Dynamics CRM 2015 not updating JavaScript file properly - firefox

The problem:
After editing my JavaScript file in the CRM textediting program, the changes are not updated when I test it in CRM. I am making subtle changes to a drop-down, nothing that breaks anything.
I am using Firefox, and unable to test this in other browsers (at least for the time being).
What I did was:
Made subtle changes to my javaScript file in the texteditor in MS Dynamics CRM 2015.
Press Publish all adjustments.
Open a new window with CRM.
Go to a formula with the drop-down, open it and find that it has not been updated.
So I open the debugger (F12) and confirm this.
In the debugger I open the tool setting and check the box with "Deactivate cache (when tool is open)".
Hit F5 test again and it works! VOILA!
However if I shut the whole thing down (the browser) and open it up again, then CRM still loads the old JavaScript file, until I go to the debugger and do the whole thing again.
This is not acceptable, since CRM are suppose to load the updated JavaScript file as default.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
Thank you.

The answer to this question is: Remember to clear the cache.
One good way to test it, is by opening a browser with private browsing.


Specflow Resharper test runner navigate to feature file

Is there a consistant way of navigating from a test in a Resharper test session to the feature file? When I double click a test in the session window most of the time it takes me the *.feature.cs and not the '*.feature'. However sometime this does work. Is this a bug? I found these things already:
How to navigate to feature file from resharper test session window in Visual Studio 2012?
But not much else. Is there some jedi/ninja trick I'm missing to get this to work the same way everytime, i.e. double click the test in the session window and go to the feature file
What you can do when it takes you to the generated code is to right click in the code, click navigate, then click related files, and you'll see the feature file there. A bit long winded I know but it works.

Detect file changes outside the Visual Basic 6 IDE?

I am working with VB6 legacy code and I am using an external editor because of the features that it has. Unfortunately, those changes aren't refreshed in the IDE because VB6 doesn't monitor loaded code for changes.
I have done some extensive searching on the subject including looking for alternative editors, a fairly exhaustive internet search including following all of the links on this StackExchange link and haven't found a way to refresh the code window to reflect the external file changes.
My company doesn't have access to the latest edition of Visual Studio and will not be purchasing it anytime in the near future. Until then, there is code to fix.
Aside from restarting the program are there any methods that can be used to refresh the code displayed in the VB6 editing window?
Check out vbAdvance add on. It will prompt you to reload source file in case of external modification.
I think a found one possible solution.
The MZ-Tools set has an function called Reload file from Disk. It also allowed me to create a shortcut for this function through the MZ-Tools options menu, so I assigned it to the shortcut keys of my choosing.
It's a solution, but I'm still looking for anything that might be better.

Visual Studio "Multiple Startup Projects" Problem

Background: I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution containing three different web application projects. If I right click on the solution, choose "Set Startup Projects.." and then choose "Multiple Startup Projects", I am able to fire them all up at once when I hit F5 (Start Debugging).
Desired Behavior: What used to happen (until it unexpectedly stopped working) was that it would automatically open up three browser instances (IE by default) and run each of the web apps in each of the three browser windows.
Current (Undesired) Behavior: All of a sudden, instead of opening three browser windows, it now opens a single browser instance and sequentially starts them all up with the exact same window/tab, which means that I am left with only one app actually running. (Whatever the last app it was that got started.)
Any idea what could cause this? I've checked my project and browser settings (including the "Reuse windows when launching shortcuts" option) and can't seem to figure it out. Any ideas?
Update: I changed Visual Studio's default browser to Firefox, and it works as expected by opening up multiple browser windows. I guess I'll just use Firefox when debugging for now, which is probably a good thing anyway.
I don't know why it had stopped working but rather have a suggestion: Check 'Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application.' option under 'Start Options' page of your Web project property pages. It specifies that Visual Studio won't open the browser window automatically. It should start your project in a Web server and wait for another application to make a request.
This seems to be a bug/feature in newer instances of MSVS and/or IE.
It happens in Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 as well, and might not be a bug as such, but can certainly be an undesired behaviour.
To reproduce:
Select 2 web projects in multiple startup projects.
Set one to Startup and the other to Start without debugging.
Only one browser tab is used, but you will see the tab used briefly by each project before the next one is loaded.
The problem is that the last loaded project is not necessarily the project you want to have in the browser.
An other workaround is to simply set both projects to Start.
It turns out using Firefox did the trick for me. Since there are no other answers, I will just accept this one.

Why does my VB6 IDE loses its buttons and menu items?

