Tableau: How to restrict a dropdown filter to fields that start with "2021*" (a fiscal week field that adds a new field weekly)? - filter

I need an automatic way to have new fiscal weeks (a string that looks like yyyyww) added to my dropdown filter. It's necessary that it's a dropdown unfortunately. Can I just filter out all values that don't start with "2021*" in this particular table? I use those other values in other parts of my dashboard, so I can't filter them out of my data completely.

Create a calculation called DateDisplay as follows:
IF STARTSWITH((STR([Period])),'2021') = TRUE then 'Display'
Add the new DateDisplay field to the Filters Shelf and uncheck NULL
Select 'Show Filter' for the string date field
On the drop down menu (down arrow on the right) for the filter which is now showing, select the options 'Only Relevant Values'


How to Select multiple related columns in add calculated fields in Quicksight parameter using ifelse?

I have a parameter 'type' in a table and it can have multiple values as follows -
I have 3 columns related to each type in the table -
human_avg_height, human_avg_weight, human_avg_lifespan
chimpanzee_avg_height, chimpanzee_avg_weight, chimpanzee_avg_lifespan
orangutan_avg_height, orangutan_avg_weight, orangutan_avg_lifespan
So if i select the type as human, the quicksight dashboard should only display the three columns -
human_avg_height, human_avg_weight, human_avg_lifespan
and should not display the following columns -
chimpanzee_avg_height, chimpanzee_avg_weight, chimpanzee_avg_lifespan
orangutan_avg_height, orangutan_avg_weight, orangutan_avg_lifespan
I created the parameter type and in the add calculated fields I am trying to use ifelse to select the columns based on the parameter selected as follows -
ifelse(${type}='human',{human_avg_height}, {human_avg_weight}, {human_avg_lifespan},{function})
I also tried -
ifelse(${type}='human',{{human_avg_height}, {human_avg_weight}, {human_avg_lifespan},{function}})
And -
ifelse(${type}='human',{human_avg_height, human_avg_weight, human_avg_lifespan},{function}})
But none of it is working. What am i doing wrong ?
One way to do this would be to use three different calculated fields, one for all the heights, one for weights and one for lifespan. The heights one would look like this:
${type}='human',{human_avg_height}, ifelse(
${type}='chimpanzee', { chimpanzee_avg_height}, ifelse(
${type}='orangutan',{ orangutan_avg_height},
Make another calculated field for weights and lifespan and then add these calculated fields to your table, and filter by type.
To make it clear to the viewer what data is present, edit the Title of the visual to include the type:
${type} Data
You have to create one calculated field for each measure using the ifelse with the type to choose the correct vale, but is not necessary to create inner ifelse as skabo did, the if else syntax is ifelse(if, then [, if, then ...], else) so you can define the calculated fields as follows:
avg_height = ifelse(${type}='human', {human_avg_height}, ${type}='chimpanzee', {chimpanzee_avg_height},${type}='orangutan', {orangutan_avg_height}, NULL)
avg_weight = ifelse(${type}='human', {human_avg_weight}, ${type}='chimpanzee', {chimpanzee_avg_weight},${type}='orangutan', {orangutan_avg_weight}, NULL)
avg_lifespan = ifelse(${type}='human', {human_avg_lifespan}, ${type}='chimpanzee', {chimpanzee_avg_lifespan},${type}='orangutan', {orangutan_avg_lifespan}, NULL)
Then use those calculated fields in your visuals.

Iterate through each element in a particular column of a dynamic table using cypress

I have a dynamic table displayed based on a value selected from a radio button in my project. The radio button field "Doctor Name" field has different choices like "Frank", "Michael", "Josh", "Jessica". When I select the "Frank" value, it displays a dynamic table with the list of appointments for "Frank", The first column in the table is "Doctor Name". When I select "Frank" from the radio button, I have to validate if all the appointments listed are for "Frank". So I have to write coding in cypress to check if all the first column cell values are "Frank".
How can I achieve this?
retrieve all the first columns using cy.get() with the proper selector, then use the each command to validate the content of each cell, something like this
cy.get("selector for first colums").each(($el, index, $list) => {

