Spring Integration JMS Threadsafe - spring

I'm pretty new to Spring Integration and still trying to get my head around it. Right now I'm just trying to understand if the example I've found here is actually safe across multiple threads:
My use case is as follows:
Send request to queue with JMS Reply-to as a temporary queue
Wait for response to be received on the temporary queue
Need this to happen synchronously within a method -- I don't want to split it up and make it asynchronous across several methods
Will the above example work for this? If not, am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks in advance.

That sample is pretty simple; it just sends the message to stdout so, yes, it's perfectly thread safe.
For the request/reply scenario you are talking about, you need to use a <gateway/> - see the other example in that sample project. In that case, you can see that the message is handled by 'demoBean' which, again, is perfectly thread safe.
For a real application, the thread-safetyness depends on the code in the services invoked by the flow receiving the message.
If you wish, you can use Spring Integration on the client side too (with an outbound gateway).


Processing a single message using Spring jms

I am working on an existing Spring jms application that pulls messages from ActiveMQ using jms:inbound-gateway. This application is a job processor that takes jobs off a queue and sends results back to the queue. Everything currently works great.
I would like to modify this application to accept one and only one job, process it, and then exit, but I have not been able to find a way to cleanly do this. The method that is called must return the results, and the results are automatically placed back onto the queue by Spring. Is there any way to tell Spring to stop accepting messages at 1? How would you know when it's done sending the reply message so you can exit.
In a more general case, if you had an application that wanted to stop accepting messages and finish processing them all so you could exit cleanly, how can that be done?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
It sounds like you should be using JmsTemplate.receive . Inbound gateway is meant for a message driven model. It sounds like while you are using a message queue for transport, you're not really doing a message driven model of processing. Obviously that's not a problem but if your aim is to process a single message you should just use JmsTemplate.
Another way to do this is to use the default message listener container, ensure threads is set to one and then make sure your activemq setup has no read-ahead setup (i.e. reads one message at a time and no more). Then, at the end of your onMessage method, call the DMLC.stop method.

Custom polling vs JMS MessageListener

Sorry, if it is a duplicate question.
I have a legacy web application which uses Queues (yes. normal Java Queue) and custom polling (every 500ms). A REST web service (/message) will be called, which will return the message if any otherwise empty string.
My need: If any message is available in Queue, in Real-Time, the client should get the message. So I can save 500ms.
Is there any advantage to moving to JMS from current approach? From this link JMS MessageConsumer's messageListener makes push or pull? it seems, MessageListener (process is asynchronous) uses polling which is no different from current approach.
If it is vendor based, how HornetQ/ActiveMQ supports MessageListener?
The queue is used for integration of two systems. A web app & standlone java program.
Either receive or a MessageListener will be asynchronous and will be called as soon as you receive a message.
you could control the pre-fetch size of your client.
Now, if all you need is to avoid the delay of poling every 500 ms, using a Queue system may be an overkill? It's perfect fine to use java.util.Queue (or any other subclass).
If all you need is to block until an element of a java.util.Queue is available, and you don't need distributed messaging, persistence or anything like you could simply using BlockingDequeue and your thread would unblock as soon as you have a message..
Look at this:
The Async MessageListener is implemented using a push based model. In ActiveMQ the broker sends a number of messages to the client based in it's set prefetch value so that messages are ready for consumption. Whether or not this helps with your particular use case is a question you need to answer for yourself.

