Encrypted password in database and browser digest auth - bcrypt

I wrote a small webserver which currently uses basic auth over ssl. So far everything works great. Now I want (need) to switch to digest auth. But I can't figure how out to make this work with passwords that are not stored as cleartext in the database? I only have the password digest (generated using bcrypt) of my users' passwords stored. Is http digest auth possible at all?

Was just looking into this just now. First, I read through RFC 2617 - HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication to get some insight into the specification and see how it can be adapted for a REST API authentication.
Ran into the same question as you did—Does digest authentication mean the server needs to store the user's password in plaintext?
This Stack Overflow answer makes it clear: No. The server doesn't store the plaintext password—it should store the hash of (username|realm|password).
That would've been fine except for one thing—the canonical spec only supports using MD5 as the hash function.
Of course you could store both the bcrypt hash and the MD5 hash but doing so only undermines the security of the bcrypt hash effectively rendering it useless (since an attacker can shift his efforts into brute forcing the MD5 hash instead).
So, I took a step back and thought, why not disregard the spec and use bcrypt on both sides as the hash function (bcrypt(username|realm|password))?
Well, aside from being purposefully slow, bcrypt has a maximum password length which makes it unsuitable for use as a general digest algorithm.
Whew, by now my head was swimming but I still thought to give it another go. Some of the suggestions were to use TLS with SRP or authenticated encryption, specifically EAX, but I felt that maybe those were taking things just a step too far for a simple Web service.
To put it simply, if you're really bent on doing this you can work around bcrypt's character limitation by using a preliminary hash.
Long story short it seems that you can do:
And use that in place of H(A1) in a bastardized version of the spec.
The question now becomes—was all that added complexity really worth it? Did we get any added layer of security over Basic auth over HTTPS?

The question now becomes—was all that added complexity really worth it? Did we get any added layer of security over Basic auth over HTTPS?
I can see one, when you use basic auth, your HTTP client sends the Authorization header as a base64(password)
So, if you leave your web browser open, and someone opens the browser web console, he can base64 decode your password.
Whereas, with digest auth, the Authorization header is a md5 hash (and a nonce hash is included to prevent replay attacks)


Recommended methods for jwt to kick people offline

I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
I once used a method:
When generating the JWT token, add a fixed parameter as the salt generated by the token. If you want to kick a user offline, you only need to regenerate the value of the salt, and then verify the salt generated in the interceptor every time Whether the token is consistent with the token passed by the client! It can be judged whether this token has been hacked.
However, this method still stores certain data on the server side, which violates its statelessness. Is there any better way to implement it?
JWT's are not a great option when you need the ability to end a user session or log them out. In order to do that you need to track some sort of state.
You can take a hybrid option though, and use a "stateless" option (JWT validation) for less critical operations, and do some sort of a "stateful" validation for others:
This post might not be what you are looking for, as this is more about a client validating tokens issued from an IdP, but it shows using JWT's for "read" requests (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS), and remote validation (OAuth 2) of the token for all other requests.

Laravel 7 Auth password sent in plain text

I have default auth implemented in Laravel 7 and works like a charm.
However, I have a very peculiar requirement wherein, the password shouldn't even travel in plain text although SSL is implemented on network.
One way would be to handle it via javascript on login page wherein I encrypt the value of password and send the same to server and then decrypt the same in php before handing it to laravel attemptLogin method.
However, I am not so sure about this approach.
Any help would be awesome.
On client side, used crypt.js/aes.min.js and encrypted the password using a key and iv.
In login controller, overrode credentials method and decrypted using openssl_decrypt before passing on to hash check.
This is already discussed on this answer:
It is standard practice to send "plaintext" passwords over HTTPS. The
passwords are ultimately not plaintext, since the client-server
communication is encrypted as per TLS.
And this one:
If you hash on the client side, the hashed password becomes the actual
password (with the hashing algorithm being nothing more than a means
to convert a user-held mnemonic to the actual password).
This means that you will be storing the full "plain-text" password
(the hash) in the database, and you will have lost all benefit of
hashing in the first place.
You may also read this answer for more security options.
I solved it as below:
On client side, used crypt.js/aes.min.js and encrypted the password using a key and iv.
In login controller, overrode credentials method and decrypted using openssl_decrypt before passing on to hash check.

Do i need session store using JSON Web Token tokens ? Why not just using cookies?

