Expanding IP ranges into single IP addresses using Linux bash command? [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
bash - for loop for IP range excluding certain IPs
(2 answers)
IP range generator script [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Which is the best method for me to handle this? I'm thinking awk might be the way to go perhaps, but not sure where to start even.
I have a text file, which contains IP addresses and ranges as per this example: - - - - -
I'm trying to get them all into their own individual address. So as per above on the line ' -' .. I would want that to convert to:
Expected output:
Keeping of course the single host IPs included into output, just expanding the range parts.
Hope that makes sense.
Edit: Comments are suggesting this is a duplicate of another exact question. Please could someone link to it for me, as I'm not finding it. I am new here so not quite up to speed with things.
My expected output is as above, I'm not after a generator, rather a way to expand the ranges, the lines with '-' in them <start IP> - <end_IP> while keeping the single ones that are there still.


Script for Large CSV File to Convert IPv6 addresses to Number (or String)

So I have a big csv file, over 1gb. There's a column with IP addresses in ipv4 and ipv6. I want to convert the ipv6 addresses into numbers, but there are too many rows for libre calc. So I'm wondering if it's possible to use python in the terminal to convert all the ipv6 addresses.
Also, I could split the file up into smaller pieces, then use libre calc, but same problem--I wouldn't know how to script that either.
I don't mind, it might get more complicated though. Also not sure how this should be formatted, but I hope people get the idea...So I have one table with IPv6 addresses like these examples:
There are a bunch of different rules that govern the formatting--way too hard for me. I've heard that python has a function that will specifically return the conversion, but not sure about the rest (how to get the returned values back into the csv correctly, with formatting unbroken, etc.). Anyway, here's a row from the other table:
"58569107296622255421594597096899477504","58569107375850417935858934690443427839","NG","Nigeria","Abuja Federal Capital Territory","Abuja","9.057350","7.489760"
So the part I need to match is the first two numbers (first two columns), where there are several ranges from
So I wanted to take the IPv6 addresses, convert them to IP numbers, then sort them into their respective ranges.
Yes, this is something you can do in Python. I'll demonstrate with a few short snippets and links to documentation that will fall short of a full solution in favor of empowering you with the resources that you need to put the pieces together yourself.
First off, if you want to load one CSV file line-by-line and write to a second one this is how you would do it:
>>> import csv
>>> with open('eggs.csv', newline='') as in and open('omellette.csv', 'w') as out:
... r = csv.reader(in)
... w = csv.writer(out)
... for row in r:
... print(', '.join(row)) # print unmodified
... row[0] = ipToNum(row[0])
... row[1] = ipToNum(row[1])
... print(', '.join(row)) # print modified
... w.writerow(row)
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Baked Beans
Spam, Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam
The original on which this example was based and additional information about python's built-in CSV capabilities can be found here:
You will probably need to make adjustments depending on the exact formatting of your particular CSV file. Now, to convert IP addresses to numbers you can do something like the following:
import socket, struct
def ipToNum(ip):
"convert ipv4/6 string to long integer"
return struct.unpack('>L',socket.inet_pton(ip))[0]
def numToDottedip(n):
"convert long int to ipv4/6"
return socket.inet_ntop(struct.pack('>L',n))
This example is adapted from what I found here:
You will have to modify it
Also, if you want to learn more about the socket and struct modules here is the documentation:
You shouldn't need to split the file up since the CSV reader object will only return one line at a time rather than reading in the whole file at once. Of course, you also probably want to actually do something with those numbers once you've read them in but since you didn't specify I'll figuring that out to you.
Also note that I haven't tried any of this code. It's worth repeating here in the form of a metaphor: I'm trying to teach you to fish rather than just giving you fish. It's in your best interest to take this advice and wrestle with getting it to work yourself as that would be your first step toward actually being a programmer.

Use cut and grep to separate data while printing multiple fields

I want to be able to separate data by weeks, and the week is stated in a specific field on every line and would like to know how to use grep, cut, or anything else that's relevant JUST on that field the week is specified in while still being able to save the rest of the data that's being given to me. I need to be able to pipe the information into it via | because that's how the rest of my program needs it to be.
as the output gets processed, it should look something like this
asset.14548.extension 0
asset.40795.extension 0
asset.98745.extension 1
I want to be able to sort those names by their week number while still being able to keep the asset name in my output because the number of times that asset shows up is counted up, but my problem is I can't make my program smart enough to take just the "1" from the week number but smart enough to ignore the "1" located in the asset name.
The closest answer I found was
grep "^.........................$week" ;
That's good, but it relies on every string being the same length. Is there a way I can have it start from the right instead of the left? Because if so then that'd answer my question.
^ tells grep to start checking from the left and . tells grep to ignore whatever's in that space
I found what I was looking for in some documentation. Anchor matches!
grep "$week$" file
would output this if $week was 0
asset.14548.extension 0
asset.40795.extension 0
I couldn't find my exact question or a closely similar question with a simple answer, so hopefully it helps the next person scratching their head on this.

