Designing a web api: How to authenticate? - restful-authentication

I am designing a web api. I need to let the user authenticate themselves. I am a little hesistant to let the user pass in their username/password in cleartext.. something like:
Another option i read about was Base64 encoding the username/password and then sending a HTTP request. So does that mean that on the server side;I would _GET['user'] and _GET['password'] and then somehow decode them?
Is that what twitter does: ?

Base64 is no protection at all. Use SSL for real security.

As mentioned by truppo, first use SSL.
What many web services do is have an "authenticate" service that returns a token that is then used later, and can be used in plaintext, since it's only valid for a limited amount of time. When it expires, the client simply does another authenticate.
The key benefit of this is that it reduces the number of SSL requests, which lightens the load on the server.

Just this week the IETF published a new draft discussing security properties of the various authentication mechanisms in HTTP. You should find helpful information there.
Personally I'd recommend at least to read about digest authentication and analyze if that's suitable for you.
Using SSL might also be an option. However, it also addresses additional issues at the expense of performance, cachability and others. It keeps the payload data confidential. If this is a requirement, then it's your way to go.

If this is a webservice, you'd better use more secure form of authentication. Look for example, at the LiveJournal protocol: Challenge-Response.

Please do not use regular usename/password authentication for the api. People really shouldn't be forced to put credentials from foreign services in a mashup service.
Please consider using oauth or at least some challenge-response based system, like Eugene suggested.
One easy way would be to let the guest-service generate a token which is connected to his app and a user. If you put in some work you could even make the tokencreation secure to have only allowed foreign services with some private/public-key mechanisms.
The user has to authorize this token in your app before the guest service can use it to get authenticated.

I've found this article eye-opening.
In short: use a pair of API keys per user. One is for client authentication, one for parameters signing.


outbound propagation of oidc access token in Liberty

Hello I manage 2 Liberty servers that serve UI and BFF content respectively and I want to secure them both with corporate oidc OP. Having heard about inbound propagation, I was thinking in propagating the access token from UI to BFF.
However I didnt find documentation on how should I configure it to outbound propagate the access token after successful authentication. The documentation only refers to inbound propagation. Only thing I see is a WASOidcClient_*** cookie being set, which I know nothing about it.
I also heard about jwtSso-1.0 feature and tried to create my own JWT with the necessary user information, but can't make this feature get the desired claims from the ID Token (already opened this other question).
So I'm unclear of:
Am I designing this correctly?
How can I get the UI Liberty propagate access token after successful authentication, preferably without coding anything?
Should I propagate access token, or IDToken? BFF needs basic user information that is present in IDToken
What is the WASOidcClient_*** cookie for? Can it be used by different Liberty instances to authenticate requests? Is the name configurable? Im just curious, because this cookie is probably proprietary and not portable, not much desired.
Appreciate it in advance!!

Do i need session store using JSON Web Token tokens ? Why not just using cookies?