I still cannot understand what is the main purpose of JWT. As for me the only purposes are:
to overcome CSRF
and to ensure better mobile support (because mobile apps in some cases don t support cookies).
Also there is a claim that with JWT you don't have to worry about session storage on the server side. This is not clear to me. How could JWT completely replace session storage on the server side? Does this mean that we put all session data into the JWT, encrypt it and send it to client on every response? But if so, does that mean the token that is issued by server will change depending on the data which we used to store in session? And as i understand the only thing that prevent us from using cookie this way(without session storage on the server side) is the size limit on cookie files - only 4kb.
Also do we still need to use SSL to prevent session hijacking?
Please tell me if my understanding is right or there is some other aspects.
I think there're too many legends about JWT. To understand its essence, we should get back to its original definition.
According to its official site:
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a
compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information
between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and
trusted because it is digitally signed.
So essentially, what JWT offers is just a way to transmit data. No more, no less. And because multi parties are involved, the format MUST be standardized. And once the format is standardized, libraries can be made to facilitate its adoption.
Again from the official site:
When should you use JSON Web Tokens?
There are some scenarios where JSON Web Tokens are useful:
This is the typical scenario for using JWT, once the user is logged in, each subsequent request will include the JWT,
allowing the user to access routes, services, and resources that are
permitted with that token. Single Sign On is a feature that widely
uses JWT nowadays, because of its small overhead and its ability to be
easily used among systems of different domains.
Information Exchange:
JSON Web Tokens are a good way of securely transmitting information between parties, because as they can be
signed, for example using public/private key pairs, you can be sure
that the senders are who they say they are. Additionally, as the
signature is calculated using the header and the payload, you can also
verify that the content hasn't changed.
So, Authentication is merely one of the possible use cases of JWT. Though it is indeed a typical usage of JWT.
As far as authentication is concerned, JWT can be used to replace session+cookie approach because it can save server's memory for storing sessions. But how big the benefit is depends on the user amount and your specific scenario. If there's only a few clients and no cross-domain authentication requirements, I don't think you need to give up the good old session+cookie approach.
Last but not the least, Session is not JUST meant for authentication. It is actually meant to place HTTP requests and responses within a larger context. I am not sure if JWT can replace session for that purpose given JWT's size limit. And IMHO, authentication just happened to be one of the use cases of session since such info must be user-specific. There are many other good scenarios to justify session, such as Shopping Cart.
JWTs in itself are just self-contained tokens and don't provide CSRF protection. The protocol used to deliver the JWT may (or should) provide means to prevent CSRF.
One area where JWTs are notably "better" than cookies is their cross-domain capability. You can read more on the comparison between tokens and cookies here: https://auth0.com/blog/2014/01/07/angularjs-authentication-with-cookies-vs-token/
JWTs can be self-contained so they have all the information that you need in a verifiable container that would enable you to use them without storing them (or a reference to them). But there may be more data that you need in a session so avoiding session storage in general is not a reason in itself for moving to JWTs.
SSL is required for sure to prevent token leakage and session hijacking.

Is this a good security strategy?

