Joomla can't get guest acl to work - joomla

I've set up ACL according to the joomla docs:
I created a joomla guest group, parent is public, I ammended the options so that the guest group is guest etc.
I set the topmenu module to show for guest which I think should show for anyone visiting the site but I can seen nothing.

So there is an answer. Logging out, clear the cache (press f5) and then logging in fixed the issue. Hours spent tracking it down.


Unable to connect to Magento admin panel

I have an issue with Magneto community and we are using "bizarre" theme. Everything was working fine till last night and I was modifying the categories and products, today morning it seems that there's some issue with admin panel.
When I am logging in with my user id password, it takes me to the index page every time not to admin panel, it works for a while but when I try to go to any settings like "system>configuration> etc" it takes me again to the main page of the website (frontend).
I think you have a problem with cache management.
Try to delete var folder in the [YOUR SITE PATH HERE]/magento/var
Additionally, it might be useful to you. Here is 3 ways to turn on/off cache in Magento

tax section in magento backend disappeared under sales

I'm missing the tax section under sales in my Magento backed menu . can any one let me know what possibly the reason is !!? i tried to go to permissions --> roles and made sure that i have all the admin permission available fro me as a user but still didn't work.refreshed the cache and didn't work as well .
Thanks in advance
I suspect an module that you have installed is blocking the access to the tax section.
Try disabling all the none core modules and enable them one by one to figure out which one is responsible for not giving you access.
Also relogin in the admin every time (disable & refresh cache every time).
If its still missing when you have disabled all the modules, try a reinstall of the core files.

Joomla administrator re-directs to homepage in localhost

I am trying to access my localhost version of the Joomla Administrator, however each time I navigate to the administrator directory, my Joomla website index page loads instead?
I suspect the htaccess file may be the issue but not 100%?
Any ideas?
Ok seeing as you have some protection plugin which re-directs the user from the admin panel if they try and access the page, you won't be able to to either.
And seeing as you can't login to disable it, you will have to do it manually via PhpMyAdmin. Follow these instructions:
Enter PhpMyAdmin
Open the table called jos_extensions (jos is the prefix which may be different for you)
Find the protection extension you have installed which is causing the redirect and go to edit it.
You will find a column called enabled. You need to change the value from 1 to 0
You should then be able to login to the Joomla admin panel
Hope this helps

Joomla 3.2 Guest user group

I'm working on a website based on Joomla 3.2.
I created menu module with a menu item called login and I want that this menu item only is shown to guest users. The item is suppose to disappear as soon the user is logged in.
To achieve that I gave that menu item, the access level guest. In the past I have done something like that on Joomla 2.5 already and it worked but now it doesn't work at all.
The only hint I could get was to change the default user groupe for guest users from public to guest, but still no success.
I hope someone can help me to figure out this problem.
In Joomla 3 you have Public and Guest user groups. Public is what you want for all pages and items that anyone can see.
For items that just non logged in users see you need to assign them to Guest. Which a user will not then see.
This how to for 3.1 is quite good
When you perform all steps, and it's still not working. Then logout, clear browser cache/session data etc and then try again, this worked for me

Magento session lost when switching to https from http

I've searched high and low for a solution to this, with no luck. My host told me they are too busy to help.
Magento 1.4.2 // SSL cert
1- When I add an item to cart, the page reloads and my item is added to cart. [good]
2- Next, I click home, and my items are no longer visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
3- Next, I click "Tops", and my items are still not visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
4- Next , I click "Bottoms" and the items show just fine.
In all cases where the cart isn't visible, I can add https to the URL and the cart loads up just fine. Can anyone help me figure out why my session is being lost between http and https?
I have all my backend web cookie settings set to "no" except for sID.
Also- When a user is logged in, the cart items ALWAYS show on the right. It's only screwy if they're a guest.
Thanks guys, if you need me to post any code let me know.
EDIT: Here is a screenshot of my cookies session in firebug (not exactly sure what I am looking at). Hope this helps.
And here is my Session settings in magento: I have tried just about every variation of turning these on and off.
This issue has actually been narrowed down to a cache issue. We found out that when the cache is dumped/deleted, the website works properly. But after a few minutes of surfing the problem happens again. Does anyone have any idea? (And should i change the question title?)
I'm using a module called Lightspeed from TinyBrick, and it seems the new cache options are messing with our site. =( I'm contacting them shortly.
**EDIT Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Is the session cookie being set to be HTTPS-only? That'll prevent it from being carried over to regular HTTP requests, effectively giving the user two different sessions.
You have in your screenshot two frontend cookie with two domains, one with www and an other one without. Check if you have a correct domain name in the configuration > Web tab > Cookie Management > Cookie Domain (or something close to that). If it's empty set it to "" and try again.
Check if you don't have different cookie domain in your configuration in the other store views, set them to "use website".
If still doesn't work, What are the values of the fields of cookie management and the cookie validation settings
We were experiencing similar issues where our custom nav (depending on whether a user was logged in or not, was not very consistent across different pages.
We followed the suggestion # to check if a user was logged base on the frontend session variable before a rendering a particular block, and it seems to have done the trick.
Perhaps you can try something similar.
Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions. This was a localized problem based off cache and a module called Lightspeed.
