Price in Cart is not correct Magento 1.8 - magento

Today I've run into a new problem and can´t find a solution.
I've added some simple products and configurable products via MagMI. Everything is fine. Products are shown in the front-end as I want it. But following happens:
simple product 1 has a price of 49€, simple product 2 has a price of 90€.
Both are part of the same configurable product which has a price of 49€. Now, in cart, the single-price of both simples is 49€. (If I print out $_item->getSku() I get the right skus of the simple products, so I think, the products in cart are the correct ones)
How can I fix this?
It would be also helpful if someone could tell me where the subtotal is built exactly - I can't find this.
I would be thankful for all help or hints.

If the simple products are not visible individually then the price shown will be the price of the configurable product. The pricing variations on the associated single products are managed in the Associated Products tab of the configurable item.
Pricing is managed here as a plus/minus relative to the price of the main configurable.


Mangeto related products price issue on configurable product pages

All the Prices, shown within a Price Box div on a Configurable product page or product with custom options (so the Related products, Featured product in menu, upsells etc.) all show ' please select required fields' or the price which is calculated for the configurable product itself.
Has anyone had this problem or know what it could be? Have been searching for an answer but cannot find anything that fixes it.
Any help greatly appreciated!
The problem was custom JavaScript, by a third party developer. Which was updating the class price, which appears more than once on the page.

Magento Shopping Cart Rule not getting simple product attribute values

On a client's store we have configurable products based on a custom weight attribute (4kg, 10kg, 12.5kg etc...). I've set up a discount rule so that the discount only applies to products that are above 4Kg.
However, i realised the discount is also applied to 4Kg products. It seems that it's not pulling the attribute from the relevant simple product but from the configurable product. When trying with SKUs it was pulling the SKU of the configurable product rather than the simple product.
Has anyone been able to get around that? I'm using Magento 1.5.1

Magento Simple Configurable Products and Discounts

I have Simple configurable products installed on magento. How can I apply a discount to a configurable product which makes sure that all the simple products associated to the configurable also get the discount applied to them?
You could use Magento's Catalog Price Rules (Admin > Promotions > Catalog Price Rules).
There's some good information on how these work here:
Good luck!
I was also looking for the answer to this, but unfortunately didn't found it yet.
Below helped though. In addition to below, what i did is instead of selecting config product SKU, i selected all the simple product SKU which are part of that config product.
How to create a coupon on specific product in Magento?

Magento - Update main product price to include selected related products?

Anyone have any idea how this would be achieved.
I want to have it so that when a related product is selected it updates the price of the main product, as when you click to add everything that related products price will contribute to the price.
Any help appreciated.
Magento's cart pricing rules could approximately accomplish this, as could use of a coupon. Obviously, both have their drawbacks, but neither requires code.

magento configurable products options

In my store i have all the products as configurable products and there is no simple products displayed on store. Everything goes fine but then i noticed one problem.
After adding a product to cart by choosing the simple product from the configurable product page, i still gets configurable products sku in the cart , also it maintains through out the session. So we cant track actually which product sell.
Is it problem with any configuration or should i do anything to catch the simple products sku instead of configurable product SKU.
Please help me
This is probably a bit late if your store is filled with configurable products, but I've found this product a lifesaver in the past:
It basically just adds the simple product to the cart using the simple product's price as the buying price. Custom options must also be added to the simple products rather than the config products.
As a result the purchased item is the simple product SKU rather than the configurable product.
