Has anyone developed Mobile apps against Magento's backend using Magento's SOAP APIs? - magento

We are trying to make the decision if it is worth proceeding to use the Magento's SOAP APIs for our mobile App or if we should rewrite them as custom REST APIs.
We are using Magento where the support REST APIs is limited, unlike SOAP APIs. To save us time, we would rather use the SOAP APIs but not sure if SOAP is a good for a mobile app in terms of latency compared to REST.

You should create custom module and create your own Rest API there. because none of the Magento's soap and rest API are complete .
how to create phonegap app using magento soap or rest api

Magento APIs are very slow and not supports all activities hence not recommended.
Create your own custom APIs.
Or use some free or commercial Magento Admin solutions and build over them.


How to do REST API Call from a Salesforce Commerce Cloud Store Front Page?

I am new to Salesforce Commerce Cloud(SFCC). I would like to do REST API call to an external system when a storefront page's button is being clicked. What are the available ways to achieve this?
There are no extra requirements for it. You can consume a REST API via javascript. Or you can use the Service framework on the backend side.

Is it possible to integrate braintree with .net desktop application?

Is it possible to integrate braintree payment gateway with .net desktop application rather than Website, And Mobile applications? As per their documentation, they have three Client SDKs (JS, Android, IOS).
For it to be secure you should have an HTTPS web service handling the server-side portion of the Braintree integration. This server does not need to serve any HTML. It does need to handle the server-side API communication with Braintree servers, and send the token to the client when requested, and receive the nonce from the client and use it to create transactions.
The "desktop" client .NET application should use the JS SDK. Theoretically the client could implement HTTPS calls in native .NET with no JS SDK, but it will be far simpler and more robust to use the JS SDK provided by Braintree in your .NET application.

Is it possible to access the adwords API directly through javascript?

I would like to access the adwords API through a simple single page web application using javascript. I would like to dynamically stop and start some of my adwords campaigns.
I can't seem to find any documentation on the REST endpoints for the API - only documentation for the various libraries.
Is it possible to do this through javascript only?
The current Adwords API is a SOAP-based interface, so there are no REST endpoints to use. It's of course still possible to construct SOAP messages and call operations without using one of the provided libraries.
Having said that, the next evolution of the API (the "Google Ads API") will support both gRPC and JSON REST-based communication, which would probably fit your scenario better. It's not yet ready for production use, however.

API Driven Approach Vs Non-API approach

I am to start designing & architecting a fairly big database business application (data entry, notifications, reporting, data export and usual security restrictions for data). Multiple clients - mobile apps & multiple websites will be there. Plan to use Asp.net MVC5 & Sql server for the development. Phonegap will be used to create mobile apps.
I plan to create an API. All interactions to the Database will be through the API (a REST API). This REST API will be created using Asp.Net MVC5. The front end will be developed as an HTML5 App which calls this API using AJAX. All interactions with the API will be through AJAX calls. Need to expose some of these services (5%) to third parties also.
For e.g. for a supplier management feature, there will be services like SupplierAdd, SupplierEdit, SupplierDelete, SupplierList etc. in the API. HTML5 App will call them through AJAX and do required. Necessary security will be imposed for these services using a login and token based security system.
Plan to use some Javascript frameworks like Angular JS for front end.
The entire application is one with around 200 DB tables and lot of relationships between DB tables. Business logic is only moderately complex. This is mainly a data storage & reporting application.
Is there any problem with this full API based approach ?
Another approach suggested is to avoid AJAX and Javascript and use ASP.Net MVC itself. No separate API will be there for each operation. .cshtml will submit to the controller method and this method will call the Business Layer and do operation. Services which are needed for mobile apps and third parties alone are exposed as API. Is this a better solution ?
The issue which I see for the second approach is that when more and more mobile applications or websites come in future, it does not offer needed flexibility. Also, exposure of some of the services to third parties will be difficult.
I request experienced architects to comment.

Does Magento support Oauth 2.0?

I've been working on a Magento project that needs to interact with a mobile app. The product owner wants us to use the Magento REST API OAuth authentication. The app is built in html5 by another company, so they need to use JavaScript to send their POST/GET/DELETE/PUT calls. The other company can't seem to get this to work. Because we have a joint deadline I decided to put some time into this problem. I did some research and OAuth 1.0 is just not so compatible with JavaScript. OAuth 2.0 is... But I can't really find anything about Magento and OAuth 2.0.
Does Magento support Oauth 2.0 out of the box like it supports OAuth 1.0?
I think not, but I want to be sure...
I'm using Magento
The current API supports OAuth 1.0a.
But you can have customizations as used here
Clean Magento Google Api OAuth2 Integration