I still cannot understand what is the main purpose of JWT. As for me the only purposes are:
to overcome CSRF
and to ensure better mobile support (because mobile apps in some cases don t support cookies).
Also there is a claim that with JWT you don't have to worry about session storage on the server side. This is not clear to me. How could JWT completely replace session storage on the server side? Does this mean that we put all session data into the JWT, encrypt it and send it to client on every response? But if so, does that mean the token that is issued by server will change depending on the data which we used to store in session? And as i understand the only thing that prevent us from using cookie this way(without session storage on the server side) is the size limit on cookie files - only 4kb.
Also do we still need to use SSL to prevent session hijacking?
Please tell me if my understanding is right or there is some other aspects.
I think there're too many legends about JWT. To understand its essence, we should get back to its original definition.
According to its official site:
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a
compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information
between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and
trusted because it is digitally signed.
So essentially, what JWT offers is just a way to transmit data. No more, no less. And because multi parties are involved, the format MUST be standardized. And once the format is standardized, libraries can be made to facilitate its adoption.
Again from the official site:
When should you use JSON Web Tokens?
There are some scenarios where JSON Web Tokens are useful:
This is the typical scenario for using JWT, once the user is logged in, each subsequent request will include the JWT,
allowing the user to access routes, services, and resources that are
permitted with that token. Single Sign On is a feature that widely
uses JWT nowadays, because of its small overhead and its ability to be
easily used among systems of different domains.
Information Exchange:
JSON Web Tokens are a good way of securely transmitting information between parties, because as they can be
signed, for example using public/private key pairs, you can be sure
that the senders are who they say they are. Additionally, as the
signature is calculated using the header and the payload, you can also
verify that the content hasn't changed.
So, Authentication is merely one of the possible use cases of JWT. Though it is indeed a typical usage of JWT.
As far as authentication is concerned, JWT can be used to replace session+cookie approach because it can save server's memory for storing sessions. But how big the benefit is depends on the user amount and your specific scenario. If there's only a few clients and no cross-domain authentication requirements, I don't think you need to give up the good old session+cookie approach.
Last but not the least, Session is not JUST meant for authentication. It is actually meant to place HTTP requests and responses within a larger context. I am not sure if JWT can replace session for that purpose given JWT's size limit. And IMHO, authentication just happened to be one of the use cases of session since such info must be user-specific. There are many other good scenarios to justify session, such as Shopping Cart.
JWTs in itself are just self-contained tokens and don't provide CSRF protection. The protocol used to deliver the JWT may (or should) provide means to prevent CSRF.
One area where JWTs are notably "better" than cookies is their cross-domain capability. You can read more on the comparison between tokens and cookies here:
JWTs can be self-contained so they have all the information that you need in a verifiable container that would enable you to use them without storing them (or a reference to them). But there may be more data that you need in a session so avoiding session storage in general is not a reason in itself for moving to JWTs.
SSL is required for sure to prevent token leakage and session hijacking.

