Application works if installed from PC, but crashes if installed from store (WinPhone 7.5) - visual-studio

I have a project that runs on Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 7.5.
It works fine on 8 devices in all cases, but on Windows Phone 7.5 it crashes on startup with following message (only if installed from store):
If the application is built on PC and uploaded to device it works fine. I tried numerous things but nothing helped.

Looks like it was a store issue. Should be resolved now.
Issue with 7.1 XAP submissions between Dec 04 and Dec 12 (Beta and Non-beta apps)

Well, my assumption is that your XAP file does not contains all the DLLs needed. Make sure the references to those DLLs indicate CopyLocal=True. Also it would be nice if you can share the beta link to check your stack traces.
P.S. this may help:
Troubleshooting Windows Phone App Problems that occur after Submitting
Your Windows Phone 7/8 application tests fine, but fails after publishing to Marketplace or after private app distribution

I guess it's a problem with the Async pack binding. You might want to try to remove the package and readd. More below:
Async Targeting Pack troubleshooting
In the past I was able to repro many post certification issues just by run the release version of the app from Visual Studio and simply unplug the cable while it is running. Sure you can't debug it but at least you can repro and test it without submitting it.

Thank you guys for your advice, but error has gone away. I don't do anything, i think that it was something with store...


Deploying to Windows Phone 10 fails on Visual Studio

So many things happened that I don't know where to start. Seriously, shouldn't this be simpler?
Edit: Someone here knows how can I contact Microsoft to tell this? Or even, can someone tell them about this problem?
I have the last Windows 10 desktop and also have Windows Phone 10.0.10512.1000. I installed Visual Studio 2015 with tools for Universal Apps development (and also 8.1). I have a Lumia 730.
So I connected my phone with my USB cable. Everything fine, the phone gets recognized and I can navigate through the folders.
Then I started Visual Studio 2015 and created a blank universal app. Compiled and tried to deploy. Now this is happening to me: Visual Studio hangs for some moments. Eventually I get an error telling that the device was not found (DEP6200).
I already tried dozens of solutions:
disconnecting from wifi in my laptop and my phone
restarting the IpOverUsbSvc service
rebooting the computer and the phone
deleting the devices in the Device Manager
Registering and Unregistering the phone (it sometimes works)
All of the above with the phone screen unlocked
disabling Hyper-V
disabling firewall
Other solutions that failed miserably
I also tried to use that Windows Phone Developer Power Tools. When I try to use it, it asks me to install some "Phone Tools Update Pack", but when I try, it says that the operation didn't succeed, and also shows the NRE message string (object reference not set to an instance of an object).
I can go through the phone's folders without any problem. I tried to reinstall the drivers... i tried everything.
It's quite sad.
Do you guys can think of some more thing to check?
EDIT: I tested this app before doing all this:
And it worked. If that's the case, is Windows Phone 10 deployment over Visual Studio working already or we have to wait some more time?
Edit2: After making some changes to my app manifest and choosing "ARM" config, now I get this:
1>Deploying to SD Card...
1>Updating the layout...
1>Copying files: Total <1 mb to layout...
1>Checking whether required frameworks are installed...
1>Framework: Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0/ARM, app package version 1.0.23117.0 is not currently installed.
1>Framework: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug/ARM, app package version 14.0.23019.0 is not currently installed.
1>Installing missing frameworks...
But it just stays there. It's stuck, and it stays there forever. At least I got some info... Its more or less the same steps that WinAppDeployCmd does, but the command line app does it successfully.
Somehow the problem got solved. I created a brand new project and did this:
1 - In your phone, try disabling the developer mode on your phone. What an unexpected development!
2 - Disable the "phone discovery" thingy. I don't know the name of this configuration in english (as my phone is in Portuguese). Just in case.
3 - Choose the correct architecture. This is obvious, right? In my case, ARM. If you try deploying with x86 or x64, it should give you an error. For me, it didn't.
From now on, you should be able to deploy your apps in both developer mode and non-developer mode. It just works, somehow. And it might NOT work for you, sorry. I think I got lucky.
It worked even after a reboot. So the solution is "pretty solid" (in an universe where gelatine is pretty solid).
I had the same problem. I tried the fix of the comment and went to devices manager.
Under USB-Devices there were three Lumia 920s listed.
I selected the second one and clicked on uninstall.
At the end it asked me to restart the Computer. I clicked on NO.
(When I uninstalled the first or third one, it didn't ask me that).
Then the error disappeared (now another common one appears (HRESULT: 0x80073CF6))
I have a Lumia 950 xl, with windows 10 installed, anniversary version. I had the same problem, and my solution was to turn on 'Device discovery' and 'Device Portal', and also keep the 'Developer mode' on.
I believe the only necessary option was the 'Device discovery' though!
Just in case someone still runs into this issue, I had something very similar with my Visual Studio 2015 professional update 1 but I couldn't even deploy to an emulator.
The issue has gone after I upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 update 3.
I had the same issues on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015. I updated the the UWP SDK to Anniversary Edition Build 14393, set the target framework to this and it worked. I guess the incompatibility between the device version and sdk version was not allowing the device to be discovered by Visual Studio.

