Is Thunderbird/Sunbird the only one that can read and write .ics files on network folder? - outlook

I have an ics calendar file that is store on a network folder.
Thunderbird/Sunbird can read and write entries very well.
Now i am looking for an alternative.
It seem to be that Thinderbird (with Lighning) or Sunbird, is the only one that can write
ics file. Outlook, e.g can only read the calendar file.

Outlook can create ICS files just fine either through its UI (File | Save As) or programmatically (AppointmentItem.SaveAs(..., olICal)


How to create a power automate flow that opens a link in an outlook email (with excel file in it) and save it into sharepoint?

I need to open a excel spreadsheet link that I receive in my outlook email almost everyday ,and and save that file in a sharepoint folder. But how can I do it using power automate ?

How to convert Office Calendar Event file (machine code) to JSON (or any other human-readable)? Link to file included

I want to trigger events on my MacbookPro whenever a meeting starts. I found the directory that my Calendar event files are saved in, but they are in machine code and I am not sure how to compile them into something that I can use.
How can I convert these files?
file: FF4BC1F7-17C4-4489-9F40-B83867E0D847_copy.olk15Event

Proper SpreadsheetML file extension

I want to create a a SpreadsheetML file on local drive which can be opened in MS Excel or Open Office by clicking on file in Windows Explorer.
I tried all filename extensions registered to Microsoft Excel i could find so far.
Some of them (.xls for example) allows file to be opened, but after "File is in different format than specified by the file extension" warning dialog. Some extensions (like .xlsx) causes Excel to show format error dialog without opening file.
Wikipedia tells that extension should be .xml, but it is registered to be opened by web browser by default.
This, this and this similar questions are about downloading a file from web and setting proper content-type. But i can not change content-type for local file.
This article explains how this annoying Extension Hardening mechanism works and how to disable it, but i think it is wrong to force user to disable security features just to allow spreadsheet file to be opened.
So there is no solution or am i missing something?
Now Open Office can open .xlsx (and read) files and Excel can open (and read) .ods files. My suggestion is to pick one of them that best suits your audience and your understanding of the specific file format.
Both of the applications have advantages and disadvanges and non-supported features between the two of them.
I suggest reviewing the document Differences between the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format and the Excel (.xlsx) format.
When you work with two file formats, like .xlsx and .ods, there might
be formatting differences, and not all features will be available.
You’ll be able to convert data and content, but the way you work with
the content might be different depending on which formats you use.
One gotcha is with Open Office when you save a .xlsx file it will change the format to a .ods file. Both the applications will re-arrange the folder structure after saving anyway.
The biggest change is how you go about creating the SpreadsheetML files, both Open Office and Excel have a different folder structure depending on the file extension you will use.
Here is a short example of an Excel folder format.
- _rels/
- .rels
- xl/
- _rels/
- workbook.xml.rels
- sheet1.xml
- workbook.xml
- [Content_Types].xml
I have created a sample GitHub repository for this with a sample that will open in both Excel and Open Office.

