A script that download a file and rename - download

I'm facing an little issue here. At the place I live, they shape the download speed by extension (using delaypool). Is there any script that I can run on my web that will let me enter the URL of files that I wanted to download, then it will download the file and rename it to "originalfilename.abc" (because .abc is not shaped)then save it on my web where I can download it. By the way, I have a paid webhosting service.
I tried the SSH (my web hosting does indeed provide me with shell access) but all I get is a blank page in my browser. No error. Please advice.
Also, reason I choose script on the server instead of SSH because I though that SSH would be slower than direct HTTP download from my webserver. Can anyone point that out if I'm right or wrong with my thinking.

You can write a vbs script or even batch file script that will go to a designated URL, and then download the file, then rename it. Then you can script FTP commands to upload to your webhosting service (I'm sure it has an FTP site for access). You could load this as a scheduled task, or run it manually.
I'd do either one of these routes.

A simpler (once its set up anyway ;) option I can think of is going through a secure tunnel. Whilst this is not quite answering your question I believe this to be simpler while achieving the same thing.
Get an SSH Client (Putty) and get a free Proxy. If your web-server has an SSH-server you can use it as Proxy as well of course, I am using my modified router at home as proxy via DynDns, but the Tor-Network will work, if very slow, so do other official free and paid proxy servers. If you are using an application to download that does not have the option to specify a proxy, get Proxifier Portable.
Use Putty to create the tunnel. Here some how-tos:
And set your application to use your proxy (or actually to use putty which connects via SSH to your proxy) by entering into the proxy settings. Alternatively, if the app does not have an option to enter proxy settings, add to your Proxifier proxy list and add the applications that are supposed to use that connection to Proxifier.
Now you can do pretty much everything without anyone eavesdropping your connection stream being able to tell what it is, as the connection stream is SSH encrypted. This includes surfing websites that your provider/company/mother has blocked, download anything - even if blocked by IP/name/whatever-filters and even play MMORPGs from work (something which I do not recommend because it will get you fired and there is always some way for someone to figure it out, just saying it is possible to do even in secured company/school networks as Port 22 (SSH) is usually one of the 2 Ports which are open on pretty much any network (the other one being port 80)).
Its a wee bit of a pain to set up. Once it is working though, you can even put it on a usb-stick and use it pretty much anywhere as long as you remember what proxy to connect to. And you wont have to rewrite scripts to try to circumvent the delaypool thingy.


Hosting a VPN on Heroku

I was wondering if it's possible to host a private vpn on heroku?
My (hypothetical) use case is that let's say there's some service that's only available in Europe but I want to access it in the USA. I'd like to turn a European heroku server into a personal vpn that just allows me to access that service.
I did some research and can't find anyone else who's tried/documented this.
You basically want a proxy. So heroku forbids running an open proxy, so you should restrict use.
XIX. Operate an “open proxy” or any other form of Internet proxy service that is capable of forwarding requests to any end user or third-party-supplied Internet host;
But technically it is possible - you might want to try it: https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere, if you want to use the browser you will need to download the headers from the server.js file
Note that this project is not intended to be used as an open proxy, so for example relative paths are not loaded properly.
You might want to try it - it might be more appropriate, I just did not try it myself ... :)

Set up a simple go server in a webhost

I wanted to set up a simple go server in a webhost. I acquired a domain mydomain.com and hosted it using Bluehost. Now, going through the Go tutorial, I went through this example http://tour.golang.org/#59 and it works fine on my machine. Now, instead, I want to make the HelloWorldServer work when I call mydomain.com:4000 or some other port.
What I did was ssh to my server at bluehost, install go there, then compile the server and run. But then I try to access mydomain.com:4000 and it is not found. I also tried to change "localhost:4000" to just ":4000". any ideas how to make it work ?
Any help or pointers are appreciated. (some more details: it is a shared-hosting account)
This is due to the firewall on your BlueHost server not having ports (including 4000) open on a shared hosting account, Firewall Port Restrictions
If you want to do some simple (and not so simple) web hosting, why don't you look at Google App Engine

