Concatenating string from SSIS for loop task - for-loop

I have an SSIS package which loops over an array of dates. On each iteration I would like to append the current date to a string to get a full string of all the dates iterated.
What I did was to make an expression where: dateconcatvariable + ", " +currentdatevariable
However, dateconcatvariable is resetting on every iteration of the for loop and so in the end I end up with the last date iterated over instead of all the dates.
the variable is a package level variable.
Any ideas on how to get a concatenation to happen on SSIS?

1. Create a string variable #User::var
2. Use an Expression component and set the expression to #User::var = #User::var + (WSTR, 15)#User::yourdatevar
This should give you the general idea.


exctract substring from a large string under certain conditions in painless

In painless I would like to create a script which reads a keyword field called 'objldn' and extracts only five consecutive characters sometimes present in a precise position. Infact, in the keyword field 'objldn' there are a large variety of long strings among which there are some of them with a third underscore. After the third underscore, if it is present, I can fetch the consecutive 5 chars.
Whith the following lines of code I implement what I want:
def LU = doc['objldn'].value.splitOnToken('_');
return LU[3].substring(0, 5);
But the system returnes an error message "out of bounds":
Request error: array_index_out_of_bounds_exception, Index 3 out of
bounds for length 3 in "def LU =
doc['objldn'].value.splitOnToken('_'); ..." (Painless script)
error executing runtime field or scripted field on index pattern
return LU[3].substring(0, 5);
^---- HERE
may be it is due to the fact that many strings do not have the third underscore or do not even have one and therefore I need to implement firstly a IF statement which evaluates if a third underscore is in the string and only if it is present it proceeds to execute splitOnToken()... but I am not able to do it correctly. Can you help me to add the IF statement in the script please?
Why not simply checking the length of the LU array?
def LU = doc['objldn'].value.splitOnToken('_');
return LU.length >= 4 ? LU[3].substring(0, 5) : null;

Generate line number / "index" within a range from a date seed value

I'm trying to create a bash script to display a word of the day. I have a dictionary file that on each line has a word and its definition.
I'd like to use date to get a unique value for each day. Like so
today=$(date '+%Y%m%d') # will return 20160616 (for today)
Now I'd like to use this value to generate a line number for me to grab from the dictionary file.
My dictionary is 86036 lines long so I need to convert $today to a value between 1 and 86036.
What is the best way to do this?
You can use remainder operator %, it will give value between 0 and the number on the right (not inclusive), so you need to add 1 to get what you want:
value=$((today % 86036 + 1))

In TI-BASIC, how do I display the Variable Name given only the variable?

I'm creating a function that displays a lot of variables with the format Variable + Variable Name.
Define LibPub out(list)=
Local X
for x,1,dim(list)
list[x]->name // How can I get the variable name here?
Disp name+list[x]
Return 1
Given a list value, there is no way to find its name.
Consider this example:
b:=a ; this stores {1,2,3,4} in b
Line 1: First the value {1,2,3,4} is created. Then an variable with name a is created and its value is set to {1,2,3,4}.
Line 2: The expression a is evaluated; the result is {1,2,3,4}. A new variable with the name b is created and its value is set to `{1,2,3,4}.
Line 3: The expression b is evaluated. The variable reference looks up what value is stored in b. The result is {1,2,3,4}. This value is then passed to the function out.
The function out receives the value {1,2,3,4}. Given the value, there is no way of knowing whether the value happened to be stored in a variable. Here the value is stored in both a and b.
However we can also look at out({1,1,1,1}+{0,2,3,4}).
The system will evaluate {1,1,1,1}+{0,2,3,4} and get {1,2,3,4}. Then out is called. The value out received the result of an expression, but an equivalent value happens to be stored in a and b. This means that the values doesn't have a name.
In general: Variables have a name and a value. Values don't have names.
If you need to print a name, then look into strings.
This will be memory intensive, but you could keep a string of variable names, and separate each name by some number of characters and get a substring based on the index of the variable in the list that you want to get. For instance, say you want to access index zero, then you take a substring starting at (index of variable * length of variable name, indexofvariable *length + length+1).
The string will be like this: say you had the variables foo, bas, random, impetus
the string will be stored like so: "foo bas random impetus "

In TI-BASIC, how do I add a variable in the middle of a String?

