Cannot display correct records in unbound form in Access 2013 - ms-access-2013

I have one Table called tblEmployees - ID, First, Last. One unbound form called frmSearch with a textbox named Searchbox and a search button that searches by ID.I have one more unbound form called frmDisplay that displays the search result in it which I would like to edit when necessary. The textbox fields for this form are EID, Fname, Lname.
The problem I am having is when I enter the ID# in the searchbox and click the search button (where I linked both ID fields in the button wizard) it keeps on displaying the second record in my table. This is the code I currently have running
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from tblEmployees WHERE ID=ID")
EID.Value = rst!ID
Fname.Value = rst!First
Lname.Value = rst!Last
end sub
When I change the code to read
("SELECT * tblEmployees WHERE ID=" & ID")
I get a syntax error missing operator in query expression ID="

ID must have some value. Then concatenate ID:
"Select * From tblEmployees Where ID = " & ID & ""

The recordset that's currently being opened will include all the records in your table, because for every record the condition ID = ID will always be true. It's purely coincidence that it's displaying the second record from your table. You didn't specify a sort on the recordset query so it could randomly pick up any record as the first one in the results. What you actually need is
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from tblEmployees WHERE ID = " & frmSearch!Searchbox)


Formatting an individual column in Access "Table/Query" listbox

I have listbox with 1 columns populated with an Oracle based ADODB Recordset using
strsql = "SELECT '£' || expected_cost as ""Cost"""
lstComm.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Set lstComm.
Recordset = rs
The query returns £1.58, but the listbox displays #1.58.
If I use
strsql = "trim(TO_CHAR(round(expected_cost,2), 'L9999999999999.99')) as ""Cost"""
The query returns £1.58, but the listbox displays $1.58.
Is there a way to populate the column as UK currency, whilst keeping the RowSourceType as "Table/Query"?
Simple answer: Yes.
The easiest (and best) way to accomplish this is to use a Currency format type. From there you just change the Format field from Currency to £#,##0.00;(£#,##0.00)

Filter in OpenOffice Calc

I have a spreadsheet with info from a giveaway campaign in which I get paid per new Twitter follow my client receives through my campaign. Unfortunately the application I use does not track new followers vs existing ones because they offer an entry for new and existing followers for the "Follow on Twitter for 1 Entry". Because I also offer other means to gain entries I need to export the data and filter the results to show only those who've gained an entry on the Twitter Follow and then filter out those who are new vs existing by means of a separate application.
There should be a separate column for each data type; name,email,action, etc. The action column is where I would expect to find the "Follow On Twitter" but the file is very disorganized and the action can be found in many different columns. Therefore I need a way to show only the rows in which there is a field with "Follow on Twitter". I am at a loss to try and figure out how to do this.
The following macro will search for "Follow On Twitter" in each cell. For each row, if a match is found, the row will be shown, else it will be hidden. You will have to adjust the macro to match your sheet's total number of rows/columns.
Sub Dummy()
Dim ActiveSheet As Object
ActiveSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
Dim r,c As Integer
For r = 0 To 25
Dim found As Boolean
found = False
For c = 0 to 10
Dim cell As Object
cell = ActiveSheet.getCellByPosition(c, r)
If cell.String = "Follow On Twitter" Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
Next c
Dim row As Object
row = ActiveSheet.getRows.getByIndex(r)
row.IsVisible = found
Next r
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Calculated control displays the total number of records that appear in the subform

My assignment is to create a calculated control that displays to total number of Members in the subform. How can I accomplish this when there is no definitive field that I can use in the expression. There are only three fields in the subform: First Name, Last Name, and Phone. If I do something like this =[frmPlanMemberSubform].[Form]![FirstName] that only calculate and displays the first name of the member in the subform. Actually there are only two names in the subform. Theoretically I suppose to get back a count of 2. But I can't figure out how to do it with the existing fields in the subform. Any Access experts out there? Please help. Here is what the database looks like in form view.
As you can see there is nothing in the Total Members control box.
Follow these steps:
1) In the code of the master form insert a function similar to this:
Private Function NumRecords()
Dim rec As Recordset
On Error GoTo lbErr
Set rec = Me!<subform-name>.Form.RecordsetClone
NumRecords = rec.RecordCount
Exit Function
MsgBox Error, vbExclamation
Resume lbExit
End Function
2) In the field to display the number of records insert the following string in the value property:
3) Create the Form_Current trigger as follows:
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
enter image description here

How to get sets of Records in VB6?