Setting date value in an Interactive grid based on a page item

I am trying to set a interactive grid column value (which is a date) based on a page item (which is also a date). I have already tried defaulting and using dynamic action set value (jquery seletor) to set item value to the interactive grid column but it does not work how I want it to work.
I have a page item called "P_DEF_DATE" and I want to set a date column in the interactive grid to this value but I want when I change the value in the page item and I click add row on the interactive grid, it must always use whatever value I have in the page item. For example:
P_DEF_DATE = 12-JAN-2021
when I click on add row in the interactive grid, my date column must equal to P_DEF_DATE and i add a few rows based on that date but then i change the date of P_DEF_DATE to:
P_DEF_DATE = 28-JAN-2021
now I want when I click on add row in the interactive grid, I it must show this new date from the page item in the date column in the interactive grid, keeping in mind the page does not refresh and I have rows with the date 12-JAN-2021.
Thank you in advance!
I implemented same few days ago. Following is what I did.
Create Dynamic Action on Row Initialization Event, set Region to your IG
Set True Action to Execute JavaScript Code
Use code
var model =,
rec =,
meta = model.getRecordMetadata(;
if ( meta.inserted ) {
model.setValue(rec,"COLUMN_NAME", $v("P_DEF_DATE"));
Replace JOB with your column name and P_DEF_DATE with you Item name
More details Here
Also, out of curiosity, why there is no number like P1, P2 in your item name ??

Filter Recent date in filter

I want the Slicer in Power BI to select the most recent date of the selection to be selected automatically.
Here is an example of the drop down:
This drop down differs from the Client selection.
I solved this issue the following way:
I created one Report with a filter to Default_Date (which opens first)
I used a Calculated Column [Default_Date] to populate the filter (which is hidden)
In my case the user wanted to see Yesterday's data as the default date so I selected 'Yesterday' on my filter.
Then I put a button that opens another duplicated copy of the Report [Hidden Tab] that contains a full calendar filter, so the user can select any other dates he likes, this hidden report has another button that returns the user to the main report [if he wants to].
picture of my filter (which I collapse and hide under a color box/banner)
Here is the formula for the calculated column (used in the filter):
Default_Date =
VAR TodaysDate =
VAR YesterdayDate =
TODAY() - 1
VAR reportDate =
'Calendar'[Date] = TodaysDate, "Today",
'Calendar'[Date] = YesterdayDate, "Yesterday",
"Before Yesterday"
Use Default_Date in your filter, and you can replace TODAY() with
and remove what you don't need.
If you want to get the Last Date of selected items, then
Table may need to be in quotes to work: 'Table'[Date]
I hope this helps.
There isn't to set a default value in Power BI, but there are a few around about ways. First you can try Persistent Filters that can preserve the filters selected. The other option, is to create in your data set, if you have a calendar table, or are able to add it to your column a current date flag, that you can apply as a filter to your report.
For example you can use the TODAY() to return todays date, and check against your date column.
Calculated column = IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = MONTH('table'[DateColumn]) && YEAR(TODAY()) = YEAR('table'[DateColumn]), "Y", "N")
You can run the report and it will always filter on the latest date, however you will have to remove the filter if you want to see other dates. You could set up bookmarks so that you can easily add/remove filter to the report. So you would have one bookmark with latest date, and the other to remove it. You can allow the slicer box to appear when you select the 'remove current month' bookmark
Hope that helps

Clear jqgrid toolbar when custom defaultvalue is set

I want to clear the toolbar of my grid, but not to the default value of the column. I want to empty all fields.
When I use the
method the toolbar gets the initial default values..
You can choose one from the following two ways.
1) You can temporary change the defaultValue of the searchoptions to "" before call of clearToolbar. You can use setColProp method for example to change column properties (see en example here).
2) Set the value of the the toolbar element manually to "" or to any other value which you want. There are simple way how the ids of the input or select elements of the toolbar are constructed. Let us you have column with the name 'col1' (the corresponding column of colModel has name: 'col1'). Then the id of the element in the filter toolbar will be gs_col1. So you can use
to clear the field. In more general case if the colname is the variable which hold the value from colModel[i].name you can use
$("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(colname)).val("");