How to handle a wp8 and a wp8.1 in the app store

A user recently reported a problem in regards to not being able to answer "quizzes" in some of the web pages I display in my app. The first thing that popped to mind was that it could be a bug with my app, a bug with the web browser control or some unreliable CSS & Javascript code provided in the web pages.
After investigating it some more i.e. tried it on my web browser on pc in mobile mode and tried it in the regular browser, I noticed that it worked as expected, so I thought it was fair to assume that it wasn't the web pages that were the problem. So it left my app or the web browser control as potential problem.
My app was originally created as a windows phone app for Windows Phone 8 so it would be compatible with both windows phone 8.0 and windows phone 8.1 but to my surprise, after taking a backup and then converting my app from 8.0 to 8.1 the problem got resolved which means that the bug must be coming from the web control itself rather than in my code.
I don't know how popular these questionaires/quizzes are but so far that seems to be the only thing that's affecting the app in regards to web pages, so what do I do?
Now, to my questions (sorry for the long history!):
Will a WP Silverlight 8.1 app work on both Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1? Sorry if it's a silly question but I've got to ask. If it will, please ignore the other questions.
Should I leave the app as a Windows Phone 8.0 app as it could be affecting a minority of users that want to answer questionnaires/quizzes?
Upgrade the app to Windows Phone 8.1? Not everyone is on 8.1 or 8.1 preview for developers, so this could be a problem??
Upload 2 different versions? Maybe specifically name them as app 8.0 and app 8.1? Feels odd, no? This would also entail maintaining 2 different versions which is a complete pain or is there a better way to handle this i.e. Linked file in the second project?? I haven't checked yet what's changed between the 2. All I know for now is that once I converted my project from 8.0 to 8.1, it worked.
Is there a way to upload both versions to the store as one app and will Windows Phone download the relevant version?
Internet Explorer in Windows Phone 8.1 is newer, this is why it works better.
1) No.
2) No.
3) Yes.
4) Yes. You can link files from the one project to another (use add as link feature in Visual Studio).
5) Yes. Windows Phone store can handle 7.5, 8 and 8.1 version very well.

VS Express 2012, Windows Phone 8 SDK: The interface is unknown

I can't deploy applications to to my Windows Phone 8 device from Visual Studio Express 2012 anymore. I always get the following two lines in the console:
Deployment of application to device failed.
The interface is unknown.
The emulator also does not work anymore (xde.exe just crashes). All that worked once (Hyper-V is active).
All that happened without a change to my app (the same happens with a fresh hello world app).
The problem is not my phone, I tested a different phone (even different model), same problem.
I already completely removed and reinstalled the Phone SDK including Visual Studio.
The problem might have occurred since I updated to Windows 8.1 but I am not sure about this.
If anybody has a clue of what is going on here I would highly appreciate your help.
Since you've already tried removing/reinstalling VS and SDK, try creating a new user account on your Win8.1 box and running VS from that. If it works, the problem was probably some settings in CurrentUser registry hive, which Remove doesn't always clean up. Reinstall the already-installed VS and SDK may work better.
The 'interface' error means this is likely some COM issue, and that implicates registry. If you can figure out which DLL contains the interface, you may be able to fix it with (admin command line) > REGSVR32 <dllPath>. You can trace the registry accesses being made when you try to debug the app via SystemInternals ProcessMonitor

Testing .xap on windows phone 8, without registration

I have got a .xap file, i mailed it and opened it in my windows phone 8.
It gives me company app error.
Also i tried it with deployment in visual studio, it runs fine with emulator but problem with device(zune software not installed) whereas i have installed it and it is not detecting the device.
My question is that can we test an application without any company registration on windows phone device, just for testing purpose.
I have got an microsoft account.
You can deploy the XAP, but you must unlock the device first.
Fortunately, it's now a free process, you don't need a devcenter account anymore. The only limitation is that you can deploy only two applications at a time (when deploying a third application, you must remove a previous one).
The procedure is described here:
I think Beta testing will help u.We can upload a build as beta version to the market for testing purposes.Have a look on the below link.
Beta Version in WindowsPhone
I think that the live test of phonegap (as you said you use it) will be great for you. Please see for more information.
You can check unsigned apps up to two apps on a free account.
If you have Visual studio installed, search for "Application deployment" from start or Run XapDeploy.exe. Test unsigned .XAP

System gets stuck while running windows phone emulator

I am developing an application for Windows Phone in Visual studio 2010 ultimate using wp7.1 SDK in Windows 7 32 bit and 3GB RAM. My system often gets stuck and then restarts sometimes when I run the application on wp7 Emulator (2 or 3 times an hour). Before restart it displays the message: "Display driver stopped responding and recovered" and leads to a blue screen displaying "some lines with Contact system admin".
I am not sure why, will need more details. Try installing the 7.1.1 update for the SDK, it is meant for low profile devices, but I am just hoping this will resolve your issues too.
Had the same problem. Just start your sdk installer. There will be a option of repair of deleat. I repaired my sdk first but it still did not work. I then deleted my sdk and reinstalled it. Worked like a charm.
But you must you know that I was not able to delete my sdk too. My antivirus was doing something wrong and stopping the uninstall of my sdk. So I had to delete my antivirus... than my sdk. Than reinstall the sdk, reinstall the antivirus.
It all worked great after.
