Async logger in Spring - spring

I have this question, i am just throwing it out there. I am implementing a small logging feature for my spring based REST API server for logging all requests coming in.
I am expecting 1000s of users to use this API so with a blocking i/o logger, it's going to slow down everything. I have two approaches to solve the problem:
1. Have a async logger using an in-memory arrylist. then use the spring scheduler to flush this out to a log file periodically.
2. Use JMS and send the logs to the queue. Let the queue handle the logging asynchronously.
Has anyone done this before with spring. Though i am for option 2, are there better ways of doing this? Need some expert advice. Thanks everyone !
More info - I think synchronous logging will be a bottle neck because this REST API is consumed by a front end RoR app. So one session of the user will definitely result in 100s of API calls occuring very frequently. I am logging the actual request along with the JSON sent in the POSTs.

Has anyone done this before with spring.
Not so strangely, yes - Asynchronous Logging Using Spring
The article mentions that if you don't want any log events to be lost, JMS would be the way to go - otherwise sticking to Async makes sense for high volume logging.

If you really want to build your own logger, I suggest you to take a look at akka, it is much easier than JMS to set up.
You can use it locally (use of all CPU cores of your local machine), or even with remote agents.


Notifying golongpoll.SubscriptionManager of an event from kafka-go

I was writing a POC on long-polling using go.
I see the general package to be used is .
But assuming that I would want to publish an event to the golongpoll.SubscriptionManager from a general context, especially when there is a possibility that the long poll API request is being served by one machine, while the Kafka event for that particular consumer group is consumed by another instance in the cluster.
The examples given in the documentation did not talk of such a scenario at all, even though this seems like a common scenario. One way I can think of is have a distributed cache like Redis in between and have all the services poll this for a change? But that sounds a bit dumb to me.

Spring Boot - Push message to Angular UI

I want to develop an application where I want to push the messages (or data) to UI from backend Spring boot application.
I have the following requirement -
Consider there is a REST service that accepts the data from other applications using the POST method.
This data will be pushed to UI.
Consider that there is a background process running which generate events and we want to push these events to UI.
For this, I came across about the WebSocket component that we can use in the Spring Boot application.
However, is there any other settings required to make it possible to push the incoming data to the UI?
Any help is appreciated.
Avinash Deshmukh
The backend cannot magically push updates to a client UI. The backend will have no way of knowing where the UI exists (i.e. what the UI's ip address is) and even if it did, it may not have access to establish a connection (due to firewalls or a NAT).
For this reason a client UI has to request updates. One way this could be done would be to have a timer in the UI application that polls for updates via REST. But this is essentially what websockets do - with much less overhead.
This is how common applications that you use everyday work all the time. So I'm not sure why you do not want to go down the websockets route.
Starting with Spring 5.0.5.RELEASE, it isn’t necessary to do any customization because of the improvement of #SendToUser annotation, that allows us to send a message to a user destination via “/user/{sessionId}/…” rather than “/user/{user}/…“.
That means the annotation works relying on the session id of the input message, effectively sending a reply to destination private to the session:
There is a good example over here:

Spring Integration JMS Threadsafe

I'm pretty new to Spring Integration and still trying to get my head around it. Right now I'm just trying to understand if the example I've found here is actually safe across multiple threads:
My use case is as follows:
Send request to queue with JMS Reply-to as a temporary queue
Wait for response to be received on the temporary queue
Need this to happen synchronously within a method -- I don't want to split it up and make it asynchronous across several methods
Will the above example work for this? If not, am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks in advance.
That sample is pretty simple; it just sends the message to stdout so, yes, it's perfectly thread safe.
For the request/reply scenario you are talking about, you need to use a <gateway/> - see the other example in that sample project. In that case, you can see that the message is handled by 'demoBean' which, again, is perfectly thread safe.
For a real application, the thread-safetyness depends on the code in the services invoked by the flow receiving the message.
If you wish, you can use Spring Integration on the client side too (with an outbound gateway).

Jersey and AsyncResponse vs. Redirects

Currently I am using Jersey 1.0 and about to switch to 2.0. For REST requests the may last over a second or two I use the following pattern:
Client calls GET or PUT
Server returns a polling URL to the client
The client polls the URL until it gets a redirect to the completed resource
Pretty standard and straightforward. However, I noticed that Jersey 2.0 has an AsyncResponse capability. But it looks like this is done with no changes on the wire. In other words, the client still blocks for the result while the server is asynchronously processing the request.
So what good is this? Should I be using it instead of my current asynchronous approach for calls >1 second? Or is it really just to keep the connections freed on the server for calls that would be only a few hundred milliseconds?
I want my server to be as scalable as possible but the approach I use now can be tedious for the client. AsyncResponse seems super simple but I'm not sure how it would work for something like a heroku service where you want very short connection times.
AsyncResponse presumably gives you more scalability within the web app server for standard standard requests in terms of thread pooling resources, but I don't think it changes anything about the client experience which will continue to block on read on their connection. Therefore, if you already implemented a polling solution from your client side, this won't add much of any value to you imho.

Spring Batch or JMS for long running jobs

I have the problem that I have to run very long running processes on my Webservice and now I'm looking for a good way to handle the result. The scenario : A user executes such a long running process via UI. Now he gets the message that his request was accepted and that he should return some time later. So there's no need to display him the status of his request or something like this. I'm just looking for a way to handle the result of the long running process properly. Since the processes are external programms, my application server is not aware of them. Therefore I have to wait for these programms to terminate. Of course I don't want to use EJBs for this because then they would block for the time no result is available. Instead I thought of using JMS or Spring Batch. Does anyone ever had the same problem or an advice which solution would be better?
It really depends on what forms of communication your external programs have available. JMS is a very good approach and immediately available in your app server but might not be the best option if your external program is a long running DB query which dumps the result in a text file...
The main advantage of Spring Batch over "just" using JMS as an aynchronous communcations channel is the transactional properties, allowing the infrastructure to retry failed jobs, group jobs together and such. Without knowing more about your specific setup, it is hard to give detailed advise.
I had a similar design requirement, users were sending XML files and I had to generate documents from them. Using JMS in this case is advantageous since you can always add new instances of these processes which can consume and execute the jobs in parallel.
You can use a timer task to check status or monitor these processes. Also, you can publish a message to a JMS queue once the processes are completed.