Hey guys, just want to ask you a simple question that I know you're familiar with... I am using VB6, I just want to get sets of records from my database. What I mean is that I have UserID and with a part of code provided below, it only gets a single set of record. Like for instance, the value of UserID is A12, and so, all sets of records with the UserID of A12 must display in Textboxes respectively with the aid of datPayroll.Recordset.MoveNext.
With datPayroll
.RecordSource = "select * from tblpayroll where empid like '" & UserID & "'"
Me.txtRegularHours.Text = .Recordset.Fields!reghours
End With
-datPayroll : DataControl
-txtRegularHours : Textbox
-UserID : Variable
You probably want to look at MoveFirst, MoveNext, etc. and also EOF
Here is a link or two to get you started:
MoveFirst, MoveNext
You need to check that you have some data in your Recordset using EOF, then MoveFirst to move to the first record, and loop through using MoveNext.

GridView (RadGrid) and Custom Paging

Ok, so I'm trying to get my custom paging going on the Telerik RadGrid (similar to the asp:Gridview), but I'm still hitting a wall. (the first part of my question was answered here)
So I have implemented the suggestion. I use the following Stored Proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[bt_HealthMonitor_GetAll]
#StartRowIndex int,
#MaximumRows int
Row_Number() Over(Order By [ID]) As RowNum
From dbo.[bt_HealthMonitor] t
As DerivedTableName
Where RowNum Between #StartRowIndex And (#StartRowIndex + #MaximumRows)
Order By [ID] Desc
Then another stored procedure to get the record count
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[bt_HealthMonitor_GetRecordCount]
return (Select Count(ID) As TotalRecords From bt_HealthMonitor)
And I'm using LINQ to SQL to bind to my RadGrid
Protected Sub RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs)
Dim startRowIndex As Integer = (RadGrid1.CurrentPageIndex * RadGrid1.PageSize)
Dim maximumRows As Integer = RadGrid1.PageSize
Dim HealthMonitorDC As New DAL.HealthMonitorDataContext
Dim r = HealthMonitorDC.bt_HealthMonitor_GetAll(startRowIndex, maximumRows)
RadGrid1.DataSource = r
End Sub
Protected Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreInit
Dim HealthMonitorDC As New DAL.HealthMonitorDataContext
Dim count = HealthMonitorDC.bt_HealthMonitor_GetRecordCount()
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.VirtualItemCount = count.ReturnValue
RadGrid1.VirtualItemCount = count.ReturnValue
End Sub
But the problem I'm experiencing is that the grid only grabs the first 10 rows (as expected) but I need to get it so that it will recognize that there are 200 rows in the table so that the paging icons show up.
If I use the dropdownlist to display 50 records, then 50 show up, but still no paging icons to get me to the next 50.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to tell the grid how many records there are in total. This is done by setting the grid's VirtualItemCount property (you will have to query the total number of records).
For details, have a look at the documentation page or refer to the online demo for custom paging.
Martin is correct regarding VirtualItemCount. The easiest place to implement this is in the NeedDataSource event.
Remember that you'll need to put some logic in there to account for fewer records on the last page. That means that if you have 14 records with 5 per page, you want to make sure your logic only tries to retrieve 4 records on the last call.
Here's how I did it (using a generic list):
If gridRecords.Count < (grid.pagesize * (grid.pageIndex + 1)) Then
gridRecords.GetRange(grid.pageIndex * grid.pagesize, gridRecords.Count - (grid.pagesize * grid.pageIndex))
gridRecords.GetRange(grid.pageIndex * grid.pagesize, grid.pagesize)
End If
Obviously, you'll want to do this as part of your data access call if you're only retrieving the records from the database as you go.
You can implement also using the ObjectDataSource.
i.e using RadGrid with ObjectDataSource with CustomPaging i.e Paging logic needs to implemented on your own.
Also ObjectDataSource has two methods
1. SelectMethod (Where you can specify the method which returns the data)
2. SelectCountMethod (Where you can specify the method which returns the total Count)
