Not able to download Zip file from gmail which contains executable Jar in it - download

I have an email almost 4 years ago, which has Zip file in attachments containing executable jar file. I want to download that file. But, nowadays gmail doesn't allow to send or receive any executable file. Can anybody help me how can I download that zip from from my email?

Proceed at your own risk !!!!
Open the email in your browser
Go to the arrow next to the reply button, and press show original
When the new TAB is opened simply click on "Download original" and rename the file to email.eml!
Now you can open that eml file with almost any email client (Outlook, thunderbird .... )

The easiest solution would be this one, it takes 30 seconds to do. Simply open your web inspector and delete the display:none property for the google drive button. The button will then appears and you will be able to download your file in your Google Drive. From your Google Drive, you will be able to download your file on your computer.

Step 1. Click on Show original option as shown in the image. Clicking this option opens a new tab with the original, MIME encoded message.
Step 2. Wait for the complete page to load. This might take a long time depending on the size of the attachment and your internet speed. Once the page has loaded completely, copy the content and paste to notepad. Save as 0.txt(any name you can choose).
Step 3. Now rename file 0.txt to 0.eml
Step 4. open the file in Outlook or any email client. you will see the email with attachment.
This way worked for me.

You can download it from the Android Gmail or Inbox app. Then you can put it in drive if you like to access it anywhere.

1. Download and install python 3.4 (
2. Open up the mail that has the blocked attachment. Click on the arrow button next to reply and select show original
3. Wait for the complete page to load. This might take a long time depending on the size of the attachment and your internet speed. Once the page has loaded completely, save it. The filename will be 0.txt. Save it in a directory which does not have any other text file.
4. Open python and copy the following code. Save it to the same directory as 0.txt. Run the program by double-clicking on the saved .py file.
# Get your files that Gmail block. Warning message:
# "Anti-virus warning - 1 attachment contains a virus or blocked file. Downloading this attachment is disabled."
# Based on:
# Go to your emails, click the arrow button in the top right, "Show original", save to the same directory as this script.
import email
import sys
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Press enter to process all files with .txt extension.")
files = [ f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.endswith('.txt') ]
files = sys.argv[1:]
print("Files: %s" % ', '.join(files))
for f in files:
msg = email.message_from_file(open(f))
print("Processing %s" % f)
print("Subject: %s" % msg['Subject'])
for pl in msg.get_payload():
fn = pl.get_filename()
if fn:
print("Found %s" % fn)
if os.path.isfile(fn):
print("The file %s already exists! Press enter to overwrite." % fn)
open(fn, 'wb').write(pl.get_payload(decode=True))
You should see your attachment downloaded to the same directory after some time.

Open the gmail email in your browser
Go to the arrow next to the reply button, and press show original
download original and save it with extension .eml
open it in oulook

Or if you are PHP programmer get mail source via mail menu option "Show original" copy file attachment base64 string save to file for example test.b64 and:
file_put_contents ('test.rar',base64_decode(file_get_contents('test.b64')));
Saves regular attachment file in test.rar

If you are using a smart phone, simply open the email, save the attachment, connect your smartphone to your computer, open the Download folder in your smartphone by using windows explorer and copy the file to your desktop.
Or, you could also forward this email from your smartphone to another email address and download it from there.

No need to struggle a lot. I struggled a lot in my browser, YouTube tutorials and some articles but finally my own idea worked.
I was trying to download sriyog_com.rar file which was blocked by gmail.
file blocked by gmail
Open the email which contains that blocked file in Mobile Application.
The save to Google Drive icon will appear
Mobile Phone Screenshot
Save the file in Google Drive
File ready to download
Now the file is ready to download.
Note : Its time saving rather than eml files and other long scripting.

if you have smartphone, the easiest way is to open the gmail in gmail app and save the file to google drive(in gmail app save to google drive is active). go back to computer and open google drive and download the desire file.

Connect your gmail on one of the mail clients like Polymail, fetch your emails, download whatever you want :)
It worked for me the method 1 "Method 1: Save email and open it in Outlook"
After downloaded the original message I changed the downloaded file to .eml
Eg: original_msg.eml
In order to open the message with other email clients file must be in ".eml" format.
Then I opened the file in thenderbird, which is a popular free email client.
Now I can able to download files.
Thats it.
Hope it helps.

Open mail from Android
--> Go to the specific mail
--> You will find a download option
--> Download the ***.zip/***.rar file
--> Upload it to the google drive
--> Now download it or use USB cable to transfer data to your computer.
It's working for me.

Five Steps to Solve Virus Blocked or Executable Files from Gmail.
Select Show Original
Download Original
Web Search eml reader online or you can visit
upload the downloaded eml file (from point 2).
you should be able to view and download the blocked attachments.
Online EML Reader
Show Original
Download Original

The best way I found out was to download the attachment or add it to your drive via Gmail app. It works fine.