Synchronous request-reply pattern in a Java EE container

I am looking to implement an synchronous request-reply pattern using JMS inside a Java EE container. The sequence would be something like this
Browser makes a request to web application for data. This is a blocking request (say on thread T1).
The web app needs to connect to a remote web service to fulfill the above request. So it forms a request and places it on a queue (with a reply-to queue also declared).
The remote service processes the requests and places the response on to the reply-to queue declared in step 2
The response is read from the reply-to Q in the web app and made available to the blocking thread T1 of step 1.
I have followed the answer provided by T.Rob (How to match MQ Server reply messages to the correct request)
QueueReceiver queueReceiver =
session.createReceiver(destination, "JMSCorrelationID='customMessageId'");
TextMessage receivedMessage = (TextMessage)queueReceiver.receive( 15000 );
Is the above solution valid when running in a Java EE container (web module) where there could be multiple concurrent requests coming in?
This depends on the perception of "valid": It will probably compile and work. But from the design perspective, one could say that you can really improve it.
If your thread is blocking, any asynchronous communication won't add any value. Instead it will make it slow, it will consume resources, and it might even create trouble (see link below).
Whatever service is exposed by the the system processing the messages (possibly an MDB), extract it into a separate service class, and provide another frontend in the shape of a stateless session bean. So your service is exposed both by an sync and async interface, and the client can choose.
In your scenario your servlet just calls an EJB synchronously.
As for the problems which may happen otherwise: Have a look at JMS request/response pattern in transactional environment (this approach uses a temporary queue).
Using a single queue (the way you have quoted in your question), you need a selector (the condition) to get relevant messages: This might be slow, depending on the volume in the queue.
On the other hand, if you implement your servlet with asynchronous support as well (using #WebServlet(asyncSupported = true)), it's something different. In that case I would say it's a valid approach.
In that scenario you can save resources (namely threads; but the HTTP connections remain open), because one background thread listening on a queue can serve multiple clients. Consider this if you have performance or resource problems. Until then I suggest the synchronous way, because it is easier to implement.
The JMS Request/Reply of the EAI Patterns might fit for you.
It's well explained and there's also samples in Java:

Async logger in Spring

I have this question, i am just throwing it out there. I am implementing a small logging feature for my spring based REST API server for logging all requests coming in.
I am expecting 1000s of users to use this API so with a blocking i/o logger, it's going to slow down everything. I have two approaches to solve the problem:
1. Have a async logger using an in-memory arrylist. then use the spring scheduler to flush this out to a log file periodically.
2. Use JMS and send the logs to the queue. Let the queue handle the logging asynchronously.
Has anyone done this before with spring. Though i am for option 2, are there better ways of doing this? Need some expert advice. Thanks everyone !
More info - I think synchronous logging will be a bottle neck because this REST API is consumed by a front end RoR app. So one session of the user will definitely result in 100s of API calls occuring very frequently. I am logging the actual request along with the JSON sent in the POSTs.
Has anyone done this before with spring.
Not so strangely, yes - Asynchronous Logging Using Spring
The article mentions that if you don't want any log events to be lost, JMS would be the way to go - otherwise sticking to Async makes sense for high volume logging.
If you really want to build your own logger, I suggest you to take a look at akka, it is much easier than JMS to set up.
You can use it locally (use of all CPU cores of your local machine), or even with remote agents.

Spring's JMS Design Question : Decouple processing of messages

I'm using a message listener to process some messages from MQ based on Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer. After I receive a message, I have to make a Web Service (WS) call. However, I don't want to do this in the onMessage method because it would block the onMessage method until the invocation of WS is successful and this introduces latency in dequeuing of messages from the queue. How can I decouple the invocation of the Web Service by calling it outside of the onMesage method or without impacting the dequeuing of messages?
I think you might actually want to invoke the web service from your onMessage. Why do you want to dequeue messages quickly, then delay further processing? If you do what you're saying, you'd probably have to introduce another level of queueing, or some sort of temporary "holding" collection, which is redundant. The point of the queue is to hold messages, and your message listener will pull them off and process them as quickly as possible.
If you are looking for a way to maximize throughput on the queue, you might think about making it multi-threaded, so that you have multiple threads pulling messages off the queue to invoke the web service. You can easily do this by setting the "concurrentConsumers" configuration on the DefaultMessageListenerContainer. If you set concurrentConsumers to 5, you'll have 5 threads pulling messages off the queue to process. It does get tricky if you have to maintain ordering on the messages, but there may be solutions to that problem if that's the case.
I agree with answer provided before me , however I can see a usecase similar to this very common in practice. I'm adding my two cents It might be valid in some cases that you don't want to do time consuming work in your onMessage Thread (which is pulling message from Q)
We have something similar in one workflow, where if user selects some XYZ option on GUI that means at server we need to connect to another external webservice to get ABCD in this case we do not make call to webservice in onMessage Thread and use ThreadPool to dispatch and handle that call.
If something wrong happens during webservice call we broadcast that to GUI as separate Message , there is concept of request id which is preserved across messages so that GUI can relate error messages. You can use ExecutorService implementation to submit task.
hope it helps.