Using JWT to implement Authentication on web API

I have been reading about JWT.
But from what I read it is not an authentication mechanism but more like a crucial component in a Authentication mechanism.
I have currently implemented a solution which works, but it was just to try out JWT and see how it works. But what I am after now is how one should make use of it. From my experience of it its basically just an encryption mechanism that gives you a unique encrypted key. You are also able to put information inside of this token.
I am wanting to implement it in terms on a ASP.NET web api 2 to be consumed by a mobile application.
So step 1:
app => Server : Login (user, pasword)
Server => app : Login OK, heres your JWT
app => server : Get my profile (sends JWT with request)
Server then decrypts JWT and determines the requests Identity.
Now this is just my understanding of it, Look I could be on the totally wrong path.
Is the Ideal of JWT so that you dont have to authenticate on every request? I just authenticate the users credentials once (on the initial login) and there on after the server can simply use JWT and no have to lookup the users pw and user in the DB?
I just want to use the JWT to Identity who the user is. I will then authorize then after i have authenticated them. As I know there is a big confused with the new MVC and Authentication and Authorization.
So what my question comes down to.
How can I safely and effectively Implement a Authentication Mechanism Using JWT?
I don't want to just cough something up that seems to work and not have any Idea of the security implications. I am sure that there exists a source some where that has possibly designed a secure mechanism that would suit my requirements.
My requirements are:
Must only have to check db for users credentials once off per session? Due to the use of bcrypt using a lot of resources to compare passwords.
Must be able to identify the user from their request. (I.e who they are, userId will be sufficient) and preferably without accessing the DB as well
Should be as low overhead as possible, with regards to resources on the server side processing the request.
If an intruder had to copy a devices previous request, then he should not be able to access the real users data. (obviously)
Your understanding of JWTs is good. But here are a couple corrections and some recommendations.
Authentication and Authorization
JWTs have nothing to do with authentication. Hitting your DB and hashing passwords only happens when you authenticate on creation of the JWT. This is orthogonal to JWTs and you can do that in any way you like. I personally like Membership Reboot, which also has a good example of using JWTs.
Theoretically, you could have the user enter a password once a year and have the JWT be valid that entire year. This most likely not the best solution, if the JWT gets stolen at any point the users resources would be compromised.
Tokens can, but don't have to be encrypted. Encrypting your tokens will increase the complexity of your system and amount of computation your server needs to read the JWTs. This might be important if you require that no one is able to read the token when it is at rest.
Tokens are always cryptographically signed by the issuer to ensure their integrity. Meaning they cannot be tampered with by the user or a third party.
Your JWTs can contain any information you want. The users name, birthdate, email, etc. You do this with claims based authorization. You then just tell your provider to make a JWT with these claims from the Claims Principle. The following code is from that Membership Reboot example and it shows you how this is done.
public override Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var svc = context.OwinContext.Environment.GetUserAccountService<UserAccount>();
UserAccount user;
if (svc.Authenticate("users", context.UserName, context.Password, out user))
var claims = user.GetAllClaims();
var id = new System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity(claims, "MembershipReboot");
return base.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(context);
This allows you to control with precision whom is accessing your resources, all without hitting your processor intensive authentication service.
A very easy way to implement a Token provider is to use Microsoft's OAuth Authorization Server in your WebAPI project. It give you the bare bones of what you need to make a OAuth server for your API.
You could also look into Thinktecture's Identity Server which would give you much easier control over users. For instance, you can easily implement refresh tokens with identity server where the user is authenticated once and then for a certain amount of time (maybe a month) they can continue getting short lived JWTs from the Identity Server. The refresh tokens are good because they can be revoked, whereas JWTs cannot. The downside of this solution is that you need to set up another server or two to host the Identity service.
To deal with your last point, that an intruder should not be able to copy the last request to get access to a resource, you must use SSL at a bare minimum. This will protect the token in transport.
If you are protecting something extremely sensitive, you should keep the token lifetime to a very short window of time. If you are protecting something less sensitive, you could make the lifetime longer. The longer the token if valid, the larger the window of time a attacker will have to impersonate the authenticated user if the user's machine is compromised.
I've written detailed blog post about configuring the OWIN Authorization server to issue signed JSON Web Tokens instead of default token. So the resource servers (Audience) can register with the Authorization server, and then they can use the JWT tokens issued by Token issuer party without the need to unify machineKey values between all parties. You can read the post JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Web API 2 using Owin
For the formal concept . The Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
Let’s see the real life example
Imagine that your neighbor has asked you to feed his pets while he is away. In this example, you have the authorization to access the kitchen and open the cupboard storing the pet food. However, you can’t go into your neighbor’s bedroom as he did not explicitly permit you to do so. Even though you had the right to enter the house (authentication), your neighbor only allowed you access to certain areas (authorization).
For more detailed and for users who like more STEP BY STEP implementation on practical use of JSON Web Token in WEB API. This is must read post Secure WebAPI Using JSON WEB TOKEN
Updated to use: System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -Version 5.1.4