Self Hosted WebApi Accessible over LAN

Very new to the Self Host WebApi, but I am very impressed with its ease of use and extendability. At least through this tutorial. Everything I've done so far works on my development machine whether I use localhost,, or my LAN Ip (192.168.0.x) but I am baffled why I can't access the service from any other computer even others in the same subnet.
In short after going through the tutorial on the machine where it is running:
Browsing to
results in the expected xml return.
On another machine on the LAN browsing to:
results in a timeout
Data points for those who might know how this all interacts:
1.) My dev machine(192.168.0.x, server, host whatever you want to call it) has IIS on it; I was so paranoid it was in the way that I stopped it via the Administration GUI
2.) I have reserved the URL/Port with the following command line executions:
>netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:3636/ user=DOMAIN\USER listen=yes delegate=yes
>netsh http add urlacl url=http://192.168.0.x:3636/ user=DOMAIN\USER listen=yes delegate=yes
2.b) I've tried both of those together and individually, and tried changing the user to "everyone" to no avail
3.) I have tried to change the code in the tutorial to set the
config.HostNameComparisonMode = HostNameComparisonMode.Exact //default is Strong Wildcard
4.) I can successfully ping and tracert to 192.168.0.x from other machines on the LAN
5.) A friend recommended I setup a TCPListener and ensure I could telnet to that to eliminate the firewall as a possibility. If that logic is sound, the firewall isn't the problem
EDIT: Thanks for your help, here's another data point that I believe confirms it's not a firewall issue. I previously posted this connection when behind a rather obtuse (at least to a non Certified guy like me) Juniper Firewall/Router. I have since redone the tutorial on another machine (without IIS) on my home network and still cannot publish the service to other computers within my LAN. Any ideas?
Well it wasn't the hardware firewall, it was the windows firewall! yikes i wasted a bunch of time on that. Once I turned off the windows firewall (the code runs in an intranet anyway) everything worked.
Anyone know of a good site that explains how firewalls and wireshark interact; or i suppose that just has to be one's first test.
I would try a couple things:
First off, get rid of the HostNameComparisonMode line. That might actually disable requests coming from other machines.
If things still don't work, try getting rid of the URL ACLs and run your application as an administrator and see if that works. If that works, you may be able to add the URL ACL back on and not have to run as an administrator. You should only need the one with '+' as the hostname.
I faced the same problem when i tried to self host using OWIN. What worked for me was -
Run Visual Studio as an Admin
Remove any and all netsh urlacl port registrations that I had added while debugging this issue
Add a inbound rule to my windows firewall
I followed the instructions on this link
Check out the section - To enable a port range in advance
That's it! I was able to call my api from other computers on the network.
Hope this helps...

My IP seems to be blocked by web hosting server

I have a strange problem, I just installed my php web site on a shared hosting, all services were working fine. But after configuring my app I just could visit my web site only once, other attempts gives:
"The server is taking too long to respond.".
But from other IP i can access, but only once, it seems all ip addressess beeing blocked after first visit(even ftp and other services get down, no access at all from the IP), can anyone help to explore this problem ? I don't think that it's my app problem, the app works fine on my local PC.
First thing to try would be a traceroute to determine where your traffic is being blocked.
In a windows command prompt:
tracert www.yoursharedhostingserver.com
At the moment, trying to access this address gives this:
Fatal error: Class 'mainController'
not found in
on line 181
I have tried it multiple times and it didn't block me. It might be that You have already solved this problem.
As far as I know, the behavior described by You could only be explained by a badly configured intelligent firewall. It may have been misconfigured by Your host.
If You visit a site at a certain host and suddenly You cannot access an ftp on this host, then it's either a (really bad) firewall or a (very mean) site that explicitly adds a firewall rule to ignore that address.
Some things that You might look into:
It might be something with identd too. What was the service You have configured on Your host? Was it by any chance any kind of server-controll panel (that might have an ability to controll a firewall)?
Is the blockade permanent, or does it go off after 24h, or does it only go off after rebooting the server? Does restarting some services makes the blockade go off?
Did You install any software that "protects Your server from portscanning"? It might be a bit too aggressive.
I wish You good luck in finding a source of this problem!
Chances are that if you can access it once that its actually working. The problem is more than likely in the php code than in the server.

I need a browser-compatible proxy that can do this

I am looking for a proxy server that can do this.
If I set my firefox settings to that proxy, and go to google, then it should "proxy" to google normally. Just a normal proxy.
But I want there to be rules. I want to redirect anything that matches http://google.com/... to
I was thinking about writing one but to be honest there has to be something to do this already built.
Fiddler should do what you want. If you type into the black box at the bottom "overridehost google.com" it should redirect any Google requests to the specified IP.
Not a proxy per se, but what about editing your local host file? If you are a Windows user just go to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc" and edit the "hosts" file accordingly. Eg. add a new line: google.com
I know the use is limited, because you cannot make more complex redirects. However it might be sufficient for your problem. Good luck! (on linux/unix the file is often located in /etc/hosts).
If you want a better solution, it would be helpful to give us your OS.
