Magento step by step selecting color,size, and grouped products - magento

How I can make my magento product page look like this?
With selecting color,size, and then products quantity.

This can be done through configurable products.
Step 1- Create different products for each size and color.
Step 2- Create one configurable product, and associate the above created products into it.
Here is tutoral how to create configurable product.
Just posted the same answer to your previous question. This is the simple and best way to do this.


creating cutom products on the fly

I'm builing a product configurator with highly complex “one-of-a-kind” products
Unfortunately it is not possible for us to use shopify's product variants as we have a huge array of options, quantity discounts etc.
Is there a great way in creating cutom products on the fly?
What we are looking for:
Create a product on the fly if the user click on the add-to-cart button.
Add the custom product to the cart.
Don't list the dynamically created products in the admin
So is this possible? Or is there another way

Fast create configurable product in magento

I was trying to add a configurable product in Magento backend. I spent 30 minutes to create a product with 5 sub-products.
How can I add products most fast? I need advice Which extension I can use?
I guess you are new to all these.So i will try to go in detail.
First you create a configurable product,i think you don't have problem creating it.Until now you cannot add the associated product.
First save the product click Save and Continue
Now on the left you see the tab named Associated Products click on that You will see a form Quick simple product creation.Here you can weight,status,qty etc and click Quick Create button.
Thats it you just quickly create one simple product.In this way you can create others.
Below is the screenshot related to above description.
You create the first "configurable product" and thats is your main product. If you go to that product you can create very fast some new sub products.
Go to "Associated Products" on the left. There you can generate some new products with the defined values. Its very fast. So normally you don't need an extension for that.

How to configure product box/packaging options with its respective price in magento?

Hi we are using magento for a wholesale site, in which every product can be ordered in two ways:
Now as per magento rules we achieved the same by creating a bundle product for each product, but in doing so we need to add 3-products for a single product, also the SKU is actually the same for all!
Is there any better solution to this other than bundle?
I tried with the configurable option too, but same problem of adding 3-products for a single product.
Creating a bundle product is the correct way to deal with this. In your case, the carton and the pallet are two separate products (from Magento's point of view).

Price in Cart is not correct Magento 1.8

Today I've run into a new problem and can´t find a solution.
I've added some simple products and configurable products via MagMI. Everything is fine. Products are shown in the front-end as I want it. But following happens:
simple product 1 has a price of 49€, simple product 2 has a price of 90€.
Both are part of the same configurable product which has a price of 49€. Now, in cart, the single-price of both simples is 49€. (If I print out $_item->getSku() I get the right skus of the simple products, so I think, the products in cart are the correct ones)
How can I fix this?
It would be also helpful if someone could tell me where the subtotal is built exactly - I can't find this.
I would be thankful for all help or hints.
If the simple products are not visible individually then the price shown will be the price of the configurable product. The pricing variations on the associated single products are managed in the Associated Products tab of the configurable item.
Pricing is managed here as a plus/minus relative to the price of the main configurable.

Manipulating configurable products in Magento

I already know how to create configurable products by following the instructions from here and it works but my question is, is it possible to just add 1 configurable attribute and add it to all product pages instead of creating multiple products for 1 configurable product? It might be tedious if there are a lot of options for 1 product.
You can use a simple product with custom options!