Protect Web API from unauthorized applications

I am working on a web page that uses a lot of AJAX to communicate with the server. The server, in turn, has an extensive REST/JSON API exposing the different operations called by the web client.
This web site is used by both anonymous and authenticated users. As you might expect, the web service calls issued by authenticated users require authentication, and are thus protected from unauthorized users or applications.
However, the web site has a lot of features that require no authentication, and some of these make use of anonymous web services. The only way I am using to prevent outsiders from calling this web services is by using a CSRF token. I know, the CSRF token is not very useful in this regard... with some time in hand, you can figure out how to consume the web services even if they use a CSRF token.
Of course, you can use a CAPTCHA to prevent applications or bots from autonomously using your web service. However, any human will be able to use it.
Sharing a secret key between client and server, on the other side, would be useless. This, because of the ability of any outsider to read it from the web page source code.
I would like to make these web services as difficult to invoke as posible to any 3rd party application. What would you do besides using the CSRF token? It sounds a little stupid, but hey, maybe it is stupid and I am just losing my time.
Note: given this application uses a browser and not an "executable" as the client, this question is irrelevant to the discussion. I cannot use a secret between server and client (not to my knowledge, at least)
I would take a few steps.
Force https on the site. Automatically redirect any incoming http requests to https ones (the RequireHttps attribute is handy for this)
Each page needs to (securely, hence the https) send a one-time use token to the client, to be used for the page. The script running on the client can hold this in the page memory. Any request coming back sends a hashed & salted response, along with the nonce salt. The server can repeat the steps with the saved token + salt and hash to confirm the request. (much like explunit's answer above)
(It's worth noting that the secure request from a client isn't being authenticated from a user account, merely a token sent with the full page.)
The definition for one-time could either be session or page load, depending on your security vs convenience preference. Tokens should be long and expired fairly quickly to frustrate attackers.
The SSL + Hash(token + nonce) should be enough for your needs.
This is interesting. Below is a crazy suggestion. Remember, your question is also equally crazy.
Your website, once opened through a browser, should generate a long polling connection (Comet programing). This will create a unique session between the browser and the server. When ur JS is making the ajax call, send some token (unique token every time) to the server through the long polling thread. Let the AJAX also send the same token. At the server, get the AJAX token and check whether you have a similar token in you long polling session. If yes, fulfill the request. Any coder can break this. But, it won't be easy. Chances are the freeboarders won't even see these second piece of comet code. You can implement the comet code in such a way it is not easy to detect or understand. When they call ur service, send a 'Service Unavailable' message. They will be confused. Also make the comet code https.
You can also check how long that long polling thread is open. If the session was just opened and you get a ajax call right away, you can assume it is a 3rd party call. It depends on ur website flow. If ur Ajax call happens after 1 second of page load, you can check for that pattern on server side.
Anyone coding for your public api, will have 1 to 2 secret checks that they wouldn't even know and even if they know, they might be discouraged by all the extra coding they have to do.
You might have an easier problem than the one described in the linked question since you don't need to distribute a binary to the users. Even if your app is open source, the HMAC/signature key (in the "Request Signatures" part of that answer) can be controlled by an environment/configuration setting.
To summarize:
The secret key is not actually sent between client and server. Rather, it's used to sign the requests
Be sure that the requests include some unique/random element (your CSRF key probably suffices) so that two requests for the same API data are not identical.
Sign the request with the secret key and append the signature to the request. You linked to a PHP question but not clear if what language you're using. In .Net I would use a HMAC class such as HMACSHA256.
On the API server-side use the same HMAC object to verify that the request was signed with the same secret key.
Maybe you could use counters to keep track of conversations. Only the Server and Clients will be able to predict the next iteration in a conversation. This way, I think, you can prevent third party applications to impersonate someone (Just an idea though).
At the beginning, they start talking at some iteration (i=0, for example).
Every time the client requests something, the counter is incremented by some number in both the server side and the client (i=i+some_number).
And, after a few minutes of no communication, they both know they have to reset the counter (i=0).
This is just an idea based on the concept of RSA and also placing Fraud Detection on your system. The Risk from Authorized users is minimal however they can attempt to make anonymous calls to your web-service too.
For UN-Authorised users : For each web-service call , generate a token say using RSA which changes after some time(can be configured say 30 min). This way prediction of code is minimized. I have not heard of RSA collision till now. Send this token back to the user for his browser session. For further security , we might want to attach a session id with RSA token. Since session ids are unique new anonymous calls would require new session id.
Calls can be tracked using Auditing mechanism. Also per-web service there can be a different RSA setup. How the Algorithm for Fraud Detection would work is a challenge by itself.
For Authorized Users :
Every user should be tracked by his IP Address using Header block. The RSA token principle can be applied.
The solution is very vague but worth considering.

