Check out issue with TFS - visual-studio-2010

Whenever I press F7 on any UI form, form file is being Checked Out for edit which shouldn't be the case. Not sure how to rectify this issue.
Please suggest!


not able to navigate between events of a object with dropdown box like visual studio 2019 in VS 2022 >

I am not sure did they change it the way we can do it or is there any simpler way or they actually removed the option and limited us to use code instead
in vs 2019 if we double click the button we directly went to click event of a button and then from the upper right dropdown box we can easily move to any other event of a current object like double click or mouse over etc which automatically created the event handling SUB
but I am not able to do it in the VS 2022 so what happened with it?
as you can see in the attached images
I'm truly hoping that it's a bug in VS2022 because I'm really missing this function too. I've found a lot of topics in the official discussions and feeds and it seems that different older versions have the same issue, but they have already patched them. No info about 17.0.x version. :( I'll investigate further. Please report if somebody find a working solution.
Go to Options->Text Editor->(your language) and enable "Navigation Bar".
Previously answered here:
Visual Studio window which shows list of methods
This bug has been fixed in the latest version of the VS 2022 as per below post. Just tested and seems to be working as it used to!
well finally I found the answer to my question with thanks to mrtn
Microsoft finally found the bug and fixed the Asked Issue in question, so New update will solve this problem that was a bug from VS 2022
Additionally, I want to mention there is another way to create/edit Object's Events from Design view
Go to the design view and then click the Button with Lightning icon, a list of Events will Appear, and then go for the desired event and double click to add the event or edit it

Hot reload not working for Razor page VS2022

I just installed Visual studio2022 and create a project.NET6 web application with Razor page.
But I found that Hot re-load doesn't work even for little changes("TEST" to "TEST1" in screenshot) on Index.cshtml but error popup said "Edits were made which cannot be compiled.
So I had to re-build the project to see the changes.
But somehow it works when I use start without debugging.
Could anyone please help on this.
currently I have both VS2019 and VS2022 installed on my laptop.
I don't know that his is the best solution, but you can disable edit and continue so that you don't keep getting prompted. Go to Options->Debugging->General and unselect the 'Enable Edit and Continue and Hot Reload' option. Obviously if you want Edit and continue you may not want this as your solution.
VS options

Dynamics CRM 2015 not updating JavaScript file properly

The problem:
After editing my JavaScript file in the CRM textediting program, the changes are not updated when I test it in CRM. I am making subtle changes to a drop-down, nothing that breaks anything.
I am using Firefox, and unable to test this in other browsers (at least for the time being).
What I did was:
Made subtle changes to my javaScript file in the texteditor in MS Dynamics CRM 2015.
Press Publish all adjustments.
Open a new window with CRM.
Go to a formula with the drop-down, open it and find that it has not been updated.
So I open the debugger (F12) and confirm this.
In the debugger I open the tool setting and check the box with "Deactivate cache (when tool is open)".
Hit F5 test again and it works! VOILA!
However if I shut the whole thing down (the browser) and open it up again, then CRM still loads the old JavaScript file, until I go to the debugger and do the whole thing again.
This is not acceptable, since CRM are suppose to load the updated JavaScript file as default.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
Thank you.
The answer to this question is: Remember to clear the cache.
One good way to test it, is by opening a browser with private browsing.

Enable comment and uncomment shortcut in VS 2013 in case of .feature file

I have VS 2013 and Specflow installed. It seems the comment selection(Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C) and uncomment selection (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U) are disabled in case of .feature file.
Doesn't matter whether it is enabled or not in the settings it is not working.
I asked the same question in the official Specflow mailing list. I got only one suggestion about I should be make sure the shortcuts are properly set up.
Did anybody experienced like this? Did anybody solve this issue?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Update, June 2015
It seems this issue has been solved by the Specflow plugin 2015.1.2.
There is one workaround to this issue. You can hold the Alt key and scroll all the way down to the area where you want to insert the comment. it will draw a very light blue line and add '#' sign for comment.

Visual Studio 2008, no longer see the Refresh item on right click

I used to be able to right click Folders in my project and click 'refresh' to refresh the files within them, I don't see the option to do this any more, how do I fix it? The same thing has happened at work and at home.. has it always been like this and have I gone insane?
I still have the option. You might be able to get it back by customizing the context menu. Refresh is under Commands > View in the Customize dialog.
The refresh icon is at the top of the solution explorer for me, does the job