Find matched and unmatched records and position of key-word is unknown [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have two files FILE1 & FILE2, and lets say both are fixed length of 30 characters. I need to find the records from FILE1 & FILE2 which contain the string 'COBOL', where the position of this key-word is unknown and changes for every record. To be more clear below is as sample layout.
Can any one explain me how to do it using SORT or JOINKEYS and also by using COBOL program.
I need two output files.
Output FILE-OP1 : (which contain all the records having COBOL key-word from file1 & file2)
Output File-OP2 (which contain only matching records with COBOL key-word from file1 & file2)
An example, pseudo-codeish, Cobol:
Open File1
Read File1 into The-Record
Perform until End-Of-File
Perform varying II from 1 by 1
until II > length of The-Record
If The-Record (II:5) = 'COBOL'
Display "Found COBOL at position " II
Read File1 into The-Record
Repeat for file2 with the same program pointed at your other file.
As this sounds homework-y, I've left several little quirks that you will need to fix in that code, but you should see where it blows up or fails and be able to resolve those reasonably easily.
If you need to do some sort of matching and dropping between the two files, that is a different animal and you need to get your rules for it. Are you trying to match the files that have "COBOL" located in the same position or something? What behavior do you expect?
For your FILE1, SORT it on the entire input data, only including records which contain COBOL and appending a sequence number (you show your output in the original sequence). If there can be duplicate records, SORT on the sequence-number you attach as well.
Similar for FILE2.
The SORT for each program can be stand-alone (DFSORT or SyncSORT) or within a COBOL program.
You then "match" the files, here's a useful bit of pseudo-code from Bruce Martin: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22950005/1927206
Logically after the match, you then need to SORT both outputs on the sequence-number alone, and after that remove the sequence-numbers.
Remembering that you only need to know if COBOL is present in the data, if using COBOL for the first two SORTs you have a variety of ways to locate the word COBOL (and remembering you only need to know if it is there, not where it is or how many times it may be there): as Joe Zitzelberger showed, you can use a one-byte reference-modification, but be careful not to go beyond the data with your PERFORM VARYING (use compiler option SSRANGE if you are unclear what I mean); you can use INSPECT; UNSTRING; STRING; define you data with an OCCURS, for a length of five and use an index for a one-byte table; use OCCURS DEPENDING ON; do it "byte at a time"; etc.
This is a little bit like free-format number handling.
You can use "SS" in DFSORT to find records containing cobol.
Step 1. read both infiles, produce one outfile OP-1
Step2. produce a work file in the same way as step 1. using only File 1.
Step3. produce a work file in the same way as step 1. using only File 2.
Run joinkeys on these two to find matches. ==> outfile OP-2
Essentially this strategy serves to eliminate non qualifying rows from the join.

VBScript readline from file and check equal to [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
VBScript equals problems
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am working on a VBScript login/signup program I already have the signup part done but then while logging in it has to read a line from a file with ReadLine() but the file must see if the line read and the text typed are equal variables and I don't know how to do this
For simple cases, the = operator
If sInput = sRead Then
End If
works well; if you have to care for case(in)sensitivity, use StrComp().
The comparison is not affected by the way you obtained the strings. If your file justs contains the string that has to be matched,
sRead = tsIn.ReadLine()
before the comparisons will 'work'; if your file contains more than that, you'll have to publish (relevant parts of) its content and how the relevant data can be identified.

R script line numbers at error? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get R script line numbers at error?
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I found this post from a year ago, and I'm using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31), but still getting error messages without line numbers.
Any solution?
The answers given there are still valid. Returning line numbers from a script ain't that straight-forward, but R can give you a lot more information on where the error can be found.
You could use the error options to save the info in a file, for example :
options(error = quote({
The function findLineNum() could be used if you have the name of the file somewhere available. If you have the error message, you could do something like :
x <- attr(last.dump,"error.message")
ll <- gsub("Error in (.*) : .*","\\1",x)
lln <- findLineNum(srcfile,ll)
In the upcoming R 2.14, the core team is making progress toward implementing this feature. Functions in scripts loaded with source(file=..., keep.file=TRUE) will contain an attribute srcref, which identifies the range of characters corresponding to the function's definition in an in-memory copy of the source file stored as an object of class srcfilecopy.
This does not immediately provide line-level debugging, but it lets you get approximate line numbers if you're willing to get your hands dirty. Also, it's progress.
