How to show a demo of a WP app on another PC? - visual-studio

I have a small WP app and I need to show a (interactive) demo of it and show its features, to another person who doesn't have any WP-related software installed on his PC.
Is there a super lite version of the WP emulator that the other person can download?
Also, how can I create an installation file of the WP app so that it would be easy for him to install & run ?
Surely he won't need to install the whole SDK, including Visual Studio, right?

To run the emulator you'll need to install the full SDK ( but note that this doesn't require an existing version of Visual Studio.
There is no stand alone installer for just the emulator.
Apps are compiled into XAP files (similar to APK) and the Application Deployment application (installed as part of the SDK) will allow this to be loaded into the emulator. This tool can also be used to load the app into attached, developer unlocked, devices.
In terms of demonstrating an app to someone not familiar with Windows Phone, I've found that getting them to experience it on an emulator is often a sub-par experience and doesn't create the best experience. It's far better to get people to experience applications on actual devices. Alternatively, if it's very early in the application's development it's often better just to capture a video of the application running (from the emulator if fine and normally easier).

He would need to install VS Express with all the requirements that needs (Win8, CPU support for Client Hyper-V).
Emulator works pretty well over Remote Desktop and other remote viewing tech such as Skype, so that's another option.

Ok, i think i've found the needed steps:
send the XAP file from "Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\AppName\Bin\Release\" where "AppName" is the name of the app.
download and install the sdk . not sure if Visual studio is needed.
run "XapDeploy.exe" tool which will allow to run the emulator and install the XAP file into it.
The file is somewhere similar to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment
run the app from within the emulator.


Install windows app without store

I´ve developed a windows app with cordova/phonegap in visual studio.
I installed it for testing purposes with that instruction:
Cordova Visual Studio, install appx on windows tablet
Now, I want to install it on a few devices (Around 10) without publishing the app in the windows store.
With this instruction, I need a developer licence on each device. (and it is limited in time too)
Is there an other opportunity?
The recommended way is to perform bate app test. But you still need to publish it to the windows Dev center as described in this MSDN article.
For enterprise LOB apps, we can test it using Developer sideloading. But just as you've noticed, it requires developer licence on test device.

Testing .xap on windows phone 8, without registration

I have got a .xap file, i mailed it and opened it in my windows phone 8.
It gives me company app error.
Also i tried it with deployment in visual studio, it runs fine with emulator but problem with device(zune software not installed) whereas i have installed it and it is not detecting the device.
My question is that can we test an application without any company registration on windows phone device, just for testing purpose.
I have got an microsoft account.
You can deploy the XAP, but you must unlock the device first.
Fortunately, it's now a free process, you don't need a devcenter account anymore. The only limitation is that you can deploy only two applications at a time (when deploying a third application, you must remove a previous one).
The procedure is described here:
I think Beta testing will help u.We can upload a build as beta version to the market for testing purposes.Have a look on the below link.
Beta Version in WindowsPhone
I think that the live test of phonegap (as you said you use it) will be great for you. Please see for more information.
You can check unsigned apps up to two apps on a free account.
If you have Visual studio installed, search for "Application deployment" from start or Run XapDeploy.exe. Test unsigned .XAP

How to create installer setup for Windows phone Apps using visual studio ultimate 2010?

I want to create an installer for Windows Phone Apps i.e specific folder for images,specific folder for music. Audio file should be in music folder when app is installed in wp. Can anybody please provide an sample with screenshot???
When you compile a Windows Phone 7 application an XAP file gets created in the Bin/Debug or Bin/Release folder depending on your configuration.
To install this pre-release application on other developers emulator or phone they need the Windows Phone SDK installed. Once installed open:
Application Deployment
Select a device
Point to the XAP location.
This will instal your application
I don't think you can do anything like during the installation phase, as either the marketplace or the local xap takes care of it and you, as a developer do not have access to the folders were the apps are installed.
The best you can do is to create the required dirs in isolated storage the first time your app runs and copy anything either from the xap file, if the items are stored there, or copy them down from some sort of cloud storage possible,

Installing "Aplication Deployment" without the SDK (Windows Phone)

I'm working with some client on making an app. I managed to get him an unlocked device, so I can just send him the xap file, and he can directly test it.
But I don't want him to install the whole SDK, I only need him to get the "Application Deployment" tool, so he can deploy the thing to the phone.
Is there a way to get the "Application Deployment" program, without installing the whole SDK?
I am not sure if you can get the "Application Deployment" program without the SDK, however there are a couple of alternatives ...
Chevron WP7 is an 'official' (i.e. Microsoft controlled) mechanism for unlocking a phone and allowing application to be side-loaded. I thin it costs $9.00 and allows you to upload XAP files to your phone
Windows Phone Marketplace beta, you can upload a XAP to the marketplace as a beta. This XAP will not go through the usual test processes, and will be 'live' within a few hours. This is the official way of sharing beta code.
I think Windows Phone Powertools might be what you're looking for. It doesn't seem to have any references to any of the SDK dll's.
Actually Windows phone will not allow the application deployment without developer unlocking the phone with the developer unlocking tool. (some people do this by hacking through registry).
After that you can use the Windows Phone Powertools to deploy the applciation when connected to Zune.
Other than this is , you have to do this by marketplace only and update the applciation.
You can do this - just use SDK tools:
First of all, send him XAP Deploy, you've got it in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\XAP Deployment\XapDeploy.exe
You must unolck his phone, you can do this by your Live ID and this tool:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\Phone Registration\PhoneReg.exe
Finally, he must install Zune software for conect device to PC:
After install Zune and connect his device, just let him use XapDeploy.exe
Have fun :)

Running an application on an os designed and created in Visual Studio

I have built an os design (and its bsp) in Visual Studio. I need to know how to get started with writing applications for the os by writing a simple application that will run in the os created (probably in an emulator, I still don't have the Evaluation module for the device). I have Visual Studio 2005 and Windows embedded C.E. 6.0 installed.
Some blogs described how to create the application in eMbedded Visual C++. Will I have to install this apart from Visual Studio to get started?
If you built an image from an OSDesign for a specific device you cannot run it in the emulator. The emulator has it's own sepcific BSP based on which you need to create an OSdesign.
To develop an application for your osdesgin of choice open VS2005 create a new project of type Visual C++-> Smart Device and choose the type you want. Alternatively, you can create a C# application for smart devices that will run on any device that includes the Compact Framework component in the OSDesign or has it installed on the device.
You do not need additional software other than VS2005.
You can download a package from this vendor. It includes demo applications for Windows CE6 (for that device). It also includes a document of how to create a new application for the device. You can use the instructions to create an applcation to your own device.
To test your application as it will perform on the image you built, you will need a physical device.
Update: During the New Project wizard you will be asked to choose the designated platform (native projcets at least) and you will need to choose from a list of SDKs. The list shows the installed SDKs on your desktop machine. You can create your own SDK, but in order ofr it to show in that list you need to install it on the Machine. In Windows CE the SDKs are installed to: C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce600
