Does Magento support Oauth 2.0? - magento

I've been working on a Magento project that needs to interact with a mobile app. The product owner wants us to use the Magento REST API OAuth authentication. The app is built in html5 by another company, so they need to use JavaScript to send their POST/GET/DELETE/PUT calls. The other company can't seem to get this to work. Because we have a joint deadline I decided to put some time into this problem. I did some research and OAuth 1.0 is just not so compatible with JavaScript. OAuth 2.0 is... But I can't really find anything about Magento and OAuth 2.0.
Does Magento support Oauth 2.0 out of the box like it supports OAuth 1.0?
I think not, but I want to be sure...
I'm using Magento

The current API supports OAuth 1.0a.
But you can have customizations as used here
Clean Magento Google Api OAuth2 Integration


Has anyone developed Mobile apps against Magento's backend using Magento's SOAP APIs?

We are trying to make the decision if it is worth proceeding to use the Magento's SOAP APIs for our mobile App or if we should rewrite them as custom REST APIs.
We are using Magento where the support REST APIs is limited, unlike SOAP APIs. To save us time, we would rather use the SOAP APIs but not sure if SOAP is a good for a mobile app in terms of latency compared to REST.
You should create custom module and create your own Rest API there. because none of the Magento's soap and rest API are complete .
how to create phonegap app using magento soap or rest api
Magento APIs are very slow and not supports all activities hence not recommended.
Create your own custom APIs.
Or use some free or commercial Magento Admin solutions and build over them.

What i have to do in my app to receive payments? (java - spring)

I am developing a portal where users to access, must buy a plan. This portal is being developed with angular + spring.
To purchase the plan will have to be through PayPal or by entering the credit card information.
I know that PayPal has an API for this case and I have no doubt.
How can I do to implement this logic payments with credit cards? The server part is java soon recommend the use of a service, it must be compatible with Java.
You should use Paypal Java SDK ( The repository contains working example of performing REST calls to Paypal API, so it should be easy to create a specific Spring service within your app to make use of these calls.

Other possible ways to integrate 2checkout payment gateway

Is there any way to implement the checkout process aside from the ones found on the 2checkout site? I would like to have my own checkout page in my website and just pass the data to 2checkout instead of redirecting it to 2checkout's checkout page using the inline method.
2Checkout is currently in the process of beta testing their new checkout API solution which allows you to create a token from the card details client side and then submit the token server side with an API call to create a new sale. It sounds like you would be a great candidate for 2Checkout's API beta program. A ruby library and full documentation will be provided to you once you signup.
I think 2checkout sites ruby example has what you are looking for,
see here, or check out this rubygem

Google API Oauth 2 with Installed App

I am using Google API OAuth 2.0 for Installed Applications & php. This is a WordPress plugin we are updating, and it was recommended to us by Google support to use Installed App instead of Web App "because you will then have a single Project ID, your users won't need to create their own using the APIs Console"
I am wrestling a bit to get the proper setup for this - Web App samples were easy enough, but I cannot find a single example of the code setup for creating these:
It says I should use "code" & "grant_type", but I don't see any functions in the apiClient to set these.
As I'm prolly not being very clear, what I'm looking for is the equivalent of this:
For Installed Apps.
The Google Drive SDK documentation includes a step-by-step quickstart sample that uses OAuth 2.0 for Installed Applications:
This is the code you are looking for:

DotNetOpenAuth Implementation with MVC 3.0

I'm planning to use DotNetOpenAuth( for implementing openid logging for my application.
Initially I facilitate Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Twitter open ids to log in to my web application.
Do I need to write consumers ie. google, facebook for each items or Are there any common implementations to handle that ?
You could download the OAuth2 CTP which contains a sample project (OAuthClient) which has Facebook and Twitter implementations.
