Dynamically changing file lock/access permissions on open file - winapi

I have a client application where we try to check files in and out from SharePoint for editing. I am using SharePoint's SOAP interfaces and some FrontPage interfaces to do this. It used to work fine under SharePoint 2007, but with 2010 I can't check out or check in a file if I have the file open for editing. I get a message like "FileXXX is locked for exclusive use by DOMAIN\user" when I examine the returned error message. I also cannot update any of the user defined SharePoint fields for a file/list if the file is open for editing.
My question is this: Is there a way to change the access/lock for an open file to make it non-exclusive temporarily and then restore it?
Note: Some of my data files are opened using windows file handles (flat files) and others are opened using windows structured storage (compound document files).

This may not work for Sharepoint specifically, but the ReOpenFile() API does what you want. I don't know of any other way to do this.


vb 6 can't Open form Path/File Access Error: filepath.log

So i tried to open a specific form in vb 6 it says Path/File Access Error "filepath.log";
when i tried to open the log file this is the content
Line 2: Could not create reference: '{90F3D7B3-92E7-44BA-B444-6A8E2A3BC375}#1.0#0'.
Line 3: Could not create reference: '{6B7E6392-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}#1.3#0'.
is there a way to open that specific form. I can open other forms in the project.
I tried Opening The .vbp project file in notepad and found the source of the reference.
Object={90F3D7B3-92E7-44BA-B444-6A8E2A3BC375}#1.0#0; actskin4.ocx
Object={6B7E6392-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}#1.3#0; COMCTL32.OCX
still i don't know how to fix this.
The VB6 IDE will generally refuse to display a form if one or more of the controls on the form cannot be loaded.
(You can of course view the .frm file in a text editor if you just need to read some detail of the code.)
Based on the combined information from the log file and the .VBP it seems clear that the two OCX files listed are not registered on your development PC. They may or may not be physically present.
As a first step, I would search on the PC to see if they can be located. Typically OCX files would be installed into the \Windows\SysWOW64 or \Windows\System32 folders, although other locations are definitely possible.
(COMCTL32.OCX is a Microsoft file, so that is probably where you'll find it. I don't know what the other one is).
Assuming you find those files, most likely you can register them in the location you find them (there are a lot of possibilities but that is probably an OK start).
If you can't locate them you will have to find some copy (from another developer maybe?) before you can proceed. If actskin4.ocx is a professional 3rd party control then probably it would have come with a proper installer which you should located & run.
Here are Microsoft's instructions to manually register a DLL / OCX.

Proper SpreadsheetML file extension

I want to create a a SpreadsheetML file on local drive which can be opened in MS Excel or Open Office by clicking on file in Windows Explorer.
I tried all filename extensions registered to Microsoft Excel i could find so far.
Some of them (.xls for example) allows file to be opened, but after "File is in different format than specified by the file extension" warning dialog. Some extensions (like .xlsx) causes Excel to show format error dialog without opening file.
Wikipedia tells that extension should be .xml, but it is registered to be opened by web browser by default.
This, this and this similar questions are about downloading a file from web and setting proper content-type. But i can not change content-type for local file.
This article explains how this annoying Extension Hardening mechanism works and how to disable it, but i think it is wrong to force user to disable security features just to allow spreadsheet file to be opened.
So there is no solution or am i missing something?
Now Open Office can open .xlsx (and read) files and Excel can open (and read) .ods files. My suggestion is to pick one of them that best suits your audience and your understanding of the specific file format.
Both of the applications have advantages and disadvanges and non-supported features between the two of them.
I suggest reviewing the document Differences between the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format and the Excel (.xlsx) format.
When you work with two file formats, like .xlsx and .ods, there might
be formatting differences, and not all features will be available.
You’ll be able to convert data and content, but the way you work with
the content might be different depending on which formats you use.
One gotcha is with Open Office when you save a .xlsx file it will change the format to a .ods file. Both the applications will re-arrange the folder structure after saving anyway.
The biggest change is how you go about creating the SpreadsheetML files, both Open Office and Excel have a different folder structure depending on the file extension you will use.
Here is a short example of an Excel folder format.
- _rels/
- .rels
- xl/
- _rels/
- workbook.xml.rels
- sheet1.xml
- workbook.xml
- [Content_Types].xml
I have created a sample GitHub repository for this with a sample that will open in both Excel and Open Office.

