Other possible ways to integrate 2checkout payment gateway - ruby

Is there any way to implement the checkout process aside from the ones found on the 2checkout site? I would like to have my own checkout page in my website and just pass the data to 2checkout instead of redirecting it to 2checkout's checkout page using the inline method.

2Checkout is currently in the process of beta testing their new checkout API solution which allows you to create a token from the card details client side and then submit the token server side with an API call to create a new sale. It sounds like you would be a great candidate for 2Checkout's API beta program. A ruby library and full documentation will be provided to you once you signup.

I think 2checkout sites ruby example has what you are looking for,
see here, or check out this rubygem


Single Sign On(-ish) behavior from MS Teams with BotFramework Composer

We are using BotFramework Composer to create bots. These bots are supposed to get information from a backend REST service, where we need to know, which user is submitting the request for data. We are currently using {turn.activity.from.id} to get the Teams user's id, and sending it in a special http header in the "Send an HTTP request" action. We then perform a mapping of this id to our internal users.
We are, of course, aware, that this is not secure at all, since anyone who knows this, could get the user's id and send it to our service. We are currently thinking along the lines of generating a short-lived jwt token in the Bot to send to our application. However, we see no direct way of implementing this token generation in the Bot Framework Composer itself.
Also, we don't want to use OAuth, because we don't want the user to have to log in via the bot.
Is there a way to implement custom token generation using C# or js and assigning it to a dialog variable to be used in a "Send an HTTP request" action?
This document discusses how to implement an HTTP request in Composer. The first half is focused on creating a login for OAuth, which I know is not your focus, so look at the second half. If you set up a simple server that can generate a token for you, then you can make a request to it from Composer using the method described.
As links can break and docs can change (and Composer is still in Preview), I would recommend saving the doc somewhere and checking back every so often for any updates.
I've used HTTP requests from within Composer, myself, so I know this will work for you.
Hope of help!
You can create a custom Action or a package component and create any c# methods there for JWT generation. This will keep it all local to the bot.

Downloading existing paypal payments with rest api

I need to download all existing payment information from a paypal account to do some analysis on it, so I set up paypal's ruby rest sdk, which involved creating a new application with its own API keys and whatnot. I can make a successful request with the following:
payment_history = Payment.all( :count => 10 )
Is empty.
I'm not sure if this application can only access payments created with it? Can I not get pre-existing payments with the rest api? I would prefer to use ruby, if that's possible, as I would like to keep this all within the simple script I have to analyze similar stripe payments.
Some guidance would be extremely appreciated, as paypal's labrinth of documentation and overlapping APIs have me pretty confused.
You will be able to query only those payments that are made or created with Rest API not the Classic APIs. You can use the Classic Ruby SDKs for the appropriate product to get the Transaction details of the classic APIs

Updating Database after Google Checkout Payment

I am trying to implement Google Checkout in my website.
I have the PHP code sample named "checkout-php-1.3.2" from http://code.google.com/p/google-checkout-php-sample-code/.
I have followed the instructions and am able to send contents to Google Cart successfully.
The problem is i do not know how to update my website's database after the payment has been made.
I looked a little in the demo code and there is a page responsehandlerdemo.php and there i can see a lot of notification cases namely
If anybody can provide any help regarding which callback to use and how to parse the xml.
It will be very helpful.
Sourav Mukherjee
With the exception of merchant-calculation-callback (ref), all the other notifications mean something to your order processing (everything that has to do after successful checkout).
new-order-notification - is what it says it is, data representing a new order
order-state-change - orders move into different states (status), so this notification notifies you of them
You should go over the Developer docs particularly the Notification API for details.
I'm not a PHP developer (.Net) but I've seen the sample code and it already includes XML parsing for the notifications you receive. Once you get to know the API, you'll know when/where in the flow you need to add your business code (i.e. database storage, etc.).

Google Checkout - Force callback URL API post

I'm building a Magento cart and we set up Google Checkout and went live and unfortunately I was unaware of the 'API Callback URL' setting on the Google side and didn't have that filled in until now. So now we have a few orders that went through and I need to get them into my cart system so I'm wondering if there's a way to force post existing orders across to my system?
See this document for various ways to retrieve Googe Checkout notifications.
In your case try the Polling API or the Notification History API.

Guidance related to Paypal Integration Using Codeigniter

I need some guidance related to PayPal Integration. It's not similar to a regular cart.
After checkout, the site offers a form for payment option. Either it's PayPal, or some other payment process. The form directs to controller after the user submits. An array exists, which contains all item values.
From here on how can I proceed to the Paypal site?
Just to let you know that we've just open-sourced our replacement CodeIgniter PayPal library, called codeigniter-paypal-ipn. (We use this library in production.)
It performs more validation than PayPal_Lib, and it also saves the orders down to your database (using either CI active record or Doctrine).
I hope you find it useful!
There is an existing library for integration with Paypal using CodeIgniter:
I asked the same kind of question here.
And http://www.phpfour.com/blog/2009/02/php-payment-gateway-library-for-paypal-authorizenet-and-2checkout/ is good resource.
Please have a look.
