How to debug phonegap on Windows - windows-7

Is there any way to Debug Phonegap Apps on a Windows 7 PC?
It takes quite a long time to upload this stuff to the Phone everytime.

Take a look at the Ripple emulator plugin for Chrome. It allows you to simulate how your app would work on a multitude of devices. If you are using anything outside of the core cordova.js/phonegap.js (meaning plugins) I do not think it will work though. For basic testing it works great.


How to debug code written for blackberry browser?

I have added code (blackberry geolocation) to a web page for the Blackberry browser.
Without a windows machine how would someone debug code for the Blackberry browser?
Not sure what machine you are working on, but running a virtual machine may be an option.
I have used VM Fushion6 with my Mac and it worked great. Plus it has a trial period, so it probably wont cost you anything.

Apart from device & vs2012 is there Any Alternative way to test a windows phone app?

i am new to windows phone app development , i wanted to know
if is there any other alternative way to test a windows phone app apart from testing in a windows phone device and testing vs2012 built in emulator ???
1) The reason i have asked like these that i wanted to know if i can download a windows phone emulator separately and test my app in it.
2)Am i missing any other alternative provided ?
Please let me know.
Thanks in Advance.
No these are your options. You can start the emulator without VS, and you can deploy apps to it via a command line tool, but you don't get any of these without installing the WP SDK for VS2012. But since this is all free, is that a big deal?
You could submit your app to the store as a beta, and have invited users test your app on their phones.
This article may be of use, although it still requires .NET framework and some other dependencies (but I don't think you'll ever get away without using them):

How to use phone gap in windows phone 7 mobile application development?

I am iphone and android developer.I know how to use phone gap for iphone app and android app development.But I am new for windows phone 7 app development using phonegap.I dont know how to start windows phone 7 application development using phone gap.
Please give me advice for this query.
Thanks in advance.
Looks like PhoneGap doesn't support Windows Phone yet.
This post seems to suggest its close though and there is an alpha/beta you can start developing
PhoneGap support for Windows Phone 7 is still in a "pre-alpha" state.
From a practical stand it's not realistic to start developing with it. Some people have started (and apparently submitted apps based on it) but there is no guarantee of future compatibility with what they've done.
When available, it will also only support phones running Mango.

Windows phone7 emulator requires constant refresh

I have the tools installed for windows phone 7 development.
But, when I run the any of the sample apps I have to manually refresh my emulator's app window to see any changes.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe a setting is wrong?
I've got it on every machine I've tried- but they all have various Nvidia cards (desktop and mobile).
When I posted about this on the wp7 forums, they talked about wdm 1.1 (which I've got) and so far I have no fix.
My machines are all 64bit, so I'm wondering if this isn't some issue with them or the nvidia drivers- but I don't experience any other problems with the drivers outside of the emulator.
I think we're stuck for a while anyway...

Blackberry Development on Mac OS X

I recently started creating applications for mobile devices and have successfully completed an application for the iPhone. I am now turning my attention to the Blackberry but haven't been able to find a convincing article or website that states that it can be done or a tutorial on how to do so. Can Blackberry apps be developed on Mac OS X? If yes, how do I go about doing so? Can anyone please point me in the right direction as I only have access to a Mac and really want to get this project on the road. Thanks in advance for your help.
RIM has released a MacOS Eclipse plug-in for Blackberry Development:
While there is no built-in simulator, the plug-in DOES support USB tethered device debugging for the Torch 9800 handhelds. I plan to get one; they are ~$499 w/no contract. With a Torch and the new plug-in, Blackberry development is possible without using a VM. (Finally!)
Building on MacOS works well once you set it up. I've had less luck with the simulator. On the whole though, being able to run Eclipse natively in MacOS and flip to a Windows VM only for debugging is a big win in my book.
You can get a MacOS version of preverify (see link below for details). I do my development with Eclipse on MacOS X and use Ant to build BB apps.
This blog is excellent and has many of the details to get you started: (original link is dead. The "wayback machine" provides us with the original text content, but images and styling are lost to the sands of time. Still worth a read.)
The tricky part is getting the simulator to work. There is a Wine-based work-around, but on my computer, while the simulator was able to run under Wine, the LCD output was scrambled.
Currently, I build COD files from Mac, and my Ant build process drops them into a directory that is shared with a WinXP VM. I can run the simulator stand-alone in this VM. Debugging is also possible by installing Eclipse inside WinXP and pointing the debug configuration it at the source directories.
I've actually got a bit more magic. I enabled some of the Java 1.5 features by compiling against 1.5 and then translating the bytecode to 1.3 prior to the preverify script. (Blackberry only speaks a barbaric 1.3 java, flashback to circa 1992). It's not a silver bullet as some features still don't work, but it does cut down on the need to make everything an untyped Object reference.
Lately, I've been working on a x-platform framework to allow me to write app code once and build against both Android and Blackberry (both are Java). The Android part was easy. It's just a bitch to debug anything in Blackberry. Someone working at RIM decided that Blackberry didn't need to keep Exception stack traces unless there was a catch(Throwable), and then they could do something bizarre, non-standard, and undocumented (catching Throwable behaves weird). I've only kinda-sorta figured out a hack to get stack traces using JavaLoader.exe without breaking into the debugger, and it's barely worth it.
p.s., I now do x-platform development with a single code-base targeting Android, Blackberry, and Desktop. Desktop is great for testing app functionality, with very little Blackberry on-device testing needed once features work in the desktop 'simulator' (a Swing GUI built for debugging our games).
Even though certain components of the RIM development platform are java-based, such as the JDE - other components such as the preverifier and device simulators are implemented as native Windows executables.
Basically, the easiest way to do it is to install Windows on your Mac using Bootcamp or Parallels and run inside a real Windows environment on your Mac.
However, there are other "hackier" ways to do it using Wine, MacPorts, and a number of other tools - as an example see this blog post
