How to configure product box/packaging options with its respective price in magento? - magento

Hi we are using magento for a wholesale site, in which every product can be ordered in two ways:
Now as per magento rules we achieved the same by creating a bundle product for each product, but in doing so we need to add 3-products for a single product, also the SKU is actually the same for all!
Is there any better solution to this other than bundle?
I tried with the configurable option too, but same problem of adding 3-products for a single product.

Creating a bundle product is the correct way to deal with this. In your case, the carton and the pallet are two separate products (from Magento's point of view).


Magento step by step selecting color,size, and grouped products

How I can make my magento product page look like this?
With selecting color,size, and then products quantity.
This can be done through configurable products.
Step 1- Create different products for each size and color.
Step 2- Create one configurable product, and associate the above created products into it.
Here is tutoral how to create configurable product.
Just posted the same answer to your previous question. This is the simple and best way to do this.

Manipulating configurable products in Magento

I already know how to create configurable products by following the instructions from here and it works but my question is, is it possible to just add 1 configurable attribute and add it to all product pages instead of creating multiple products for 1 configurable product? It might be tedious if there are a lot of options for 1 product.
You can use a simple product with custom options!

make configurable product options independent on product view page --Magento

I am working on a Magento project and I need to know if there is a way to make a product's options independent to each other or unrequired. I need to use one of several at a time (I have 6 dropdowns).
I have tried add to cart by query string but all dropdown values were still required. I also tried to make all the options default, then modify the selected options in the observer, but I did not meet with success. See the screenshot below for more details.
Any help will be appreciated
Configurable Products in Magneto are only parent products of Simple Products. Whatever you have as an attribute of a Configurable - a Simple Product has to be present for each. To do this out of the box in Magento, you should be looking into setting up a Simple Product with Custom Options.

Magmi Import Simple Products Listing

I sell Pet Supplies. My distributor provides me with a CVS file with all the nessacrty information for me to upload it to my website. I currently upload it as a simple product. But I would like it to be more user friendly. I am using Magento Community 1.7. I have tried messing with the configurable products but this is not possible for the upload I use.
Example: A Dog Cage comes in different sizes. Currently it shows as simple products and shows 5 different sizes. I would like it to show like all the bigger named stores. Basically show a dropdown with the different options. I tried creating a configurable product and associate the products I uploaded as a simple product but this method will not work. Any other ideas of what I can do? I want my customers to be able to click:
iCrate Double Door and have the options 18x24....24x30 etc. How do the other companies get them listed like this?
You are doing the right thing - configurable products will give you what you want to achieve.
You need to install the Magmi configurable product plugin. You also need to set your csv up so the simple products come first, then the configurable. To automatically associate the simple product with the parent configurable on import you need an extra column specifying the configurable attribute (see the Magmi docs) and the skus need set up so the simple skus are extended versions of the configurable's sku. Again, the Magmi wiki on configurables will explain more.
You could also amend your grouped products to do similar and provide the list as a dropdown
check out this thread

Forward to configurable product when opening simple product

I have a Magento shop with 2 simple products
Great Red Cup
Great Blue Cup
and a configurable product
Great Cup
with those cups assigned.
The Red and Blue cups are visible in the search.
If the use clicks one of those simple products, the configurable product should be opened instead, but the right color should be preselected.
I am aware that a simple product can be assigned to multiple configurable products, so I would log an exception if two matching configurable products are found an just take the first one.
I think I have to catch the predispatch event of catalog/product/view and somehow replace the simple product by the configurable one.
How can I now pre-configure the right simple product one?
Is there an elegant solution for this?
I found a solution:
register observer on controller_action_predispatch_catalog_product_view
check if we have a simple product with a parent that is a configurable product
create a array that contains the configuration data of the simple product
pass this data to Mage::helper('catalog/product_view')->prepareAndRender() (third parameter)
stop dispatching by setting the FLAG_NO_DISPATCH on the front action
Full code is available in the Mestrona_ForwardToConfigurable module on github.
To preselect a simple product in a configurable product, the address of a simple product should look like this for example:
/mona-pullover-hoodlie.html - configurable product URL
143, 93 - attribute IDs
167, 53 - option IDs.
In order to change the URL of simple products, you can create a Plugin (Interceptor) for Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::getProductUrl(), where to generate the URL as in the example above.
Product selection using URL parameters from example above is already implemented in Magento out of the box.
I made VCT Simple Product URl module on Magento Marketplace that solves this problem with the choice of the first configurable product if there are several.
One idea would be to redirect to the configurable product if the simple products meets somes requirements :
have a new attribute "should_redirect_to_parent" to True (optionnal)
have at least a parent product (for that point, I let you follow the link of Alex)
ps: if you don't want to do a parent product lookup you could add a new attribute like "redirect_sku" or "redirect_product_id" in order to directly make a redirection on that product
For the redirection you should use the event catalog_controller_product_init_after and if the two previous conditions match you redirect the user to the configurable product.
ps: for performance optimisation, you could use instead the catalog_controller_product_init_before which would save an expansive and useless Product::load() but it requires that you build custom SQL queries to search for a parent product
Tell if you want some code examples
