Testing .xap on windows phone 8, without registration - windows-phone-7

I have got a .xap file, i mailed it and opened it in my windows phone 8.
It gives me company app error.
Also i tried it with deployment in visual studio, it runs fine with emulator but problem with device(zune software not installed) whereas i have installed it and it is not detecting the device.
My question is that can we test an application without any company registration on windows phone device, just for testing purpose.
I have got an microsoft account.

You can deploy the XAP, but you must unlock the device first.
Fortunately, it's now a free process, you don't need a devcenter account anymore. The only limitation is that you can deploy only two applications at a time (when deploying a third application, you must remove a previous one).
The procedure is described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/ff769508(v=vs.105).aspx

I think Beta testing will help u.We can upload a build as beta version to the market for testing purposes.Have a look on the below link.
Beta Version in WindowsPhone

I think that the live test of phonegap (as you said you use it) will be great for you. Please see http://app.phonegap.com/ for more information.

You can check unsigned apps up to two apps on a free account.

If you have Visual studio installed, search for "Application deployment" from start or Run XapDeploy.exe. Test unsigned .XAP


Why Don't Windows 10 Apps Require Key-Signing?

In both iOS and Android I noticed there is a process to privately sign apps before publishing it to their respective stores.
However, in the Windows 10 Universal App Process I haven't found this to be the case. How does Microsoft get away without requiring the developer to sign their app? Or does Visual Studio / dev.windows.com somehow take care of this behind the scenes?
When you generate an app package to upload to the Windows Store (typically via Visual Studio, I'm not actually sure if there's a command line alternative), it is signed by VS. The key is linked to your Windows Store Developer account, which is why you have to sign in to the correct dev account when building a release.
Edit: This is somewhat out of date (VS2012/Windows 8 era), but it goes into more detail (and talks about the alternatives to VS that do seem to exist - MakeCert and Pvk2Pfx): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/jj835832%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

Application works if installed from PC, but crashes if installed from store (WinPhone 7.5)

I have a project that runs on Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 7.5.
It works fine on 8 devices in all cases, but on Windows Phone 7.5 it crashes on startup with following message (only if installed from store):
If the application is built on PC and uploaded to device it works fine. I tried numerous things but nothing helped.
Looks like it was a store issue. Should be resolved now.
Issue with 7.1 XAP submissions between Dec 04 and Dec 12 (Beta and Non-beta apps)
Well, my assumption is that your XAP file does not contains all the DLLs needed. Make sure the references to those DLLs indicate CopyLocal=True. Also it would be nice if you can share the beta link to check your stack traces.
P.S. this may help:
Troubleshooting Windows Phone App Problems that occur after Submitting
Your Windows Phone 7/8 application tests fine, but fails after publishing to Marketplace or after private app distribution
I guess it's a problem with the Async pack binding. You might want to try to remove the package and readd. More below:
Async Targeting Pack troubleshooting
In the past I was able to repro many post certification issues just by run the release version of the app from Visual Studio and simply unplug the cable while it is running. Sure you can't debug it but at least you can repro and test it without submitting it.
Thank you guys for your advice, but error has gone away. I don't do anything, i think that it was something with store...

How to show a demo of a WP app on another PC?

I have a small WP app and I need to show a (interactive) demo of it and show its features, to another person who doesn't have any WP-related software installed on his PC.
Is there a super lite version of the WP emulator that the other person can download?
Also, how can I create an installation file of the WP app so that it would be easy for him to install & run ?
Surely he won't need to install the whole SDK, including Visual Studio, right?
To run the emulator you'll need to install the full SDK (http://dev.windowsphone.com/en-us/downloadsdk) but note that this doesn't require an existing version of Visual Studio.
There is no stand alone installer for just the emulator.
Apps are compiled into XAP files (similar to APK) and the Application Deployment application (installed as part of the SDK) will allow this to be loaded into the emulator. This tool can also be used to load the app into attached, developer unlocked, devices.
In terms of demonstrating an app to someone not familiar with Windows Phone, I've found that getting them to experience it on an emulator is often a sub-par experience and doesn't create the best experience. It's far better to get people to experience applications on actual devices. Alternatively, if it's very early in the application's development it's often better just to capture a video of the application running (from the emulator if fine and normally easier).
He would need to install VS Express with all the requirements that needs (Win8, CPU support for Client Hyper-V).
Emulator works pretty well over Remote Desktop and other remote viewing tech such as Skype, so that's another option.
Ok, i think i've found the needed steps:
send the XAP file from "Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\AppName\Bin\Release\" where "AppName" is the name of the app.
download and install the sdk . not sure if Visual studio is needed.
run "XapDeploy.exe" tool which will allow to run the emulator and install the XAP file into it.
The file is somewhere similar to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment
run the app from within the emulator.

Unlock Windows Phone 7 emulator

Today I wanted to unlock the WP7 emulator in order to see some more functionalities available like: task manager, accessing isolated storage files and look over default applications like Office, Messaging and others, but I could not make it work ...
I followed the instructions from here but I'm not having the [YourHardDrive]:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/WindowsPhone/v7.0/Emulation/Images folder . In [YourHardDrive]:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/WindowsPhone/v7.0/Emulation folder I have only the following files:
I looked over others tutorials related to unlock emulator and all of them are pointing to an Image folder - which in my case doesn't exists
Did anyone also faced with this problem?
I am curious: Why Microsoft doesn't provide by default access to an 'unlocked' emulator ?
The instructions you linked to are from a very early pre-beta release of the Windows Phone SDK, over six month before the phone released! So you don't have to wonder why they aren't working anymore.
You may search the XDA forums for an unlocked version of the 7.0 emulator image, but that version isn't up-to-date either. Currently RTM is version 7.1 of the SDK for the so-called "Mango" release of Windows Phone 7.5 - but it's currently not possible to "unlock" the restrictions Microsoft put into that emulator image, either. There are some possibilities to launch some of the internal applications / dialogs with a tool from the 7.1 SDK and their corresponding GUIDs. You may take a look at this and this article for some instructions.
The forums at xda-developers often post unlocked emulators. The one that I recently pulled down is here. It is in Italian but just go into the settings and change it to the language you would like.

Is there a way to distribute windows phone 7 applications without using the windows phone 7 marketplace?

I may need to port a private application from android to windows phone 7.
The short answer at the moment is "No". However, if you have a developer account, you can unlock up to 3 phones and deploy your XAP directly to them. Also there are plans to allow companies to deploy apps directly to phones without going via the marketplace, though unfortunately no official dates for this yet.
There's no "official" way to do it, at least not for now. But Microsoft is in touch with developers who unlocked their phones to run home brew applications, to figure out how to make it available for developers, without prejudice the app market ecossystem.
there's a XAP installer that you could use to install on each phone manually but if you are targeting your app to an enterprise, the benefits of installing separate from the store might be outweighed by the overhead of installing each one.
On android you would just need to tick "allow unsigned apps" somewhere in the settings, unfortunately this isn't an option with windows phones. there's no .exe facility.