Not able to download Zip file from gmail which contains executable Jar in it

I have an email almost 4 years ago, which has Zip file in attachments containing executable jar file. I want to download that file. But, nowadays gmail doesn't allow to send or receive any executable file. Can anybody help me how can I download that zip from from my email?
Proceed at your own risk !!!!
Open the email in your browser
Go to the arrow next to the reply button, and press show original
When the new TAB is opened simply click on "Download original" and rename the file to email.eml!
Now you can open that eml file with almost any email client (Outlook, thunderbird .... )
The easiest solution would be this one, it takes 30 seconds to do. Simply open your web inspector and delete the display:none property for the google drive button. The button will then appears and you will be able to download your file in your Google Drive. From your Google Drive, you will be able to download your file on your computer.
Step 1. Click on Show original option as shown in the image. Clicking this option opens a new tab with the original, MIME encoded message.
Step 2. Wait for the complete page to load. This might take a long time depending on the size of the attachment and your internet speed. Once the page has loaded completely, copy the content and paste to notepad. Save as 0.txt(any name you can choose).
Step 3. Now rename file 0.txt to 0.eml
Step 4. open the file in Outlook or any email client. you will see the email with attachment.
This way worked for me.
You can download it from the Android Gmail or Inbox app. Then you can put it in drive if you like to access it anywhere.
1. Download and install python 3.4 (
2. Open up the mail that has the blocked attachment. Click on the arrow button next to reply and select show original
3. Wait for the complete page to load. This might take a long time depending on the size of the attachment and your internet speed. Once the page has loaded completely, save it. The filename will be 0.txt. Save it in a directory which does not have any other text file.
4. Open python and copy the following code. Save it to the same directory as 0.txt. Run the program by double-clicking on the saved .py file.
# Get your files that Gmail block. Warning message:
# "Anti-virus warning - 1 attachment contains a virus or blocked file. Downloading this attachment is disabled."
# Based on:
# Go to your emails, click the arrow button in the top right, "Show original", save to the same directory as this script.
import email
import sys
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Press enter to process all files with .txt extension.")
files = [ f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.endswith('.txt') ]
files = sys.argv[1:]
print("Files: %s" % ', '.join(files))
for f in files:
msg = email.message_from_file(open(f))
print("Processing %s" % f)
print("Subject: %s" % msg['Subject'])
for pl in msg.get_payload():
fn = pl.get_filename()
if fn:
print("Found %s" % fn)
if os.path.isfile(fn):
print("The file %s already exists! Press enter to overwrite." % fn)
open(fn, 'wb').write(pl.get_payload(decode=True))
You should see your attachment downloaded to the same directory after some time.
Open the gmail email in your browser
Go to the arrow next to the reply button, and press show original
download original and save it with extension .eml
open it in oulook
Or if you are PHP programmer get mail source via mail menu option "Show original" copy file attachment base64 string save to file for example test.b64 and:
file_put_contents ('test.rar',base64_decode(file_get_contents('test.b64')));
Saves regular attachment file in test.rar
If you are using a smart phone, simply open the email, save the attachment, connect your smartphone to your computer, open the Download folder in your smartphone by using windows explorer and copy the file to your desktop.
Or, you could also forward this email from your smartphone to another email address and download it from there.
No need to struggle a lot. I struggled a lot in my browser, YouTube tutorials and some articles but finally my own idea worked.
I was trying to download sriyog_com.rar file which was blocked by gmail.
file blocked by gmail
Open the email which contains that blocked file in Mobile Application.
The save to Google Drive icon will appear
Mobile Phone Screenshot
Save the file in Google Drive
File ready to download
Now the file is ready to download.
Note : Its time saving rather than eml files and other long scripting.
if you have smartphone, the easiest way is to open the gmail in gmail app and save the file to google drive(in gmail app save to google drive is active). go back to computer and open google drive and download the desire file.
Connect your gmail on one of the mail clients like Polymail, fetch your emails, download whatever you want :)
It worked for me the method 1 "Method 1: Save email and open it in Outlook"
After downloaded the original message I changed the downloaded file to .eml
Eg: original_msg.eml
In order to open the message with other email clients file must be in ".eml" format.
Then I opened the file in thenderbird, which is a popular free email client.
Now I can able to download files.
Thats it.
Hope it helps.
Open mail from Android
--> Go to the specific mail
--> You will find a download option
--> Download the ***.zip/***.rar file
--> Upload it to the google drive
--> Now download it or use USB cable to transfer data to your computer.
It's working for me.
Five Steps to Solve Virus Blocked or Executable Files from Gmail.
Select Show Original
Download Original
Web Search eml reader online or you can visit
upload the downloaded eml file (from point 2).
you should be able to view and download the blocked attachments.
Online EML Reader
Show Original
Download Original
The best way I found out was to download the attachment or add it to your drive via Gmail app. It works fine.
Accessing the file via any email client that uses IMAP (maybe also POP) will allow downloading of the file.
Workaround : Simply access the same mail via gmail android app.. u can download it . no issues.
Just click forward the email and then click on the composed email
your file will get downloaded

Dynamically changing file lock/access permissions on open file

I have a client application where we try to check files in and out from SharePoint for editing. I am using SharePoint's SOAP interfaces and some FrontPage interfaces to do this. It used to work fine under SharePoint 2007, but with 2010 I can't check out or check in a file if I have the file open for editing. I get a message like "FileXXX is locked for exclusive use by DOMAIN\user" when I examine the returned error message. I also cannot update any of the user defined SharePoint fields for a file/list if the file is open for editing.
My question is this: Is there a way to change the access/lock for an open file to make it non-exclusive temporarily and then restore it?
Note: Some of my data files are opened using windows file handles (flat files) and others are opened using windows structured storage (compound document files).
This may not work for Sharepoint specifically, but the ReOpenFile() API does what you want. I don't know of any other way to do this.
