Automatic checking of jstl fmt:messages? - internationalization

Is there any automatic way to check that all referenced messages in my jstl are, in fact, provided in a properties file?
Of course I always add in translations as I make references to them, but I'm mainly concerned about the rare instance where I forget one, or have a typo in either the fmt:messages tag or the properties file; if it is a message that isn't displayed often (e.g. an unusual error message), then I may not realize it until someone gets the error with a ???errormessagename??? which is no good!)

You should always have a default property.
With that you will avoid ???Property_Key??? messages.
But I recently had the same need.
I've made a Excel sheet with automatic merging.
The way I did it is:
Past the first property file content on a first sheet
Same for second on an other sheet
Create a macro parsing each lines, with making a split on the "=" the identify the key.
Put the key of sheet1 on a third sheet
Parsing sheet2 and try to match with keys in sheet3
iF no matches, there is a translation mission, put key in a fourth sheet.
I know it's not a perfect tool, but it's realy helpfull.


Supress cross reference hyperlink using exclamation mark

Prefixing the link with an ! suppresses the creation of a reference (e.g. :ref:`!no link` will be simply rendered as no link):
If you prefix the content with !, no reference/hyperlink will be created.
However, I can't think of any practical usage of this. Why should I first create a reference and then don't want to use it - it would be far easier to write plain text from the very beginning.
So - what is a typical use case of such a suppressed reference?
(Sphinx itself for instance doesn't use it in its docs.)
I can't think of any practical usage of this.
The use I can think of is before a build if you wanted to "turn of" hyperlink generation for one given cross-reference (that appears multiple times) how would you do it?
Well, the simplest way might be using some text editor's "find and replace", and arguably the least invasive way would be to add or remove a single character !. That way the length and structure of the cross-reference is kept in the source (and the title is still rendered in place). This could be convenient in several places, like a table where removing the whole cross-reference could misalign the source.
The most economical change possible would be turning this:
:ref:`a very long title <>`
into this:
:ref:`!a very long title <>`
The same could possibly be achieved programmatically using the Sphinx API, but a lot of Sphinx users are likely to prefer a text editing solution over a programmatic one.

Debugger: Search for a variable which is used

I have the following problem:
I want to avoid that one field of the copied row gets copied into the new row. (ME51n)
I thought that I could search somewhere in the debugger for this field name.
first row has the MATNR: 100-1-15
now i want to search in the debugger for the field MATNR. Is this possible?
(I know this example does not make sense, but my field is not used that often because it's an self-created field)
Or is there an user-exit especially for that?
Use watchpoints for that particular aim that you stated. In official documentation you can learn how to do it. The problem of finding suitable user-exit is not related to original question.

Representing multiple values in delimited seperated value file

Currently i'm working on transforming a xml file to delimited seperated file.I was pondering over the idea of representing multiple values of an attribute field..Currently my idea is to represent the values as below:
First Name;Last Name;E-mail id;Description
Fresher;user1;"||;||";This user joined as fresher.
My question is;Is there is a standard followed for representation of multiple values.?
How is this scenario taken care in common spreadsheet programs available such as Microsoft excel,openoffice calc and lotus notes 123 when imported into .csv file..??
Based on this i want to make changes to my xslt code..
Appreciate any help in this regard..
According to my experiences it is always good to stick to database normalisation standards. There are a lot of information everywhere in the web for further references.
a) When looking in your proposal what I like is to separate each column with semicolon instead of comma. It's easier to import data to any system later especially when you will deal with different (national) standards of number separation symbols
b) However, which I don't like is the 'e-mail' section. There would be a problem in the following areas:
quotation marks are problems- try to avoid them.
don't separate inside e-mail addresses with the same mark as for column separation. Therefore you shouldn't use semicolon there (what I guess- you can have one or few e-mails for each record).
If you can't introduce database normalisation standards I would propose the following small improvements to your idea:
Fresher;user1;|;This user joined as fresher
If you provide that kind of data file I think each of vba user would be able to import it to Excel (or any other system) easily and quickly.