I'm trying to make a web service secure.
It's not for a bank or anything of that sort, but the organization using it may lose some money if the service will be used by someone not authorized (it's hard to tell exactly how much..).
The purpose is not to allow unauthorized applications to use any method (other than "GetChallenge". for users authentication there is a different mechanism which checks for username and password. I actually combined the two, but they serve different purposes):
So here's what I do:
I send a (ASP.NET) session key (for everyone to read. ASP.NET's session Is 15 randomly generated bytes, it lives for 20 minutes unless prolonged, and ASP.NET will not receive any request without it).
In my SignIn method, apart from username and password (which anyone can acquire, since it's a part of a public site), I receive a third parameter - the session key hashed by md5 algorithm with 6 bytes as salt.
And only if the hash is correct (I'm hashing and comparing it on the server side) - I let the users sign in.
From then on in every method, I check if the user is signed in.
Added: The username and password are sent as clear text, and that's not a problem (not the one I'm addressing at least). The problem is for someone (other than the company we're working with) writing an application which uses my web service. The web service should only be used by an authorized application.
Also, the session id is sent back and forth with every request and response (as a part of ASP.NET session mechanism. That's how ASP.NET knows to "track" a session specific for a user). Sorry for not clarifying that from the first place.
(irrationally thought it was obvious).
How strong and effective is that security strategy?
Updated based on your edit and comment
It's pretty secure and is very similar to the approach used by Google, Facebook and others for their API keys. Except...
Session ID plain text potential issue
I would recommend against using Session ID as part of a security mechanism.
The one issue is with passing the session key in plain text across the network. There is potential that this could open up some Session hijack and other attacks.
From the Microsoft Docs:
The SessionID is sent between the server and the browser in clear text, either in a cookie or in the URL. As a result, an unwanted source could gain access to the session of another user by obtaining the SessionID value and including it in requests to the server. If you are storing private or sensitive information in session state, it is recommended that you use SSL to encrypt any communication between the browser and server that includes the SessionID.
As you are using the Session ID as part of your security mechanism I would say that is sensitive data.
One way to ensure someone doesn't get hold of your session key is to run your service on HTTPS. Personally I would avoid using the Session ID in this way and generating a non-related value instead.
Recommended change
Follow more closely the model used by Google and the like. Generate a new GUID for each application, store the GUID in a database on the server, pass the GUID in each request to your server from the client.
Identifies the client application uniquely, allowing you to track and manage usage per client nicely
Easily disable any client by removing the GUID from your data store
No sensitive data on the wire
I would still run the service on HTTPS as it's easy to setup and gives the added benefit of protecting any other data you send to your service.
The purpose of encryption is not to
allow unauthorized applications to use
any method
Wrong. The purpose of encryption it to prevent the understanding of data whilst either in transit or stored. It prevents data being 'useable' by those that do not have the means to decrypt.
What you are describing is something similar to a public/private key system. You're making your session key available to everyone. Then only after they've md5 with the correct salt (as per your server side comparison) you're then trusting that source.
You've got NO authentication here except for username and password. Also your data isn't encrypted during transit. I fail to see how this is at all secure.
I think you're best bet is to use an SSL certificate (so your web service is running over HTTPS) along with the username and password. If you want to be doubly secure you might want to go down the route of checking source IP ranges and login locations as an additional check. Perhaps a forced password change interval will help in the case that consumers are passing credentials to a third party + audit how the web service is actually being used.
As a side note if you want to hash something don't use MD5, its broken.
From a web services perspective the ideal way to use authentication or provide security to your service is something like this: Web Service Authentication (Token and MD5 Hashing to encrypt password).
The way you describe it, it does not seem secure at all.
What is the point of letting the SignIn method accept a hashed session key, if the session key is public ("for everyone to read")?
Plus: "in every method, I check if the user is signed in. " How do you check that?
A common (and reasonably secure) strategy would be to generate a (unique, sufficiently long and random) session ID server-side, and send it to the client after it has authenticated. Then check every client request and only accept it if it contains the session ID. To do this, either embed the ID into all links on every page, or set it as a cookie, depending on what's easier for you.
On logout, just delete the session ID on the server.
That way, no one can invoke any method without a valid session.

Designing a web api: How to authenticate?

I am designing a web api. I need to let the user authenticate themselves. I am a little hesistant to let the user pass in their username/password in cleartext.. something like: api.mysite.com/auth.php?user=x&pass=y
Another option i read about was Base64 encoding the username/password and then sending a HTTP request. So does that mean that on the server side;I would _GET['user'] and _GET['password'] and then somehow decode them?
Is that what twitter does: http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation#Authentication ?
Base64 is no protection at all. Use SSL for real security.
As mentioned by truppo, first use SSL.
What many web services do is have an "authenticate" service that returns a token that is then used later, and can be used in plaintext, since it's only valid for a limited amount of time. When it expires, the client simply does another authenticate.
The key benefit of this is that it reduces the number of SSL requests, which lightens the load on the server.
Just this week the IETF published a new draft discussing security properties of the various authentication mechanisms in HTTP. You should find helpful information there.
Personally I'd recommend at least to read about digest authentication and analyze if that's suitable for you.
Using SSL might also be an option. However, it also addresses additional issues at the expense of performance, cachability and others. It keeps the payload data confidential. If this is a requirement, then it's your way to go.
If this is a webservice, you'd better use more secure form of authentication. Look for example, at the LiveJournal protocol: Challenge-Response.
Please do not use regular usename/password authentication for the api. People really shouldn't be forced to put credentials from foreign services in a mashup service.
Please consider using oauth http://oauth.net/ or at least some challenge-response based system, like Eugene suggested.
One easy way would be to let the guest-service generate a token which is connected to his app and a user. If you put in some work you could even make the tokencreation secure to have only allowed foreign services with some private/public-key mechanisms.
The user has to authorize this token in your app before the guest service can use it to get authenticated.
I've found this article eye-opening.
In short: use a pair of API keys per user. One is for client authentication, one for parameters signing.
