Debugger: Search for a variable which is used - debugging

I have the following problem:
I want to avoid that one field of the copied row gets copied into the new row. (ME51n)
I thought that I could search somewhere in the debugger for this field name.
first row has the MATNR: 100-1-15
now i want to search in the debugger for the field MATNR. Is this possible?
(I know this example does not make sense, but my field is not used that often because it's an self-created field)
Or is there an user-exit especially for that?

Use watchpoints for that particular aim that you stated. In official documentation you can learn how to do it. The problem of finding suitable user-exit is not related to original question.


Get Github Issue based only on title

I need to modify the body of an existing GitHub issue in a Project. All I'll be passed is the title of the issue, and a word (the word exists in the body, and I'll just need to fill the checkbox next it).
It looks like to do this I'll need to use the GET API to get the body of the issue, modify it, and then use the EDIT API to swap in the new body. However the GET API can only be called with the issue number. I need to do all this as quickly as possible. Is there some way to search via an API call?
Thoughts much appreciated!
Edit: All my issues are in the same project (and issue titles will be unique there). I've also recently discovered Github's GraphQL API, which may be applicable here.
You can use the issue search endpoint with the in and repo¹ keywords:
GET /search/issues?q=text+to+search+in:title+repo:some/repo
Of course, issue titles aren't guaranteed to be unique. You'll have to request each of the issues that comes back and see if its body contains the word you're looking for. Even in that case you could get multiple positive results.
It would be much better if you could search by issue number.
¹I've assumed that you really mean "repository" when you say "project". But if you're actually talking about GitHub Project Boards you can use the project keyword as well or instead.

Object name becoming lowercase

I have some code which has worked in multiple installations for about a year. Today im doing a small change to a control and then another control seems to have developed an issue. When at runtime im getting a 91 error object variable or with block variable not set.
I therefore looked at the problem line which is: -
If = "frmFoutmelding" Then Exit Sub
so I noticed the name was lowercase. if i delete .name and rehit the "dot" then it shows me i can use .Name but as soon as i move from this line it drops back to .name
I've checked for instances of name and it appears everywhere in the code in different modules but i cant find if i have accidentally defined this lowercase name anywhere?
Googling doesn't seem to show much but i feel Im googling the wrong terms
chaps - thanks for your suggestions - this was the first instance of the lowercase name and searching as Jim suggested didn't reveal anything I'm afraid. What I did discover was that this was suddenly being run before any forms had actually been displayed and so the count was 0. I therefore, did an on error to check the form count and exit the sub if it =0 then if not to carry on with the line I thought I was having issues with.
It's likely that you did create a new variable or property called (lower case) name, or that some included reference did the same. It's possible to use reserved words as variable names in some cases, but it requires taking specific steps.
I would first search your code for instances of name As to see if you created a variable (this assumes you use Option Explicit, which is a must IMO). Then search for Property*name with * as a wildcard.
If those fail you could try unchecking references or components to see if any of them define name. If none of that finds anything, please post back here.
Jim Mack covers a lot of the potential issues. I think another is if you typed a lower case '.name' in association with Activeform at some point earlier in the same code module - the VB6 IDE checks in the current module and uses that to define what case to use. Look further up the same code module (sub or function).
Ultimately, check what changes you made by comparing the old source to the new in a file comparison tool like windiff - you do have backups, right?

Proper return value for TVN_KEYDOWN

I have very recently answered to the question about Creating TreeView with nodes and checkboxes.
While I was pondering how to properly process the case when treeview's node is checked when user pressing spacebar I ran into TVN_KEYDOWN notification.
My solution was tested in a dialog box and in a window procedure and both seem to work flawlessly.
Still, I have a dilemma of what should be my returned result. Here is the relevant excerpt from the documentation for TVN_KEYDOWN:
Return value
If the wVKey member of lParam is a character key code, the character
will be used as part of an incremental search. Return nonzero to
exclude the character from the incremental search, or zero to include
the character in the search. For all other keys, the return value is
I have tried returning both results when testing if spacebar is pressed and haven't noticed any difference.
So I ask you the following questions:
Can someone explain me what is the incremental search ?
What is the difference when I include or exclude the tested character (spacebar) from incremental search ?
It seems that I have found an answer to first question. I have found an article on Wikipedia that explains what incremental search is.
It leaves only the second question to be answered.
Thank you.
Best regards.
It is most visible in a giant TreeView. The best example of one is the left panel in Regedit.exe. Expand HKCR and start typing to see the effect.
The implementation has changed across Windows versions, it used to be a lot less usable in XP. It is a UI blooper, there isn't any good way for the user to see that he mistyped a letter, to correct a typing mistake or to see that a search starts from scratch. Current versions of Windows use a timeout, automatically resetting the partially typed search phrase when you don't hit a key for a couple of seconds. Which is about as practical as it gets. It is certainly useful, just not very usable.
The only sane thing to do with TVN_KEYDOWN is nothing. Never add more ways to make it less predictable than it already is. Intentionally swallowing a keystroke of course makes it a lot less usable if it is a key the user really wanted to use. You certainly don't want to swallow a space, that's of course a valid character in tree node text. If the tree happens to not have any nodes with text that contains a space then you still don't want to swallow it, the control itself already does.
The notification would have been a lot more useful if it also passed the incremental search string that was collected or give a way to reset it. It just doesn't so that's water under the bridge. Consider handling it if you've created some kind of usability trap, very hard to come up with a practical example of one. You know it when you see it.
The only real use is to completely replace the search function. You'd then make your own rules and select a node yourself. And of course always return a non-zero value.
You want only answer to the second question, so this is:
If you exclude spacebar from incremental search, you dont find trewview item with spacebar.
Note: You must disable TVS_CHECKBOXES style, because treeview wndproc handle spacebar different with this style set.

How to uniquly identify an two objects in same page having same url

I Have two objects in same page but with different locations(tabs), I want to verify those objects each a part ...
i cant uniquely any of objects because the have same properties.
These objects clearly are unique to a point because they have completely different text, this means that you will be able to create an object to match only one of them. My suggestion would be to look for the object by using its text property, one of them will always have "Top Ranking" the other you wil need to turn into a regular expression for the text and will be something "Participants (\d+)".
I am assuming that this next answer is unlikely to be possible so saved it for after the answer you are likely to use but the best solution would of course be to get someone with access to give these elements ids for you to search for. This will in the long term be much easier for you to maintain and not using text will allow this test to run in any language.
Manaysah, do these objects have different indexes? Use the object spy and determine which index they have, the ordinal identifier index may be a solution to your problem. You could also try adding an innertext object property if possible, using a wildcard for the number inside the () as it appears dynamic.
try using xpath for the objects...xpath will definitely be different

Automatic checking of jstl fmt:messages?

Is there any automatic way to check that all referenced messages in my jstl are, in fact, provided in a properties file?
Of course I always add in translations as I make references to them, but I'm mainly concerned about the rare instance where I forget one, or have a typo in either the fmt:messages tag or the properties file; if it is a message that isn't displayed often (e.g. an unusual error message), then I may not realize it until someone gets the error with a ???errormessagename??? which is no good!)
You should always have a default property.
With that you will avoid ???Property_Key??? messages.
But I recently had the same need.
I've made a Excel sheet with automatic merging.
The way I did it is:
Past the first property file content on a first sheet
Same for second on an other sheet
Create a macro parsing each lines, with making a split on the "=" the identify the key.
Put the key of sheet1 on a third sheet
Parsing sheet2 and try to match with keys in sheet3
iF no matches, there is a translation mission, put key in a fourth sheet.
I know it's not a perfect tool, but it's realy helpfull.
