The page isn't redirecting properly when install magento 1.6 - magento

When I install magento 1.6, it shows below errors, thanks for giving some advise:
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

I was seeing the same error message when installing the Enterprise training environment. I just needed to delete app/etc/local.xml to clear out the default settings and allow the install process to proceed.

Had the same problem. I needed to delete database and create a new one. Even if the previous one was empty without any table. Still don't know why, but I found this solution from somebody who had the same problem.


Joomla Upgrade 2.5 to 3

I am trying to upgrade Joomla from 2.5 to 3 but update button is not showing on administrator panel. It is showing “Joomla! is up-to-date”. How will I get update button. Following errors came when I try to troubleshoot.
I am not able to get response from Is it due to proxy applied on my connection. If yes then could you please let me know the step to overcome this issue.
When I get in touch to our technical support team then they provide me proxy URL with port number. Without any credential. And they told me that I have to surpass this URL after using the proxy URL. But I am not sure how I can use this proxy to get response. Please suggest and let me know the solution. Thank you!!
Errors :
Update: :Collection: Could not open http:/// ;
Update: :Collection: Could not open http:///
Within the administrator area navigate to the 'Joomla! Updater' component (under Components) - when there click on the 'Options' button in the top right of the screen. When the pop-up appears, change the 'Update server' to 'Short Term Support' and click the 'Save & Close' button within the pop-up. Once closed, the updater component should go off and check for the latest version on the 'Short Term Support' branch. The text that said 'Joomla is up to date' should be replaced with the option to install the 3.5.1 version.
Make sure you take a backup before updating. Your template and other extensions may not be compatible with the 3.5.x branch so it's best to either make sure that they are compatible or find an alternative solution.
For others that might have been scouring the internet to solve this problem, I had the same thing happening to me on a very old site that needed to be upgraded. I had an early 2.5 site which I managed to update to 2.5.28, but could not get any further due to these errors.
Most posts on this that you'll find will refer to the https version of the error, but in my case I had the same problem is the OP, where the file that could not be opened was on the http URL.
Trying to directly load the http site seemed to work, until I noticed that my browser was automatically redirecting to the https site. I don't know if that was the browser, or a server redirect causing this, but it let me to another solution to this problem, which is that these resources obviously are no longer hosted on an insecure site.
Open up the administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/models/default.php file and around lines 37-47, modify the listed URLs from http to https. Then rerun the purge/udpate check cycle and you should now get the update found.
In addition to this, other sites that are listed as not being found on http links can be updated by modifying records in the #__update_sites table. YMMV with these, as most of them are going to be 3rd party sites that may/may not have changed hosting. In my case, most of them had just disappeared. Notably, the core update site is listed in this table, but it gets overwritten by the aforementioned script, so updating the DB doesn't help.

Magento can't login redirect without error on VPS (no local machine)

When I login on Magento, it redirects me to the login screen with the url:
I do not get an error message of any kind.
I've found quite some posts about this, but all are about a Local Server.
I have a clean magento ( install on a VPS.
Tried everything from this post (which is about a VPS, but solutions are aimed at a local):
Can't login to Magento admin
all to no afail.
Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
A special note: After the magento installation I had to set the Temp Directory Manually.
As said tried all options, magento isn't installed on a local machine. So I'm lost.
All help is very much appreciated. Thanks
You need to ensure you have all required PHP extensions to run Magento on your VPS:
Second, I think you're getting the login page all the time even with correct credentials. Try logging in using Google Chrome in Incognito Mode (CTRL+SHIFT+N). The reasoning here is that sometimes there are stray PHP session ID's stored on your browser that doesn't invalidate correctly. I noticed this as well with up on non-SSL admins.
A permanent fix if the above works for you is to just get SSL and use it for your backend as well.
So I have reinstalled magento using the Downloader.
Now the problem doesn't occur anymore. Don't know why, but I'm happy.

Error empty response when logging in magento admin

I really stuck on this issue, everytime i log in into magento admin, it's give me an ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE on google chrome and Connection reset on Mozilla.
The shop is still accessable, but it's load very slowly. It's working fine before, and suddenly become like this.
I can't find a similiar issue like this, mostly are the shop that return an empty response and they still can access the admin page and it's caused of enabling flat category/products set up.
I'm not sure if client enabling the flat category/products. If it so, what table should i edit using phpmyadmin?
since i can't access the admin page, or there are another thing that cause this? some error code, some files missing in admin directory or htaccess thing, actually i'm not doing changes on htaccess before. Really need your help.
Restarting apache and mysql worked for me
service httpd restart
service mysqld restart
Hope this helps.

Magento Changing Shipping Method Causes Internal Server Error 500

I am working on a Magento store and if I change anything related to shipping in the back-end it gives me an internal server error (500 Error). This only happens when trying to save the shipping configuration settings--I just changed the tax settings with no problem. I have tried everything from resetting the permissions to editing the .htaccess file.
Screen shots:
I get this:
It is allowing me to change any other setting though..
If anyone knows why this might be happening please let me know.
From the additional information you posted in the comments section, it appears that your server does not have the PHP bindings for mcrypt installed.
Your webhost will either need to install mcrypt, or you'll need to find another host that does.
The requirements for running Magento are listed on the website:

Joomla - Component 404 and blank front Page

I am currently running Joomla 1.5, I have moved my site to a new domain and thought I had foloowed the procedure correctly. But now my menus are gone and it seems like articles are not showing up in their proper modules. Other than that the components i was using are now giving me a 404 component not found error. Does anyone know why this is or how I can fix this? Please I really need some help or direction....
Here is my link:
Make sure you check the following things:
Ensure you made the correct database setting changes in the configuration.php
Ensure you server is running PHP 5.2+
Make sure your MySQL version is arounf 5.0+ but also not too high such as 5.5.24 this can cause some problems with depreciated functions.
Also make sure your server has Apache mod_rewrite extension installed if you were using SEF before else you can turn SEF off in the configuration.php
