Wi-Fi Direct in Windows 10 (Desktop) - windows

I have recently started to have a deeper look into Wi-Fi Direct under Windows 10 (desktop version) and had a look into the API descriptions
from Microsoft => https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn457945(v=vs.85).aspx
One of the described methods there (WFDStartOpenSession) states that a previous pairing through the "Windows Pairing experience" (WPS ?) is required.
So i started to play a little bit with the pairing stuff by using a Windows 10 (Build 1607, Desktop) together with an Android-based smartphone (version 6.0.1) and
made the following observations:
When i initiate the connection from my PC to the phone, it "basically" works i.e. the pairing dialog shows up on the phone's display and i can connect to it.
Although it works, it's not really stable in my opinion - on my side it works 1 out of 3 times.
After ~ 30 seconds, Windows disconnects from the phone (in the "Devices and printers" view) while the phone itself stays connected a little longer (then it also disconnects).
When i initiate the connection from my phone to the Windows PC, nothing happens - no message box, no pop-up window :-(
Has anybody else seen this or similiar behavior ?
I tried it with 2 different USB adapters, one with a RTL8723BU chipset from Realtek and the other one with a RT5572 chipset from Mediatek Ralink - both show
exactly the same behavior.
In addition, i noticed that the "Realtek Wireless Lan Utility" to control and configure the USB adapter is not working anymore in Windows 10 (1607) when switching
from client to Access Point mode. I think it's somehow related to ICS, missing hosted network support ... don't know yet.
However, actually you don't need the tool from Realtek as you can for example use the mobile hotspot feature of Windows 10 to share your internet connection with your devices.
But without the Realtek tool i have not found any possibility to switch WiFi channels - does anybody have the same problem ? is there are solution available for that ?


WebBluetooth Error in Windows 10: "Turn on Bluetooth to allow pairing"

My WebBluetooth app works in Chrome Version 77.0.3865.90 on another system, so this is not a Chrome problem, this is a Windows setting problem. As soon as my web app tries to pair I am getting the message, "Turn on Bluetooth to allow pairing".
Bluetooth is turned on in Windows 10 and I can manually pair my workstation to my Android phone. I have fiddled with every Windows Bluetooth setting for hours now (disabling devices, etc.).
This is the message:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx!
This is probably a Chrome bug. Since I experienced the same problem, I have opened https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1006688 for it.

Using USB device on PC in Android Studio Emulator

I am developing an app that A dongle (USB) device must connect to Android OS supported device(mobile phones, tablets...) via OTG (On-The-Go) cable. The problem starts here. I need to do debug while the dongle is connected to the Mobile phone. Unfortunately, such situation makes connecting mobile phone to PC and debugging method impossible. ( Mobile phone has 1 socket but I need 2, one for connecting the dongle to mobile phone and other for connecting mobile phone to pc for debugging)
Is there a way such that the Android Studio Emulator can access to USB device on the PC?
EDIT I have found an alternative way like connecting the mobile phone to PC via Bluetooth which is explained here.
EDIT 2: A better and clear way : Installing Genymotion and Virtual Box.
Another option (I use daily) is
adb connect phone_ip
The phone should be connected to wifi (the host also).
Lots of sources for that on the net (here is one)

Why does RDC eat my keystrokes?

I'm trying to use Microsoft's Remote Display Control (version 2.03, copyright 2000) to view my Windows CE device on the desktop (not only is it nice for my "regular" handheld device, because it makes the display easier to see, especially in zoom mode, but it is even more important for the other devices I have to test, whose screen is too dim for me to make out exactly what's on the screen (it's like the vision test from h311) - which is necessary for debugging, of course) but for some reason I am not able to enter key strokes on the device while it's connected to the desktop. I can enter them neither on the desktop/in RDC nor on the handheld device itself while connected via RDC.
This, of course, is untenable (no pun intended).
The .exe is created in XP Mode, copied to a "holding tank" in Windows Explorer on the Windows 7 machine, then copied from there to the handheld device.
Then I connect from the handheld device by selecting Start > Programs > cerdisp > selecting OK in the "Remote Display Control" dialog, then Connect, then OK (and I do connect), then run the app on the desktop in the "WindowsCE" window that RDC supplies. It allows me to select menu items, but the keyboard is broken/mute...???
Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? The desktop is a Windows 7 machine.
Doing a "cold boot" of the handheld device caused it to come back to responsiveness, keyboard-wise. These devices are betimes more peckish than a put-upon puddle of Platypi.

Cannot connect Windows Phone Emulator to Internet when using Wireless adapter on the host

I’m developing Windows Phone app using VS2012 on Dell XPS 15 laptop with Win8 pro.I read a lot of troubleshooting articles here (specially Windows Phone 8 emulator can't connect to the internet) and in other places on the web and have not managed to solve the issue (see the subject). Note my laptop gets successfully IP using DHCP on both adapters (wireless and wired) and no MAC filtering is set on the router. Here is the story:
1) Does not work: When starting WP emulator, it does not get IP from
router (DHCP)
2) Works:
start over (delete virtual switches and machine in Hyper-v)
disable wireless adapter
connect wired adapter to router with cable
start emulator (it creates machine and switches)
gets IP and Internet is accessible
3) Does not work:
start over (delete virtual switches and machine in Hyper-v)
disable wired adapter– windows control panel shows : Bluetooth and
Wireless enabled and wired disable – no others
start emulator (it creates machine and switches)
a) router log shows “DHCP server received REQUEST”
b) on the host I see (ipconfig) virtual switch gets IP (vEthernet
(Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1030 Virtual Switch)) – it selected
as “Windows Phone Emulator External” in virtual machine settings
c) in emulator network tab of “Additional Tools” window I see adaptors
with default IP 169.*
3) Partially works:
delete virtual switches
disable wired adapter– windows control panel shows : Bluetooth and
Wireless enabled and wired disable – no others
create internal switch in hyper-v named “Windows Phone Emulator
Internal Switch” and select it in internal network adapter of virtual
enable sharing in wireless adapter (in control panel)
start emulator as standalone with xde.exe (starting from VS will not
use right snapshot with deployed app) and does not allow it to
connect to network – loading takes much more time and after that, OS
is loading and emulator shows error dialog “Some functionality maybe
it possible to use emulator with Internet, but device buttons does
not work – use keyboard shortcuts
it cannot be used for debugging – it is good only for showing the app on public ;-)
You have answered your question but this may help.
connect with your wireless network
host the wireless connection using netsh in CMD. an alternative is creating an internal switch sharing your connection with your lan adapter
you can do that with connectify too.
by now, your PC should show you are both connected to a wireless and lan network.
run the emulator from visual studio and you get connected.

Is it possible to remotely control PC/powerpoint slide from bluetooth-enabled phone without having a PC server program?

It looks like most existing remote PC solution using bluetooth-enabled smartphone needs PC side software (especially Java..)
I'm wondering if remote PC control is possible without PC side software at all?
Yes, it is. I once tried Bluetooth remote control with a Sony Ericsson K770i and it worked really great! All you need is a Bluetooth receiver installed on the PC and you need to pair your PC with your mobile phone. Then you can set the phone to control the PC and voila.
I tried this on Windows Vista x86. Worked really great. It was a pleasure to be able to control the PC from my bed when I was sick. Plus, I could bind shortcuts like "Ctrl+C", "Ctrl+V" to certain keys on the mobile phone. The K770i had it all.
