R script line numbers at error? [duplicate] - debugging

This question already has answers here:
How to get R script line numbers at error?
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I found this post from a year ago, and I'm using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31), but still getting error messages without line numbers.
Any solution?

The answers given there are still valid. Returning line numbers from a script ain't that straight-forward, but R can give you a lot more information on where the error can be found.
You could use the error options to save the info in a file, for example :
options(error = quote({
The function findLineNum() could be used if you have the name of the file somewhere available. If you have the error message, you could do something like :
x <- attr(last.dump,"error.message")
ll <- gsub("Error in (.*) : .*","\\1",x)
lln <- findLineNum(srcfile,ll)

In the upcoming R 2.14, the core team is making progress toward implementing this feature. Functions in scripts loaded with source(file=..., keep.file=TRUE) will contain an attribute srcref, which identifies the range of characters corresponding to the function's definition in an in-memory copy of the source file stored as an object of class srcfilecopy.
This does not immediately provide line-level debugging, but it lets you get approximate line numbers if you're willing to get your hands dirty. Also, it's progress.


PyQGIS - wrapped C/C++ object of type QgsVectorLayer has been deleted when editing the layer

I'm currently developing a QGIS plug-in.
When i start editing a layer either with with edit(QgsVectorLayer) or with QgsVectorLayer.startediting() this RuneTimeError happens the majority of runs: RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QgsVectorLayer has been deleted. I can run 10 times the script and have no error and then run it another 10 times and get 10 times in a row the error. It feels completely random.
As i understood by reading post such as Understanding the "underlying C/C++ object has been deleted" error it might be a garbage collector problem C++ side. But none of the post i saw was about QgsVectorLayer so i'm not really sure it applies.
It really annoys me to the point where i start creating empty layers to store modified features instead of editing.
I tried to move start editing before the loop as i was thinking to continually start editing and commit changes for each feature might cause the issue but the error still appears.
Then i thought it might be the use of break at the end but removing it doesn't resolve the error.
As it is the first time i really use PyQGIS i spent sometimes reading the developer cookbook or searching online (Anita Graser - creating and editing a new vector layer) but i could not find any solutions.
I tried with different version, LTR or not. With another computer by despair but the issue is still here.
I also read somewhere that the progress bar was the issue, so i removed the feedback in my script also without success.
Here are some code example :
nodesLayer = self.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, self.INPUT_NODE, context)
arcsLayer = self.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, self.INPUT_LINE, context)
# Fill node Id_line_x
# Create spatial index
index = QgsSpatialIndex(nodesLayer.getFeatures())
for line in arcsLayer.getFeatures():
# Construct a geometry engine to speed up spatial relationship
engine = QgsGeometry.createGeometryEngine(line.geometry().constGet())
# Get potential neighbour
candidateIds = index.intersects(line.geometry().boundingBox())
request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFids(candidateIds)
for node in nodesLayer.getFeatures(request):
# Get real neighbour
if engine.intersects(node.geometry().constGet()):
# Fill the Id_line fields for the number of neighbour
for fld in range(1, node["Nb_seg"] + 1):
if node["fk_Id_line_%d" %fld] == NULL:
with edit(nodesLayer):
node["fk_Id_line_%d" %fld] = line["Id_line"]
And the exact error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/some/path/to/a/file.py", line 331, in processAlgorithm
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QgsVectorLayer has been deleted
Hope the example is enough. The goal of the code is for the nodes to be aware of their surroundings without going through the lines. it's just for treatment and those fields would be removed in the final output.

gensim/models/ldaseqmodel.py:217: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars

