot display correct records in unbound form in Access 2013

I have one Table called tblEmployees - ID, First, Last. One unbound form called frmSearch with a textbox named Searchbox and a search button that searches by ID.I have one more unbound form called frmDisplay that displays the search result in it which I would like to edit when necessary. The textbox fields for this form are EID, Fname, Lname.
The problem I am having is when I enter the ID# in the searchbox and click the search button (where I linked both ID fields in the button wizard) it keeps on displaying the second record in my table. This is the code I currently have running
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from tblEmployees WHERE ID=ID")
EID.Value = rst!ID
Fname.Value = rst!First
Lname.Value = rst!Last
end sub
When I change the code to read
("SELECT * tblEmployees WHERE ID=" & ID")
I get a syntax error missing operator in query expression ID="
ID must have some value. Then concatenate ID:
"Select * From tblEmployees Where ID = " & ID & ""
The recordset that's currently being opened will include all the records in your table, because for every record the condition ID = ID will always be true. It's purely coincidence that it's displaying the second record from your table. You didn't specify a sort on the recordset query so it could randomly pick up any record as the first one in the results. What you actually need is
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from tblEmployees WHERE ID = " & frmSearch!Searchbox)

Match text in table and click on it using selenium webdriver

I have one table in which there is one column called "state". I have to find and click on link which matches with text "closed successful" in that column. xpath for each cell in that column is
Where xxxxxx are numbers of tickets. So how can I find matching text with different xpath values and click on it using selenium webdriver. Please help.
(Optional- I have to click on that element, click on back and find next element with same matching text)
Hi Sanket Patel please do it like below
driver.get(yourWebPageLInk); // link to your web-table web page
// take all of the element under Column "State" inside list
List<WebElement> columVal = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[starts-with(#id,'TicketID_')]/td[7]/div"));
// count the size of the list to match with the size of the column state
System.out.println("Size of the contents in the column state is : " +columVal.size());
// now for matching one of the content and then performing some action please
// start a for loop
String oneVal = "closed successful";
for(int i=0;i<columVal.size();i++){
System.out.println("Content text is : " + columVal.get(i).getText());
// match the content here in the if loop
// perform action
You can use the text() method
String text = "someText";
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), '" + text + "')]")).click();
Or with cssSelector
String text = "someText";
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div:contains('" + text + "')")).click();
You can use the TableDriver extension to Selenium WebDriver for situations like this. ( It would be helpful if there was more detailed info about the table in question, however if we assume that the table has a column "link" containing the link you need to click, and we assume the id of the main table element is "tabelId" you could do it like this:
Table table = Table.create(driver.findElement("tableId"));
WebElement element = table.findCell("state=closed successful", "link").Element;

Subreport in RDLC file

I have one problem in generating Reports in VS2010. I am using RDLC. My task is to generate a report where it should show customer details like Name, Contact number, Email Id etc in the top portion of the report.
In the body section it should show the list reservation details.
My object structure is as follows:
Email Id
I do not know how to render the List in subreport. It is not dynamic and I got all the details in initial load itself.
I split the report into tow section, First (parent) is to show the common details. and Subreport is to show the list of Reservation details.
1- Create your Main report that show the customer details as you reauired by passing dataset "Customers"
2- Add a new Report "rptCustomerReservation"
3- Add dataset that returns List by taking a parameter CustomerID
4- In main report , select a cell where you want to add a report, insert -> Sub report
5- Go to Sub Report properties add rptCustomerReservation in name and use report as sub report fields.
6- Select File rptCustomerReservation, in Report data window,right click on Add Prameter, Click Add parameter. Give type ineger. and give name.
7- Go in to main report and right click sub report,go to properties, click parameters tab, give same parameter name and select parameter value from dataset dropdown.
8- Add following code in cs file to register and event to add sub report in page load.
public Ctor()
rptViewer.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing += LocalReport_SubreportProcessing);
void LocalReport_SubreportProcessing(object sender, SubreportProcessingEventArgs e)
List<CATALOG_ITEM_DETAIL> DTCatalogItemDetail;
if (e.ReportPath == "CatalogItemListItemDetails")
DTCatalogItemDetail = report.GetCatalogItemDetail(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[0].Values[0]));
ReportDataSource ds = new ReportDataSource("dsItemDetails", DTCatalogItemDetail);

Windows form RDLC report parameter in VB.NET

I am working on a Windows Application,Having trouble crating a RDLC Local report.
There are just 2 text boxes in the report, One is Employee Name & another one is address.
Everything is alright but I couldn't figure out how to pass RDLC Report variable & show its value in the Report text boxes or in the report .
Check this post:
Using the WinForms ReportViewer Control
Suppose you have a TextBox Control "TxtParameter" where you enter the employee Social Security Number.
'Create a report parameter for the sales order number
Dim rpEmployeeSSN As New ReportParameter()
rpEmployeeSSN.Name = "SocialSecurityNumber"
'Set the report parameters for the report
Dim parameters() As ReportParameter = {rpEmployeeSSN}
'Refresh the report
'+++++++++++++ passing parameter
Dim repdate As Date = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
Dim params(0), myparam As ReportParameter
Dim myparams As New List(Of ReportParameter)
myparam = New ReportParameter("rptcrdate", repdate)