Reason why folder associated with saved webpage gets deleted when we delete saved page

I have saved a complete webpage and there is also one folder saved with resources but when I delete webpage or move saved webpage to other directory then the folder associated with it also gets deleted or moved. So what is the code written behind it. Because I want to do same with my webpage and folder.
Thanks in advance for you kind help.
This "association" between the HTML file and its resources folder is a behaviour implemented by the Windows operating system.
It has nothing to due with a webpage in particular, with its HTML, JavaScript, or even with a particular browser.
Windows 2000 provides a simple way to connect a primary HTML file to its group of associated files. If Connected Files is enabled, when you perform any of the commands [Copy, Cut, Paste, Move, Delete, Send To] on a file or folder of associated files, the same command is performed on all connected files.
Even though the official page mentions "Windows 2000", the same behaviour is implemented in Windows XP and many (if not all) later versions of Windows.
See these pages:
Removing file / folder link after using “Save As…” then “Web Page, complete”
Operations on an HTML file or folder apply to similarly named folder or HTML file (from Microsoft support)

Windows Explorer and Reparse Point Files: keep Explorer from opening my files

I've implemented a user mode program and a Windows file system minifilter that creates a skeleton view of users files for a remote file storage system. It maps the remote files to the local drive. The user mode program creates a reparse tag for each file on the remote system. When a create request (e.g., CreateFile for read) is detected, the minifilter asks the user mode program to download the file. This should only happen when a program wants to open the file for viewing or editing.
But, I'm finding that Windows Explorer is triggering my files to download. I'd like to prevent the Explorer File windows and File Open/Save dialogs from
triggering downloads. And, I also want to display the file thumbnails and file
[Update: I've found I can use Windows sparse files to show my remote
file size in Explorer. ]
Therefore, I have also implemented a Shell Extension, IThumbnailProvider, that downloads a rendition of the file. This provides the file thumbnails.
For my testing, I've registered the IThumbnailProvider for all files (*) and for .jpg files.
I'm seeing two interesting behaviors using a combination of Process Monitor and DebugView (both from SysInternals):
1. If I make my minifilter reject requests to open the file from Explorer, then my IThumbnailProvider is invoked.
2. If I permit open requests from Explorer, I see thumbcache.dll in the call stack trying to open the file and my IThumbnailProvider is not called. It appears that the default thumbnail provider reads the downloaded file and creates the thumbnail.
I must be missing something.
Update: if I use InitializeWithStream instead of InitializeWithFile, it appears my handler is invoked. But, that also triggers a download of the file.
There are many shell extension types which can access to your files. Icon handler can read file to create icon, Info tip handler can read file to create text hint, Data object handler can read file to create clipboard data and so on.
Questions from developer with the same problem: first and second. Solution was to create namespace shell extension. NSE can control all access to your files.

Opening a file from TFS using the full TFS Path, from a web site

So I have a website running that displays full path of a TFS File on the page somewhere, I want the user to be able to click on it, which should then open up that file from TFS inside their Visual Studio.
The command to do this inside Visual Studio is "File.TfsOpenFromSourceControl" (DTE command) - it's basically the user manually going to that file using the Source control explorer and double clicking to open it up.
I am wanting to simulate that action from my web app inside the browser.
Update: The Web app is a pure ASPNet MVC app with Jquery available to it. I am already showing the file's content to the user in the web app. But I want the user to open the same file in Visual studio, by clicking on the file path in the web app. The question is more of Browser to VS integration and how to execute the DTE command in question, from within the web app context of the browser.
Any clues would be helpful
I don't know the answer to Pavel's question, so I'll sketch an outline of both solutions.
If you want to display the file inside the browser, call the Item.DownloadFile() API. NB: in 2008 SP1 there is another overload of this method that allows streaming into a memory buffer instead of writing directly to the filesystem. If you don't already work with Item objects directly, you can retrieve them via the GetItem() / GetItems() APIs.
If you want to make the file open in VS, there are a couple approaches. Perhaps your web app already includes the concept of local workspace(s) for the user, similar to Source Control Explorer. If so, you'd simply call Workspace.GetLocalItemForServerItem() to find the local path of the item, then ShellExecute it. (Or maybe pass it as a command line parameter to devenv.exe, if it's not natively associated with VS.) If not, you can either create a temporary workspace on behalf of the user, or use the same DownloadFile() API shown before; stream the contents to the client over a web service, save to disk, then launch VS as before.
Naturally, the more involved scenarios under option #2 will require deeper OS integration than the DOM / Javascript can provide. Would help to know if this web app is already built on ActiveX, Flash, Silverlight, XBAP, or similar technology...