/Users/Barry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldaseqmodel.py:217: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
convergence = np.fabs((bound - old_bound) / old_bound)
#dynamic topic model
def run_dtm(num_topics=18):
docs, years, titles = preprocessing(datasetType=2)
#resort document by years
Z = zip(years, docs)
Z = sorted(Z, reverse=False)
years_new, docs_new = zip(*Z)
#generate time slice
time_slice = Counter(years_new).values()
for year in Counter(years_new):
print year,' --- ',Counter(years_new)[year]
print '********* data set loaded ********'
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(docs_new)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in docs_new]
print '********* train lda seq model ********'
ldaseq = ldaseqmodel.LdaSeqModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, time_slice=time_slice, num_topics=num_topics)
print '********* lda seq model done ********'
Hey guys, I'm using the dynamic topic models in gensim package for topic analysis, following this tutorial, https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/docs/notebooks/ldaseqmodel.ipynb, however I always got the same unexpected error. Can anyone give me some guidance? I'm really puzzled even thought I have tried some different dataset for generating corpus and dictionary.
The error is like this:
/Users/Barry/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldaseqmodel.py:217: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
convergence = np.fabs((bound - old_bound) / old_bound)
The np.fabs error means it is encountering an error with NumPy. What NumPy and gensim versions are you using?
NumPy no longer supports Python 2.7, and Ldaseq was added to Gensim in 2016, so you might just not have a compatible version available. If you are recoding a Python 3+ tutorial to a 2.7 variant, you obviously understand a little bit about the version differences - try running it in a, say, 3.6.8 environment (you will have to upgrade sometime anyway, 2020 is the end of 2.7 support from Python itself). That might already help, I've gone through the tutorial and did not encounter this with my own data.
That being said, I have encountered the same error before when running LdaMulticore, and it was caused by an empty corpus.
Instead of running your code fully in a function, can you try to go through it line by line (or look at you DEBUG level log) and check whether your output has the expected properties: that, for example your corpus is not empty (or contains empty documents)?
If that happens, fix the preprocessing steps and try again - that at least helped me and helped with the same ldamodel error in the mailing list.
PS: not commenting because I lack the reputation, feel free to edit this.
This is the issue with the source code of ldaseqmodel.py itself.
For the latest gensim package(version 3.8.3) I am getting the same error at line 293:
ldaseqmodel.py:293: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
convergence = np.fabs((bound - old_bound) / old_bound)
Now, if you go through the code you will see this:
enter image description here
You can see that here they divide the difference between bound and old_bound by the old_bound(which is also visible from the warning)
Now if you analyze further you will see that at line 263, the old_bound is initialized with zero and this is the main reason that you are getting this warning of divide by zero encountered.
enter image description here
For further information, I put a print statement at line 294:
print('bound = {}, old_bound = {}'.format(bound, old_bound))
The output I received is: enter image description here
So, in a single line you are getting this warning because of the source code of the package ldaseqmodel.py not because of any empty document. Although if you do not remove the empty documents from your corpus you will receive another warning. So I suggest if there are any empty documents in your corpus remove them and just ignore the above warning of division by zero.

How to put 7 events in one eventset in PAPI

In PAPI Im trying to put 7 events in one eventset so I can read 7 results in one operation but I always get return -1 ,can anyone help me?my code like this:
int events1[] = {
i = PAPI_start_counters(events1,7);
where i appears to be -1 which means PAPI_EINVAL.
I tried change the value PAPI_NUM_TLS but it didn't work.
I have the same problem now. But as I have found, the trouble comes from 5th and 6th counters. Here: https://icl.cs.utk.edu/projects/papi/wiki/PAPI3:PAPI_add_event.3
at IBM POWER6 NOTES there is mentioned that these two counters are specific and as I understand should count concrete events. I have not found the solution yet. For 5th one, I added PAPI_TOT_INS and seems to work but for 6th one PAPI_TOT_CYC gives PAPI_ECNFLCT error as they say.

OpenMDAO v1.x: output of sub Group in ParallelGroup does not exist

When running in parallel I am unable to connect unknowns of subgroups in a ParallelGroup() even though I can connect to the subgroups' params. The code causing the problem (with names changed for clarity) is below. This code is within a group of a larger structure, but is the only place where MPI is being used:
for i in range(0, nTasks):
self.connect('comp_a.output%i' % i, 'parallel_group.sub_group%i.param_a' % i)
self.connect('input_param%i' % i, 'parallel_group.sub_group%i.param_b' % i)
self.connect('parallel_group.sub_group%i.output' % i, 'comp_b.input%i' % i)
The first two connections seem to work fine, but the last one throws an error:
NameError: Source 'parallel_group.sub_group0.output' cannot be connected to target 'comb_b.input0': 'parallel_group.sub_group0.output' does not exist.
Also, if I comment out the offending line, then first line in the loop fails for the second process with the same error message:
NameError: Source 'comp_a.output1' cannot be connected to target 'parallel_group.sub_group1.param_a': 'parallel_group.sub_group1.param_a' does not exist.
All the connections work fine with our serial version of the code. The serial version is the same except that the sub_groups are added directly to the group this code is in rather than being wrapped in parallel_group.
I have tried to look over the tutorials and examples but have not been able to figure what might be wrong. I would really appreciate any suggestions of what to check or what may be wrong. Sorry to not post a complete code sample.
its a little unclear, but it sounds like you've added a new group in the parallel version of the code, named "parallel_group". When you did this, did you promote anything (or everything) from that group? If so, then you shouldn't add the parallel group into the variable name path for the connection.
That seems like the only thing likely to trip you up. I could try to debug a bit more if you can come up with a sample code you can post up here that would show the problem.

VBScript readline from file and check equal to [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
VBScript equals problems
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am working on a VBScript login/signup program I already have the signup part done but then while logging in it has to read a line from a file with ReadLine() but the file must see if the line read and the text typed are equal variables and I don't know how to do this
For simple cases, the = operator
If sInput = sRead Then
End If
works well; if you have to care for case(in)sensitivity, use StrComp().
The comparison is not affected by the way you obtained the strings. If your file justs contains the string that has to be matched,
sRead = tsIn.ReadLine()
before the comparisons will 'work'; if your file contains more than that, you'll have to publish (relevant parts of) its content and how the relevant data can be identified.