CSV import with user correction

I'm looking for general UI advice on importing a CSV file. The UI is done in ASP.NET MVC3.
When the user uploads the file I need to validate it and allow them to manually correct any errors within the browser before I store it in the database. There's so many potential errors to check for and I'm really not sure what the best way is to achieve this. Another thing is that I only have a few days to implement this so it can't be too complicated. I'm fine with regular expressions and programming and I already have the posted file stream available, but I just can't think of a good and practical way to present this functionaly to the user.
Hope someone can inspire me. Many thanks.
There are some suggestions here:
Reading a CSV file in .NET?
Of these, we chose to use Linq2CSV in our MVC projects.
It is fairly easy to use, and validation is nice. You define a simple class that lays out the structure (columns) of the csv file. It will do basic validation, and if that passed, we sent it through a Validator that used DataAnnotation attributes to validate against more complex rules. We found it reliable, and we were able to add some features to it that we wanted.
If the file was pathologically bad, we'd fail the whole thing and present a single error message. If the file was reasonably sound, we would display the rows in error along with the error messages for the row so they could see the problem in context. In our case, this was a display grid only - we did not allow editing through the website - because the CSVs were being generated out of their data system, and we needed them to edit the source data in their system and regenerate the CSV. To do in place editing, you would need to stage all the column values as strings so they can fix numbers that don't parse, etc.

What is a proper way for naming of message properties in i18n?

We do have a website which should be translate into different languages. Some of the wording is in message properties files ready for translation. I want now add the rest of the text into these files.
What is a good way to name the text blocks?
We mostly have webpages and some of the elements/modules are repeating on some sites.
As far as I know, no "standard" exists. Therefore it is pretty hard to tell what is proper and what is improper way of naming resource keys. However, based on my experience, I could recommend this way:
property file name: <module>.properties
resource keys: <view or dialog>[.<sub-context>].<control-type>.<name>
We may discuss if it is proper way to put every strings from one module into one property files - probably it could be right if updates doesn't happen often and there are not so many messages. Otherwise you might think about one file per view.
As for key naming strategy: it is important for the Translator (sounds like film with honorable governor Arnold S. isn't it?) to have a Context. Translation may actually depend on it, i.e. in Polish you would translate a message in a different way if it is page/dialog/whatever title and in totally different way if it is text on a button.
One example of such resource key could be:
preferences.password_area.label.username=User name
It gives enough hints to the Translator about what it actually is, which could result in correct translation...
We have come up with the following key naming convention (Java, btw) using dot notation and camel case:
Label Keys (form labels, page/form/app titles, etc...i.e., not full sentences; used in multiple UI locations):
If the label represents a Java field (i.e., a form field) and matches the form label: label.nameOfField
Else: label.sameAsValue
label.firstName = First Name
label.lastName = Last Name
label.applicationTitle = Application Title
label.editADocument = Edit a Document
Content Keys:
projectName is the short name of the project (or a derived name from the Java package)
uiPath is the UI navigation path to the content key
messageOrContentType (e.g., added, deleted, updated, info, warning, error, title, content, etc.) should be added based on the type of content. Example messages: (1) The page has been updated. (2) There was an error processing your request.
n.* handles the following cases: When there are multiple content areas on a single page (e.g., when the content is separated by, an image, etc), when content is in multiple paragraphs or when content is in an (un)ordered list - a numeric identifier should be appended. Example: ...content.1, ...content.2
When there are multiple content areas on a page and one or more need to be further broken up (based on the HTML example above), a secondary numeric identifier may be appended to the key. Example: ...content.1.1, ...content.1.2
training.mySetup.myInfo.content.1 = This is the first sentence of content 1. This is the second sentence of content 1. This content will be surrounded by paragraph tags.
training.mySetup.myInfo.content.2 = This is the first sentence of content 2. This is the second sentence of content 2. This content will also be surrounded by paragraph tags.
training.mySetup.myInfo.title = My Information
training.mySetup.myInfo.updated = Your personal information has been updated.
Advantages / Disadvantages:
+ Label keys can easily be reused; location is irrelevant.
+ For content keys that are not reused, locating the page on the UI will be simple and logical.
- It may not be clear to translators where label keys reside on the UI. This may be a non-issue for translators who do not navigate the pages, but may still be an issue for developers.
- If content keys must be used in more than one location on the UI (which is highly likely), the key name choice will not make sense in the other location(s). In our case, management is not concerned with a duplication of values for content areas, so we will be using different keys (to demonstrate the location on the UI) in this case.
Feedback on this convention - especially feedback that will improve it - would be much appreciated since we are currently revamping our resource bundles! :)
I'd propose the below convention
This way you can logically group all the common messages in a super context (id in the below example). There are few things that aren't specific to any functional context (like lastName etc) which you can group into logical-context. Id
order.submission.submit=Submit Order
name.last=Last Name
the method that I have personally used and that I've liked more so far is using sentence to localisee as the key. For example: (pls replace T with the right syntax dependably on the language)
for example:
print(T("Hello world"))
in this case T will search for a key "Hello world". If it is not found then the key is returned, otherwise the value of the key.
In this way, you do not need to edit the message (in your default language) at least that you need to use parameters.... It saved me a LOT of dev time