Accessing the file via any email client that uses IMAP (maybe also POP) will allow downloading of the file.

Workaround : Simply access the same mail via gmail android app.. u can download it . no issues.

Just click forward the email and then click on the composed email
your file will get downloaded


How can I download the large file from google drive using rclone?

Now I want to download the dataset on the website(, it's in google drive and filesize is 2TB. the website recommend using rclone to download the file but not said how to use.
As the picture shows
This was asked a while back already but I'd like to keep it recorded here as it seems hard to find.
Unfortunately I don't know if there's a way to automate this process but it's still easy.
What you can do is create a new remote with the link's root_folder_id.
The Root Folder ID is present in the url e.g:
in the example link
the root_folder_id is the string after the slash /folders/ so in this case it would be "a1b2c3deFgHi4JKlm56nOpqrStuv7w8xy9". If the Google Drive shared link you got is a folder all you have to do is copy that id and use it in the rclone's new remote setup. Now if the shared link points directly to a file, like the one in the OP, there's no folder to download it from, so we gotta create our own! The whole process would look like:
get the folder_id from Google Drive's link. If it is a link to a direct file then first we have to create a new folder anywhere inside our own Google Drive, it's name doesn't matter as we will point directly to it using the ID. After creating this new folder, open it and note the url, it should look something like
just copy everything after /folders/ and save it for later.
now go back to the link of the direct file. Add a shortcut for that file to inside your recently created folder, so say the folder was named dl-with-rclone, click the "Add shortcut to Drive" icon and navigate to the "dl-with-rclone" folder to add the shortcut there.
heading to rclone, do:
rclone config <to open settings>
On the prompt e/n/d/r/c/s/q> hit n (the key relative to creating a new remote)
On name> give it a name like sharedWithMe or anything else for personal reference later
On the prompt Storage>, the possible remotes to connect to, write down drive or the number relative to it (currently 15)
if you set up your own client_id and client_secret you put them next
On the scope> prompt option 2 "Read-only" is enough
now this is the important one:
on the root_folder_id> prompt input the ID of the folder of the shared link or the folder you created and pointed the file shortcut to, e.g. Fdrcv3nQvxQqXUGEEyvacwUxdYXpV33Ct
Now you can pretty much hit enter for everything, once you reach Use auto config? you will be redirected for a browser to login. Make sure the logged in account is the same that you created the folder for the shortcut. If the shared link is for a folder already your logged in account doesn't matter.
After finishing your remote setup you can exit rclone config
The command you would need would be something like rclone copy sharedWithMe: destination/folder
This being rclone you would surely be able to copy from one remote to another, that's up to the user.
In summary: I did test this method on your link, creating a folder in my Drive, pointing the file shortcut to it and using the root_folder_id to setup the rclone remote and it did begin to download:
rclone test download screenshot

Open a paperclip attached word doc in Ruby/rails

I have a rails app with file attachments using paperclip. Images and pdfs work fine in that if I click on the linked attachment, the image or pdf opens. If I right click, I can do a save-as.
However, with Office files such as word.docx, I can only download the file. If I go do Dos and type the filename, it will open in MS word. Therefore, I think that I should be able to use the system or system call and just pass the attachment name from paperclip (ie attachment.image.url) to dos and the file should open. I think the command I want would be something like
I can't figure out how to write the statement to do that.
Your browser will not (and should not) allow you to execute anything outside of the browser itself, this means that without some external app making the call to your Rails app from the clients machine, you will not be able to open the Word doc without downloading it.
You are able to open the images and PDFs in the browser because the browser supports them, but most browsers won't open Word docs.
You can either have the user download the file, or maybe use a third party viewer that you can open the word doc with inside the browser.

How to start "save as / open" after requesting a file from server?

I'm using MooTools as JS-Framework.
When a user clicks the "Show Report"-Button on my website I'm starting Request.HTML to retrieve the path of the requested report.
If the report does not exists yet, its been created on the server (a waiting popup is shown to the user). The report file is saved to a special path on the server and this path is returned to the browser.
After I got the path to the Report-File - the Report can reach about 5 to 8MB - I want to show the user a "Download-ProgressBar" while starting a new Request.HTML to retrieve the big report file.
Everthing until this point works fine. I got the ProgressBar filling up, after its finished I got my big file.
But my problem is now, how I can start something like "Open File" or "Save File As" from JavaScript.
I got the freaking file downloaded and shown in the console but now I want the user to save this file somewhere or to open it directly...
Kind Regard.
Why don't just show a link to that file so that it opens in a new page?
That way one can open in a new window and save from the browser's menu (or use the right click>save to menu).
Since you already have your file serialized most browsers nowadays supports the data uri scheme so if this fine to support a limited subset of browsers you can do, '_blank');
notably old version of IE don't support all kind of files using data-uri so it will not work for html.
There are some File API in newer browser too, and there are some other solutions involving flash but historically the right way to do this is to navigate to a server page which returns an header
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=yourfilename.html
that will work in any browser (I used this a lot in IE6 with no particular problem).