I still have to use the VB6 IDE.
Unfortunately every time I start the IDE one of the buttons of the toolbar disappears. Almost always it's the Run button which goes first. Sometimes also items from the menu bar or the context menus are missing.
I have to reset the toolbars almost every time I start the IDE (Which is quite often during a typical work day). Recently I bought an IDE plugin which modifies the menu bar and requires a restart after every reset of the menu bar. (Otherwise it would crash)
I could live with just the resetting, but the restart is really annoying.
Is there something I can do?
To solve this problem:
Unload all add-ins.
Right-click on a toolbar and select the Customize... menu.
For each toolbar click the Reset... button (6 times in total).
Reload the add-ins.
For me action 3 was enough.
cf. MZTools faq (thanks to Andrea Bonafini), but these steps are originally from MSDN
It sounds like you recently bought a bad add-in. Can you get your money back? Every time I've had problems with disappearing controls in the IDE it has been due to a bad add-in. You can find out which one it is by disabling them, one by one, each time using the IDE for a while, then re-enable it and disable the next one, until the problem stops.
I still use one problematic add-in. It exhibits behavior similar to yours in that it makes the run button disappear. I avoid the problem by only loading the add-in when I need it, use it (it formats code), then I immediately unload it. If you don't use the functionality of the add-in that often, this could be an acceptable workaround.
Yea, i have this same problem with one of the add-in. But if you reset it. Shut the IDE down and open it back up again without doing anything, the IDE shouuld be able to retain the previous clean setup.
It's just guest, but:
Each graphical element on IDE (like button) is kind of resource (i.e. GDI handle).
Maybe your VB app doesn't manage these resources good enough and after sometime VB IDE cannot redraw elements like buttons (run is used often).
Also, maybe some IDE add-in is in conflict with some other add-in/application and breaks something -- I have this problem with Clip-X and MZ-Tools.
I had a similar problem when I was setting up the IDE to use for the first time, though it may not be helpful if you've been using the same IDE for a while. When I first started using the IDE, I would modify the toolbars and then close the IDE. When prompted if I wanted to save the open file I always said No, since the file was just a dummy file I was using to open the IDE with. Turns out the IDE was saving the toolbar preferences with that file, so they never got saved.
Try opening a file, customizing the UI, saving the file, then closing without modifying the code. This was the solution for me.
I've tracked down the problem and as suggested it was an add-in.
The problem went away as soon as I disabled the Visual Basic 6 Resource Editor.
How to restore your VB6 IDE without reinstalling:
Run Regedit
Find the entry for Visual Basic 6.0
Export your settings in case things
go wrong
Delete the 'UI' setting
Run VB and you will have your popup
menus back
The 'Find' button disappeared from my VB6 toolbar forcing me to select the Edit menu to use Find. I had two add-ins enabled: vbCodePrint and ResourceEditor; so I did away with both of them, turned VB6 off and back on, then put both add-ins back in and my button returned.
If you're still using the VB6 IDE, and I do amongst others, then this problem is not likely to have gone away. I use VB6 in Windows 10, and the problem is still there. But it doesn't affect me anymore.
I have had this problem a few years into using VB5 and VB6. Today, if I start VB6 directly, it may work fine the first time, but buttons will go missing the second time -- ALWAYS.
My solution, which I developed from day one:
Do whatever needs to be done to restore all your buttons. Save the Visual Basic 6.0 registry settings to a file, as suggested previously, and only keep the UI entry. Sometimes, you have to exit VB6 for it to post changes to the registry. So if this doesn't work the first time, try exiting before saving the settings.
I use my own program to launch VB6, which automatically copies my VB6 registry backup back into the registry -- by calling "RegEdit.exe /S D:\VB\IDE_Fix.reg" -- before I launch the IDE . This works every single time, and requires no action on my part.
If you read this, that means you are a programmer. You can make this work by yourself.
Reinstall,clean registry and update with SPacks etc....

Debugging asp.net with firefox and visual studio.net - very slow compared to IE

Debugging asp.net websites/web projects in visual studio.net 2005 with Firefox is loads slower
than using IE.
I've read something somewhere that there is a way of fixing this but i can't for the life of me find it again.
Does anyone know what i'm on about and can point me in the right direction please?
sorry rob i haven't explained myself very well(again). I prefer Firefox for debugging (firebug etc)
hitting F5 when debugging with IE the browser launches really quickly and clicking around my web application is almost instant and when a breakpont is hit i get to my code straight away with no delays.
hitting F5 when debugging with FireFox the browser launches really slowly (ok i have plugins that slow FF loading) but clicking around my web application is really really slow and when a breakpoint is hit it takes ages to break into code.
i swear i've read something somewhere that there is a setting in Firefox (about:config maybe?) that when changed to some magic setting sorts all this out.
bingo. found the article i read before.
i just changed my network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains property in about:config to localhost. restarted firefox and now firefox performs the same as IE when debugging asp.net with visual studio (2005).
hope this helps anyone else that has the same problem.
"Alternative solution". Do the following in Firefox
about:config in the address bar
set network.dns.disableIPv6 to true.
Are you serious? One of the main reasons I stick to Firefox is because its so much nicer to develop with..
The live source update is awesome (view source > change code > rebuild > F5 in source)...
What is actually "slow".. I mean, the some browsers tend to be slower at rendering, but I dont see how it affects your debug time? As soon as the request is made, and your breakpoint is hit in the code, it stops?
For quick debugging try this..
Add Debugger.Break() into your code at an appropriate place.
Browse to the page in firefox (via localhost) if on local dev machine? and the Visual Studio Just in Time debugger should pop up.. select the currently open instance of Visual Studio and you can step into the code where every you want without having to start from the beginning or jumping to cursor.
-- Lee
