joomla error page never gets called - joomla

I have a joomla 3.1.5 installation that never calls an error page. If I open the browser to http://dev.test/DOESNOTEXIST, it shows the home page. I have read that $this->error->getCode() should return a 404 if the current page does not exist, but $this->error does not exist.
I have tried printing out $this, comparing the output of the home page to the output from a page with an invalid address, and have seen no difference, other then one being /home and the other being /DOESNOTEXIST. I have tried disabling plugins, but that doesn't seem to do it. I have tried going to my original .htaccess, but that didn't help either.
I'm running out of ideas. Has anyone else run into this issue?

I think I have resolved the issue. I had disabled the "redirects" plugin and replaced it with a custom plugin that performed similar functions. I didn't realize at the time that the redirect plugin provides error handling through the JError::setErrorHandling method. Once I created an error handler function and linked it up, that solved the problem.


blank page when loging in to backend part to magento

I recently updated all of my features in Magento from 1.8 to 1.8.1 and after that I’m having problems to log in to the admin dashboard. If i go to “” i get a 500 Internal Server Error error and was googling around i wasn’t able to find a solution.
Then i noticed i can go to “” and then all it returns is a blank page. And after hosting the log in page locally sending the right information to the original hosting service i get logged in, but the dashboard is totally blank.
I’ve tried all of the mighty google advises I’ve found, for example, clearing catch, changing permission to folders, looking in log-files for solutions, changing in the .htaccess, etc. But still haven’t found out what the problem is. Anyone had the same problem and maybe has a solution or advice?
Thanks in advance!

How to display PHP / SQL errors in Joomla 3

Try as I might, I can't get proper error messages in Joomla 3.1.5. No matter what I do, I get redirected to a nice "Error 0" page which doesn't tell me what happened where. I've tried setting error reporting to both maximum and developer in the admin console, and turning on developer mode. Is there any way to get proper error messages instead of friendly error messages to display in Joomla 3.1.5?
If you're not seeing the errors it's likely that you have an extension installed that is calling set_exception_handler(), while I don't have an STS 3.1 version anywhere to test the 3.2's we do have don't have any issues with reporting errors. (And as far back as I can remember, I don't believe Joomla core calls set_exception_handler().
We write Joomla extensions for clients as our primary business and I can tell you that the error reporting works. We have found in the past that some more dodgy extensions install their own exception handlers to hide issues in their code which is why we always develop and test on clear default Joomla installations.
Just saw your answer…
If that work's it means something is definitely calling set_exception_handler() which I don't believe is Joomla, I don't have have STS 3.1 installation but my current 1.5, 2.5 and 3.2's do not call set_exception_handler() in the Joomla core.
Few thoughts:
Check in Joomla the PHP information - see the error reporting local
Check for a local php.ini file
Check if there is any ini_set code in your template...
Try adding a code like below, in your template's index.php file.
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Figured it out -- calling restore_exception_handler() gets rid of the poxy Joomla page and lets me read the text of the error.

strange issue in category edit/update Magento

Hi i am going through very strange issue in magento , i have several categories i magento with child categories , i need to update a category information ,i am able to update the many categories but when i try to update the first category under the default category , it didn't work and the browser keeps on loading .I have tried to found the issue on google but nothing was there , in some places it was suggested that it happens due to upgrade but i haven't upgrade the magento or any other module .Please suggest me what can be the issue .
This happens in some cases where the category name contains special characters.
This is for sure a javascript error, otherwise you would have got a response from the server, in this case the you are not getting a response and hence the loading continues. What you could do is check the server response and monitor the firebug / inspect element to get some ideas.
You can check for these javascript elements in the
/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/category/tree.phtml file.
You should add some more info to the question starting with the Magento version, but follow these steps:
Enable error printing in general by adding these lines to your .htaccess
php_value display_errors 1
Enable logging in Magento in System->Confihuration->Developer->Log Settings
Do as Keyut suggested and try to update the erroneous category with the console open, monitoring the XHR calls. Check the response of the call invoked after you clicked "Save" for errors.
Do as Tobias suggested and check the logs found under var/log in your Magento folder.
By now you should have at least found the error, so you can solve it or ask for further help.

Joomla homepage and global configuration showing 404 error, how do I fix it?

When I go to the homepage url of my joomla site a 404 error shows up that simply says 404 Not Found. I have the home page set as the default in the menus item manager. Are there any other ways to fix this? Also, I am getting a 404 error when I go to the global configuration page.
I believe we have the same problem. I think your joomla site may have been hacked as well, and the fix for this is easy. You just basically need to delete files. Here's a reference to the problem

The page isn't redirecting properly when install magento 1.6

When I install magento 1.6, it shows below errors, thanks for giving some advise:
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
I was seeing the same error message when installing the Enterprise training environment. I just needed to delete app/etc/local.xml to clear out the default settings and allow the install process to proceed.
Had the same problem. I needed to delete database and create a new one. Even if the previous one was empty without any table. Still don't know why, but I found this solution from somebody who had the same problem.
