VBScript readline from file and check equal to [duplicate] - vbscript

This question already has an answer here:
VBScript equals problems
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am working on a VBScript login/signup program I already have the signup part done but then while logging in it has to read a line from a file with ReadLine() but the file must see if the line read and the text typed are equal variables and I don't know how to do this

For simple cases, the = operator
If sInput = sRead Then
End If
works well; if you have to care for case(in)sensitivity, use StrComp().
The comparison is not affected by the way you obtained the strings. If your file justs contains the string that has to be matched,
sRead = tsIn.ReadLine()
before the comparisons will 'work'; if your file contains more than that, you'll have to publish (relevant parts of) its content and how the relevant data can be identified.


Opening file with write throws "No implicit conversion of String into Integer"

It's been quite a while time since I last wrote code in Ruby (Ruby 2 was new and wow it's 3 already), so I feel like an idiot.
I have a text file containing only the word:
My ruby file contains the following code:
content = File.read("test_file_str.txt","w")
puts content
When I run it, I get:
`read': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)
I've never had this happen before, but it has been quite a while since I wrote code, so clearly PEBKAC.
However, when I run this without ,"w" all is seemingly well. What am I doing wrong?
ruby 3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [x64-mingw32]
As per the docs, the second argument for File.read is the length of bytes to be read from the given file which is meant to be an integer.
Opens the file, optionally seeks to the given offset, then returns length bytes (defaulting to the rest of the file). read ensures the file is closed before returning.
So, in your case the error happens because you're passing an argument which must be an integer. It doesn't state this per-se in the docs for File.read, but it does it for File#read:
Reads length bytes from the I/O stream.
length must be a non-negative integer or nil.
If you want to specify the mode, you can use the mode option for that:
File.read("filename", mode: "r") # "r" or any other
# or
File.new("filename", mode: "r").read(1)
Open Files for Reading Don't Accept Write Mode
In general, it doesn't make sense to open a filehandle for reading in write mode. So, you need to refactor your method to something like:
content = File.read("test_file_str.txt")
or perhaps:
content = File.new("test_file_str.txt", "r+").read
depending on exactly what you're trying to do.
See Also: File Permissions in IO#new
The documentation for File in Ruby 3.0.3 points you to IO#new for the available mode permissions. You might take a look there if you don't see exactly the options you're looking for.

Expanding IP ranges into single IP addresses using Linux bash command? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
bash - for loop for IP range excluding certain IPs
(2 answers)
IP range generator script [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Which is the best method for me to handle this? I'm thinking awk might be the way to go perhaps, but not sure where to start even.
I have a text file, which contains IP addresses and ranges as per this example: - - - - -
I'm trying to get them all into their own individual address. So as per above on the line ' -' .. I would want that to convert to:
Expected output:
Keeping of course the single host IPs included into output, just expanding the range parts.
Hope that makes sense.
Edit: Comments are suggesting this is a duplicate of another exact question. Please could someone link to it for me, as I'm not finding it. I am new here so not quite up to speed with things.
My expected output is as above, I'm not after a generator, rather a way to expand the ranges, the lines with '-' in them <start IP> - <end_IP> while keeping the single ones that are there still.

How to modify a numeric variable value with Windows batch [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a script file script_A.cmd containing a lot of commands, including the following:
This script calls another script called stript_B.cmd.
During the run of script_B.cmd, I want to update the script_A.cmd and increment the value of the NUMBER_RUN value by 1. In other words, after the first run, it should change that text in script_A.cmd to
and so on for subsequent runs. So this requires both batch arithmetic and some kind of search/replace to change the actual text in script_A.cmd accordingly.
How do I do that, without using any tools downloaded from the internet, just Windows native batch?
Automatic change of code is a bad idea. Better use a file to store values, like:
script_B.cmd (reading the number from the file, incrementing it and writing it back)
<count.txt set /p Number_Run=
set /a Number_Run +=1
>count.txt echo %Number_Run%
First line reads the counter from a file, second line increases it by one, and the third line rewrites it to the file again.
script_A.cmd (just read the counter from the file)
<count.txt set /p Number_Run=
echo %Number_Run%

Saving Variables Permanently

I have a variable called random number that needs to be stored when the application has be shutdown or the computer has been shutdown. Every time this number is used I also need to +1 to it.
I have a few variables in my current vb6 application that need to be saved when the app is closed and loaded when the app is launched. Is this possible? I could use a text file or a config file to store the variables?
EDIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I managed to fix this problem had just using a simple input and output text file. Please read my answer below if you have the same problem and need assistance.
The standard way to save values in VB6 apps was to use INI files. If I remember there are a couple of Win32 functions to read/write them.
They are GetPrivateProfileString and WritePrivateProfileString.
Using the registry is the correct way to do it.
VB has built in functions SaveSetting and GetSetting for writing to and reading from the registry.
See registry tutorial or Stack Overflow question to help you out.
I managed to complete the task by creating a file in my C Drive and putting in the number "123" to the top line of the text file. I then wrote the following code:
Function GetPOIRandomNum()
Dim LineA As String
'Collect stored variables
Open "C:\TestPartner\Config\POIRandomNum.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, LineA 'Read the first line in the file
POIRandomNum = LineA + 1 'Give POIRandomNum the integer from line 1 and add 1 to it
Close #1
'Save the new random number variable to the file
Open "C:\TestPartner\Config\POIRandomNum.txt" For Output As #1 'Open for output to replace the old number
Write #1, POIRandomNum 'Input the new number to the text file
Close #1
End Function
Now whenever the Random number Variable is needed I call the above function.

R script line numbers at error? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get R script line numbers at error?
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I found this post from a year ago, and I'm using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31), but still getting error messages without line numbers.
Any solution?
The answers given there are still valid. Returning line numbers from a script ain't that straight-forward, but R can give you a lot more information on where the error can be found.
You could use the error options to save the info in a file, for example :
options(error = quote({
The function findLineNum() could be used if you have the name of the file somewhere available. If you have the error message, you could do something like :
x <- attr(last.dump,"error.message")
ll <- gsub("Error in (.*) : .*","\\1",x)
lln <- findLineNum(srcfile,ll)
In the upcoming R 2.14, the core team is making progress toward implementing this feature. Functions in scripts loaded with source(file=..., keep.file=TRUE) will contain an attribute srcref, which identifies the range of characters corresponding to the function's definition in an in-memory copy of the source file stored as an object of class srcfilecopy.
This does not immediately provide line-level debugging, but it lets you get approximate line numbers if you're willing to get your hands dirty. Also, it's progress.
