How to achieve dynamism with Joomla? - joomla

i'm new to Joomla and i'm considered in the phase of discovering it yet , my problem here is that i'm using Joomla to make a cafe online ordering website , i want the customer to access the website and make his order from it, so i have to provide him with an active menu containing the cafe menu items, so i have to provide a radio buttons(or something like that) in order to give the customer the ability to choose his order items and to confirm his choices at last. i searched a lot about how to make that using Joomla and didn't reach to any thing , so it will be great if anyone can help me in such stuff.

You can not build complex custom forms with Joomla out-of-the-box.
The best solution depends on your needs - especially your further processing of the order.
If you just want to send it by mail to someone or to have it saved in the database, then it would be a enough to use a form extension for joomla. You will find many form extension on JED - they vary a lot in features, usability,flexibility and price. I often use breezingforms because it is very flexible and you can extend it with your own code (mostly).
If you want a full "shop" then you should have a look at the virtueMart extension for joomla. Or even at a shop system instead of joomla.
If you want full control you can write your own HTML and PHP Code and inject it into Joomla by a module such as Sourcerer from Or you write your own extension...


How to display Joomla 3 urls without numbers?

I am having urls displayed with category and article ids such as In order to remove the numbers, I had to manually create menu items for each article - which then successfully omits the numbers from the urls.
This is perhaps not the right way to create SEF urls as this requires extra work to create the menu items. Does anyone know of a better way to do this? I couldn't find any extensions that can do this effectively.
No, this is how Joomla default routing works in both 2.5 and 3.x versions.
You need to either create a menu item per each article, as you did, or install a 3rd party plugin to handle it.
In your case I guess that most SEF extensions in the Joomla Extension Directory will do. I had good experiences with SH404SEF (a very complete solution) and Simple Custom Router (a very basic plugin - intended for coders)

Joomla Template Selection

I am planning to build Auto responsive website in Joomla. I am looking for below features.
Must have :
Auto responsive (mobile friendly)
Static & Dynamic content management
Forms submission
Auto email on form submit
CRM entry on form submit using an API call to our CRM
Good to have :
Ticket Raising system
FAQ managment
Backup Of Site
Blog handing
Kindly advise, which template can be used to achieve above functions?
You could use Joomla 3's standard template as it's responsive, however there are so many sites using this so you go down another road.
If you're up for some design of your own, then you can get a pre-built master template such as Yootheme's Master Theme which is free or maybe ever Afterburner 2 by Rockettheme.
For forms, you can use an extension such as Chronoforms which allows you to build your own forms for multiple purposes and has a lot of features.
As for the "Good to have" points, simply have a search on the Joomla Extensions Directory and you will find everything you need.
Hope this helps
Only one of your requirements has anything to do with the template you choose, whether it is responsive or not.
Joomla templates do nothing more than provide styling for the output of Joomla core and any extensions you may add. Everything you list is functionality that would need to be added with 3rd-party extensions, with the exception of content management; Joomla is a Content Management System.

Joomla 2.5 + How to display the category in the url

I was hoping someone could help me. I've searched high and low for an answer for this one, and I haven't been able to find the exact answer (even within the forum).
How can I display the category name in the url in Joomla (v2.5). I have 2 categories in my site so far. For example, I have a category called Refrigeration. I created an article called test and put it under the Refrigeration category. But for some reason, it will only display in the URL as:
I would like it to display like this:
I know you can create a hidden menu, using the category (such as "Refrigeration") as the parent, and placing the related articles underneath that category (ie - with "Refrigeration" as their parent). But this seems rather inefficient. I just really want to be able to separate my articles on the site into different categories, and have that category display in the url.
Or, is the only way to accomplish this to install an SEF extension?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to provide further information.
The default Joomla SEF functions solely on the menus structure. It's hard to believe, but once you accept that Joomla Menu's aren't for actually "building menus" and more for build url / site structure, life will become a bit easier.
To do what you want, you can create the hidden menu for each category, and it should work without having to put each article as a menu item underneath in the hidden menu. However, it would be much easier to use a SEF component to handle it for you. There may be some lightweight plugins available, but I haven't seen one.
SEF components can be found here:

Custom data in pyro cms pages, such as images or other data

I'm wondering how in PyroCMS I can add a custom field to a page. Ideally I would like to have an image area at the top of the layout, and have a custom field in pyro that would allow someone to populate that image from the pages module. I realize that there are some image plugins that allow me to attach images to pages, but I would like to be able to add the images directly into the page in the admin (as well as other custom fields for the pages). Even on a separate tab would be fine with me. I'm fine building something if someone can point me in the right direction.
Currently if you want to add a custom field to a page you have to hack the module. This is obviously not ideal and im not really suggesting it, but I had to do it for to add a "Subtitle" field to each page.
2.2/develop is having its Pages and Blogs moved over to Streams, so you can add custom fields to all pages globally, meaning you can add an image in if you like, or append a US State for some reason, or add a slider. Whipee!
So right now: Hack it or wait. 2.2/develop will have your feature in a week or two.
I'm not sure you can do this directly from the pages module yet or not without some customization (possible hacking) though, I just asked and will update if possible.
In the meantime this might be helpful:
Consider looking into PyroStreams. for this though, it will require the Pro version of PyroCMS or you can purchase it from Parse19 directly.
You might find this article helpful about organization and page layouts.
Here is an article called Dynamic Pages with PyroCMS and PyroStreams though, it's a bit outdated now.
You may also make use of the gallery module, which is free though, I'm not sure this will meet your needs.

How to Display Dynamic Content below every article?

I am a new developer to Joomla. I am developing a website in which users will be able to write review for the articles. So, here I need to display a review form below every article. How can I achieve this? I have seen some extensions like custom properties which will place content below every article.
I think the best approach is to use an extension that was specifically built for reviews.
There are multiple options available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.
I found out the solution. What I needed was a plugin to display content after every article.