How to automatically FTP files that I am editing

I'm trying to figure out how to autoftp with Filezilla. Are there any other programs that do this right off the bat?
I use WinSCP for some of its amazing benefits. I connect to my FTP server with WinSCP and let it monitor my local folder /website/public_html.
Any changes I make in my local folder automatically get uploaded to my FTP server by WinSCP. The feature is called Keep remote directory up to date:
As for SCSS, I also use it:
I have a script that opens a console window to watch my /website/scss files and compiles them to /website/public_html/styles/. WinSCP sees the CSS file has changed (or is new) and automatically uploads it.
Notice: The only downside is you cannot reach your error_log as that is automatically generated on the server by PHP. To do this you can easily instantiate another WinSCP to connect to your website. Now you have 1 WinSCP monitoring your local folder and 1 WinSCP where you can access your site map.
If by "autoftp" you mean "update the file on the server whenever I save it" and you're working with code, then I'd recommend the wonderful Notepad++
Notepad++ certainly is wonderful for this particular function and it even saves a cache of the whatever has been accessed and modified from the remote server.
The downside however (for me) is that Notepad++ will not auto-upload preprocessed CSS files like .scss or .less. I tried actually opening the resulting .css files in Notepad++ to mimic the act of editing them, but that still puts an extra step in the process. I have to click over to the tabs and manually save them (after the 'your file as changed prompt').
Currently, after I make changes, I click over to FZ and upload the files manually.
This response is late, but hopefully it will be helpful to those looking to get past Filezilla's "do you want to overwrite" prompt every time a file being edited locally is saved. Unfortunately, the Filezilla developers are staunchly opposed to making this behavior optional. It is a problem for many, especially when working with limited desktop space, since every time the prompt appears, one must expose the hidden filezilla window just to click okay.
Anyway, the answer is WinSCP. It is also free and is so similar to filezilla that I needed no learning to use it immediately.
There is an easier way to do that with NetBeans IDE, there is an option to upload files with FTP or SFTP on save, manually or on Run
Right click on your project and click Properties
Click the second category run configuration
Run As: Choose Remote Website (FTP,SFTP)
Project Url: put your website live link eg
Upload files: Choose On Save
Remote Connection > Manage > Add > Connection name (put one) > FTP
Now add your ftp details. Make sure your Initial directory path is correct, (your website path) so you will not accidentally replace any files from other website in the file manager
Unfortunately there no option on filezilla can auto agree upload when file has been changed.
Mobaxtern can do that. You can choose "always upload" when file has been changed.
You can edit the file with any editor, whenever you save, it will upload.
I like to use WebDrive ($40) which mounts a remote server (S)FTP/SSH/Cloud to a local drive (eg. X: on Windows). You can then just do everything to drive X: as if it's a local drive and WebDrive automatically uploads the changes to the remote server.

Excel .xlsx download - sharing violation error message on Open and Save combination

I've found this question posed a few times, but no definitive answers as yet. Looks like a decent solution would help quite a few people.
So we create an excel file (.xlsx) on the server and download it to the client using content-disposition 'attachment'. The Open Save dialog appears and all works fine if you choose Save, or Open and then Save As... However if you choose Open and then hit the Save... button then Excel hangs for a moment and then presents the message:
Your changes could not be saved to 'Export[5].xlsx' because of a sharing violation. Try saving to a different file.
The file you are trying to open 'F8CAC020.IE5\HM2NBE5C\F8CAC020', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?
you finally get the Save As: dialog (assuming you pressed 'Yes').
Code for creating the file is:
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Export.xlsx")
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", New System.IO.FileInfo(NewFile).Length)
If you remove the content-disposition header you get the right sort of behaviour in Excel, but with the wrong name and no guarantee that the Excel document will not instead be shown in the browser (depending on client settings). If you press Open and then Save then you
get a message:
'default.aspx' is read-only. To save a copy, click OK, then give the workbook a new name in the Save As dialog box.
So the question is how to combine the 2 behaviours into a reasonable one:
Get the nice error message directly above, when you try to Open and then Save a downloaded file, but also specify that the document should be downloaded and given a default filename.
I believe there is a bug in the IE file download code that does not acknowledge the completed file transfer (download) from the web server, thus leaving a connection to the downloaded (temporary) file open when the save is attempted. That generates the "sharing violation" message. I tried the same code with FireFox and I don't get the same result, which surely leads me to believe this is an IE-specific problem.
Unfortunately, given that I believe this to be a bug in IE, I don't think there is presently a clean resolution to this issue.
