Changing the edit form in Joomla 3.x for specific article category - joomla

I have a bunch of articles in a Joomla 3.1 site that all live under a single category.
I'm creating a specific editor group for each article, ie a small group of users will have edit permissions for 1 article.
I'd like to do something so that when an article that is within the prescribed category (not all articles) is edited, the user (editor) sees a short block of text at the top of the edit page.
Is that possible within Joomla or would I have to edit the PHP file that creates the form?

You could accomplish this using a tool like content templater.


Joomla article structure

I was a newbie in Joomla and using the latest version to create my website. I want to create news page (list of article). I'm using module (external plugin) to listing all the article. But I'm not understand the structure to create the pages.
I got a menu like this:
Latest News (link to single article with category 'Latest News')
This is my category:
Latest News
News (every new article will be under this category)
Then I display all the article inside Latest News page except the page I leave as blank because I using module to display the list. The URL will be like this mywebsitename/latest-news.
The problem is when I click one of the article to show full details of the article. The URL will be like mywebsitename/latest-news/11-home/latest-news/news/articleName. So how I need to do to structure the URL even my breadcrumb to be like this
mywebsitename / Latest News / News / article name
Even the module also display inside the article page. I only set this module under latest news page only. Can anyone help me. Thanks.
If you just began, restart your project. If you want to build up a site, first check whether there are any core functions for your usage or not. If it can be done through them, do it like that, as this is better for updating your site. (Maybe your plugin will not be supported later on...)
Then restart by building up your site:
Category - Article - Menu
Firstly, create the categories you wish. For example, you want the category "News" where you put news articles and a category "Events" where you put articles about your events.
Secondly create some articles for your category. You can use the "read-more" to preview your articles in your blog.
Last, create the menu. You can use a category blog and it's options to show your articles the way you want.

How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento

This might be a basic question, I'm still relatively new to Magento. I have 2 store views in a magento project. 1 for English (default) and 1 for Japanese. While working with both store views, I noticed how if for example I switch to the Japanese store view, if I redirected to a different page or content on the store, the language goes back to English. How do I prevent the website from going back to the default language every time I change categories/catalogs?
That is all about Magento Admin setting. While creating Content Pages/Categories/products, there is a option that ask to choose Store View.
You can add content for Cateogries/Product/CMS Pages for each locale. If it is done then you'll be able to see your site content on the basis of current locale. Hence you need to go through Magento Admin first.
Hope it will work for you. Please let me know if any issue.
Managing contents in multilingual stores in Magento is easy.
Edit/Create Product/Category/Page/Static blocks according to need storeview and put content according to languages in that.
Now access pages by store code, if we are using that.
In some case we don't find the heading names according to languages so just enable inline translater from admin and do translation specific to store/website.
To run Magento store using urls we have both options index.php modifiction and using .htaccess using website and store codes.
On running Magento multisite , multistore. We generally face the common urls for media, js and other resources we should use symlink to increase SEO ranking and score.
Please feel free to contact.
Install your language package.
Create products, categories, pages, and static blocks on the basis of your selected language.
Sometimes translation does not work for few words. In those cases, Inline translation from admin will help you.
Managing content according to store view is very easy.
follow up below steps for managing content according to Store view.
Edit your product or category or your page and static block etc.
after that you can see store select left side in product and category and on page you can see feild below url in static block also. select your store view.
whater ever you want to change or edit please do according to you.
After that save it will apear only on your selected store.
Note: if you not edit any fild by store then it will show default store contents.

Joomla! what is the link to the new page I just created?

I have been tasked with updating a Joomla site. I have been working with existing pages for a while, but now I had to create a new page.
I just created a new page using Joomla. But I can't find what the URL to that page is. Also, the pretty urls are enabled. But I don't know how to create a pretty url for the page I just created.
I even tried adding the id to /index.php?Itemid= in the url and doesn't work.
Seems like something like this would be self-explanatory, but I have been looking around in the options and the menus and googling for the answer and I can't find it anywhere.
As far as I know, you need to attach an article to a category to view it.
You can assign the article to a category. After that open an article from that category and replace the text after the last "/" in url with the alias of your article.
You can also assign the article to a category that is linked to a menu item. that way you will be able to see the article link in the menu.
You may later remove the article from the category.

Joomla administration user level

In my website project, three people are assigned to write new articles for the website. They write their own articleS and cannot view their fellows' articles. We have one supervisor who is supposed to view, edit, and manage all articles.
Can Joomla! or any free extension make this possible?
The core Joomla install does NOT do what you have requested but by adding a component called JUGA, you can easily configure exactly what you want.