I am wondering how to make something where if X=5 and Y=2, then have it output something like
Hello 2 World 5.
In Java I would do
String a = "Hello " + Y + " World " + X;
So how would I do that in TI-BASIC?
You have two issues to work out, concatenating strings and converting integers to a string representation.
String concatenation is very straightforward and utilizes the + operator. In your example:
"Hello " + "World"
Will yield the string "Hello World'.
Converting numbers to strings is not as easy in TI-BASIC, but a method for doing so compatible with the TI-83+/84+ series is available here. The following code and explanation are quoted from the linked page:
With our number stored in N, we loop through each digit of N and store
the numeric character to our string that is at the matching position
in our substring. You access the individual digit in the number by
using iPart(10fPart(A/10^(X, and then locate where it is in the string
"0123456789". The reason you need to add 1 is so that it works with
the 0 digit.
In order to construct a string with all of the digits of the number, we first create a dummy string. This is what the "? is used
for. Each time through the For( loop, we concatenate the string from
before (which is still stored in the Ans variable) to the next numeric
character that is found in N. Using Ans allows us to not have to use
another string variable, since Ans can act like a string and it gets
updated accordingly, and Ans is also faster than a string variable.
By the time we are done with the For( loop, all of our numeric characters are put together in Ans. However, because we stored a dummy
character to the string initially, we now need to remove it, which we
do by getting the substring from the first character to the second to
last character of the string. Finally, we store the string to a more
permanent variable (in this case, Str1) for future use.
Once converted to a string, you can simply use the + operator to concatenate your string literals with the converted number strings.
You should also take a look at a similar Stack Overflow question which addresses a similar issue.
For this issue you can use the toString( function which was introduced in version 5.2.0. This function translates a number to a string which you can use to display numbers and strings together easily. It would end up like this:
Disp "Hello "+toString(Y)+" World "+toString(X)
If you know the length of "Hello" and "World," then you can simply use Output() because Disp creates a new line after every statement.

Select in ADO (vb6) with a numeric variable

Excuse me, occasionally I refer with some problem that maybe it's already been fixed. In any case, I would appreciate a clarification on vs.
I have a TariffeEstere table with the fields country, Min, Max, tariff
from which to extract the rate for the country concerned, depending on whether the value is between a minimum and a maximum and I should return a single record from which to extract its tariff:
The query is:
stsql = "Select * from QPagEstContanti Where country = ' Spain '
and min <= ImpAss and max >= ImpAss"
Where ImpAss is a variable of type double.
When I do ststql,.....
the recodset contains a record if e.g. ImpAss = 160 (i.e. an integer without decimals), and then the query works, but if it contains 21,77 ImpAss (Italian format) does not work anymore and gives me a syntax error.
To verify the contents of the query string (stsql) in fact I find:
Select * from QPagEstContanti Where country = 'Spain' and min < = 21,77 and max > = 21,77
in practice the bothering and would like a comma decimal, but do not know how do.
I tried to pass even a
format (ImpAss, "####0.00"),
but the value you found in a stsql is 21,77 always.
How can I fix the problem??
It sounds like the underlying language setting in SQL is expecting '.' decimals instead of ',' decimal notation.
To check this out - run the DBCC useroptions command and see what the 'language' value is set to. If the language is set to English or another '.' decimal notation - it explains why your SQL string is failing with values of double.
If that's the problem, the simplest way to fix it is to insert the following line after your stsql = statement:
  stsql = REPLACE(stsql, ",", ".")
Another way to fix it would be to change the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE for the login using the ALTER LOGIN command (but this changes the setting permanently)
Another way to fix it would be to add this command to the beginning of your stsql, which should change the language for the duration of the rs.Open:
  "SET LANGUAGE Italian;"