How to design authentication and authorization system for REST backend / Ajax front End Application

I am starting a new project where we are planing to build a restful back end and an AJAX font end. I am approaching the problem by focusing on Identifying all the resources that I have and what the various HTTP verbs will do them, their URI and the JSON representations of those resources.
I am looking for the best design for securing the backend. Here is the list of designs I have considered. I am looking for alternative designs not listed below, and pros, cons recommendations. The system will be implemented with Spring 3.0 and possibly Spring Security 3.0, SSL will be used for many parts of the system but not for all of them, so some requests may come on SSL and some might not.
Option 1: Use the HTTP session
Show a standard login screen, create a server side session and let tomcat send back a jsessionid cookie and have the ajax client include the JSESSIONID cookie on every XHR request. This options just feels like it's the wrong approach for the following reasons.
The connection becomes statefull which is against the rules of REST
I want to be able to split the bakcend into multiple seperate WAR files which means i could have multiple HTTP sessions on the backend, if that is the case then this approach does not work. While I don't need the ability to split the backend into multiple apps today, I would prefer a design that allows for that possibility.
Option 2: Find an open source Java based security library that does this
Other than Spring security I have not found any other Java libraries, any recommendations are highly appreciated.
Option 3: Try to use an existing protocol like OAuth
In my very brief look at OAuth it seems that it is designed for authentication across sites where each site has it's own user database. In this system i want a global user database shared across all the backend ajax services.
Option 4: Use SAML and Shiboleth
This options seems over kill and hugely complex to setup and maintain.
Option 5: Send the username and password with every request
This requires that user sends their username and password with every request, which means that the front end AJAX app must store the username and password as a JavaScript object and if the user navigates away from the page then back the username/password combo will be gone and the user might be forced to log in again. I don't want the front end to try and put the username and password into cookie as that would comprise security.
Option 6: Implement my own authentication / Authorization protocol
Create a REST service that users can present their username/password combination to and then get back and security token, which they must send back to the service with every request. The security token would be digitally signed by the service and would have an expiry time. The token would be only good for most operations high security operations would require a new login screen as port of confirming the operation.
Problem with this approach is I have to invent yet another security protocol which seems like a total waste of time.
I am sure I am not the only person up against this problem, I hope the stack overflow community can point to some options and tools that I have not found yet.
Take a look at Apache Shiro. It is an authentication system that has a session management feature that can be used to share sessions across applications. This may be the easiest thing to do.
Or you could use Spring Security (or Shiro) with a Remember Me cookie that is shared across the webapps (as long as they are in the same HTTP domain). The remember me cookie would be analogous to your token in option 6. You can set the expiration on the cookie that so it is short lived like a session cookie or long lived like a regular remember me.
You might also want to take a look at Jasig CAS - Single Sign-On for the Web. It has a REST API and a protocol (Proxy Tickets) that allows services to proxy user AuthN to backend services like you described in option 6.
Briefly...the application that serves up the AJAX client is protected with Spring Security (supports CAS out of the box) and gets a Proxy Granting Ticket that you embed in the AJAX client. The AJAX client uses the PGT to get Proxy Tickets for your REST services...protected with Spring Security too. The REST services get an authenticated userId without every touching primary credentials.
Alternative, you could keep the PGT on the server and use AJAX calls to retrieve Proxy Tickets that are then used by the AJAX client to call you REST services.
As I understood you are going to secure a rest application, to preface you must know that a security provider consisd of three concepts (3A):
to implement these three together you must provide bunch of tools such as :
-SSO provider
-Session Store
-Open Id pattern
-user credentials integration
I have used ACL(Spring ACL) to provide authorization services and oauth2 for authentication.
there is one channel to connect these two together and its scopes(oauth2 scopes) but the problem is scopes are not flexible(pure strings) enough to implement authorization modules such as role_voter, cache_strategy, black_list or,Role_base strategy, exceptional permissions, white_list... (but you can use #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity)
In my case I used authorization server as a resource for oauth2 authentication server(take a look at, then I considered two spots to check authorization, the first I issued ACL to front-end and forced programmer to design her page dynamically up to ACL concept, the second is in back-end on service layer(BLL) using Aspect when one rest is going to be called. I sent the service key as an actee to check if current user has enough access control to do that. and for auditing you must monitor all requests I mean you must use an listener in your gateway or broker...
