Magento Development IDE [closed] - magento

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Closed 9 years ago.
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¿Which is the best IDE for Magento professional development: NetBeans, ZendStudio, PhpStorm, etc.?
I really need know which one have the best performance during
development and testing, the features that any IDE can bring me.
any answer will be wellcome.
Excuse my english,
Mexican Boy!

PHPStorm is the best in my opinion (however NetBeans also works good with Magento, probably Eclipse and ZendStudio work good. but have no experience with them).
Code Completion
Strong integration with Git, SVN and Mercurial
Remote Deployment and Remote comparison
PHPUnit Integration
Portability (Windows, Mac OS and Linux)
and many more useful features
But PHPStorm becomes really powerful IDE for Magento with the help of Magicento plugin
Magicento is a free PHPStorm plugin for Magento developers. Features include:
Goto for factories and template paths, autocomplete for factories, xml files and class names, documentation for xml nodes, evaluation of PHP code inside Magento environment, and much more to come!

Netbeans is the best free IDE for php in my opinion (once your computer have 500mb to 1gb of free memory)

i have been using Eclipse with pdt plugin download from here zend eclipse ptd
if you develop module than this is right IDE


IDE for MEAN stack [ MongoDb,Express,AngularJs,NodeJs ] [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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For designing the MEAN stack application, I am creating separate modules( angularjs,expressjs,nodejs,mongodb) and i am linking them manually. Can you please suggest me an IDE available for directly designing MEAN stack application.
These topics on Stack Overflow usually get flagged as contentious or something after a while. However I thought I would share my own experience of using JavaScript IDEs under Windows.
I was using PyCharm, however my dev box is ageing a bit and PyCharm is too heavy for it. Besides, as the name implies, it's really for Python, in fact I started using it for Django.
If I could afford WebStorm and a box to run it on, I'd definitely check that out :)
I fell back on the default at my workplace, Notepad++. However the linter add-on is a bit clunky, and it has real difficulty rendering JavaScript in HTML.
For now I am satisfied with my recent discovery of It does have an early days feel to it, but I find it's code completion particularly useful, and once I got an add-on to use JSHint instead of JSLint it chimes very well with the meanjs code I'm learning from. Meanjs uses swig templating, which parses as straight HTML so there's no problem there, but if you're wedded to a particular template module then you should look for an IDE that supports it, either directly or via add-ons. seems to have quite a lively add-on community at the moment.

Current alternatives to Google Code [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I understand things correctly, at the end of the year Google Code will be shutting down most of what is useful for an open source project I help maintain, described below.
I'm wondering what the current alternatives are to Google Code? I'm looking for a site that has the following attributes, some of which are attractive about Google Code (but which will not be available soon or in the long term):
svn/mercurial/git version control services that we can use to manage code and share trunk/branches with the public
hosts files (source code and prebuilt binaries) with reasonable storage (we currently have a 4 GB quota, but we don't use much of it, at this time)
offers wiki-like or relatively free-form web space to publish documentation (text and graphics)
I guess we could "roll our own" server to do all of this, but then it becomes a maintenance issue for all the services that run in the background. So I'm wondering if there are other companies that offer this kind of setup for open source projects?
(Note: While this is a software development question, it is more about the distribution side of things. If this is the wrong spot for this question, feel free to comment on where I should move it. Thanks for your help, hiveminds.)
Google code isn't shutting down, it's just stop hosting binaries.
For your binaries you have
Bintray is a social platform for community-based software distribution. It is also the only platform that integrates developer tools (Build tools, etc.) and APIs, allowing full process automation, including auto-generating of indexes for multiple repository formats and also, the platform is highly available and optimized to deliver high-performance downloads (CDN).
Microsoft's codeplex would fit these needs

linux hosted svn server but windows based automatic build [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We would like to move into the CI direction and face the following situation. We have a Linux based SVN server hosted by another team. We are a small .Net software team and would like to run automatic unit and integration tests over night and get feedback in the morning. Which (cheap) options do we have in this situation? Any feedback would be very much appreciated.
It doesn't matter where your SVN server is hosted.
SVN server provides you a platform-agnostic way to communicate with it.
So you are able to use either CI server you prefer.
If you want to get it for free, I'd recommend to use Team City (free version is limited in some ways but it will be definitely enough if your team is small).
You can host your Team City on any server you control and setup connection to SVN via URL.
As for window based automatic build I recommend the following below:
Jenkins - It has a lot of plugins. Easy to manage, install and configure. - It is great as well and highly configurable. In my opinion it does have a big learning curve but it is worth the learning.
RedGate Deployment Manager - This one looks promising. I have not used it however I have always been a fan of RedGate products. RedGate always deliver fully polished products.

Simple project management tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I use TFS at work which I am quite famililar with, I need a simple version of something similar that integrates into VS for my home hobby projects.
The only things I really need is :
Task lists, with detail pages where I can record info about how I might implement the task / test it.
Categorisation, prioritisation.
SVN / VS support so I can commit to SVN at the same time referencing the task.
I have tried using notepad and the tasks in VS but thats just too mimimal. And other solutions that cater for full agile/scrum are OTT.
Microsoft now provide "Visual Studio Team Services" (it was first released under the name "Team Foundation Service" and later renamed to "Visual Studio Online" and then renamed again recently). It provides most (perhaps all) of the facilities of TFS but in the cloud; actually in Azure which is Microsoft's own cloud. The system is free for up to five users.
Local Mantis BT (it's mainly bugtracker, but can be configured and used as to-do list|planner) with TortoiseMantis
Hosted Assembla (free) Space
You could try Trac and put all your tasks in those Trac tickets. The SVN cross-linking is excellent. First, have a look at the Trac playground to test it. If it makes you happy, there is a good Windows bundle called Bitnami Trac including all necessary tools, and it's for free and easy to install. Also check out the Trac homepage.

Please recommend opensource automation tool for windows form based application testing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for an open source tool for doing automation testing of my windows form application in windows 7.
Personally I use NUnitForms. It's an extension of the venerable NUnit framework and supports Visual Studio. There are lots of plugins for Visual Studio that can help with managing your tests. I use JetBrains Resharper to do the trick. You can also just use the built in functionality and run the tests from NUnit itself.
Hope this helps,
Jeffrey Kevin Pry
If you need GUI testing, hook up unto gui manually and create your own 'clickers' and 'inputers' for it. Keep it as simple as possible, to avoid producing bugs in that code. Then, you can call this from Nunit.
