Can I delete files from Magento MAGMI Image import directory? - image

Can I delete the original image files from the MAGMI import directory
Just in case everyone's installations are not the same as mine, let me explain
I have a magmi directory that is not in my main html directory on my server.
When I want to import a new csv file with products, I upload all of the images into this directory
After I successfully import the new products, it copies (not moves) the images to the directory where my magento installation lives, which is
/html/media/catalog/product/(folders with the first letter or number of the image filename)
It also copies them into a similar directory in the MAGMI installation. Not sure why
magmi/html/media/catalog/product/(folders with the first letter or number of the image filename)
My questions is, can I delete all of the original image files in the MAGMI directories once I have successfully imported the csv files? even the ones in
magmi/html/media/catalog/product/(folders with the first letter or number of the image filename) ?
Because it's getting out of control now. Like almost 2GB of images that I have a feeling are not necessary. there are 3 copies of every image on my server

Yes, you can delete Magmi after running the imports.
Magento uses the /media/ located in the Magento root folder to store it's image files. Anything within the Magmi directory is not likely being used and is safe to be removed.


Magneto theme installation

I am a newbie in magento.
I am trying to install the magenta theme in my system as provided by my client. The file my client provided is only the sources folder and i cannot see any app,js,lib,skin,.htaccess folder or file. The url of the theme i ma trying to install is and the source folder contain db,pages,static_blocks etc.Screenshot of source folder
Thank You in advance.
Shared theme zip file is not correct. You need to ask for other files that contain Theme Package including template, layout and css files. In Theme zip file, Source folder only contain the SQL file, Product Images, Original PSD file and static block HTML content files.

magmi import images not saved to the media/catalog/product

I'm importing data using Magmi Image attributes processor v1.0.25 and using folder in magento with images. In csv is image named in format 65465446_M.jpg.
Import finnish with no errors, product have images, but image in admin is loading blank, like is in HTML code but did not exist physically on disk, if i find image in the Magento structure folder, there should be after import at media/catalog/product/... OR media/tmp/... but there isn't, only manually uploaded images to another products.
In short, images are in the database, but image isn't move to the magento media/catalog/product/... folder, import from magmi finished without errors.
On server is running more Magento with magmi, there isn't problem.
It is known issue? Some help?
Solved, problem was in general path for imported files "Filesystem Path to magento directory:", even if path worked for import and to load import csv file, not worked for images.
It is needed to correctly specify Magento "Filesystem Path to magento directory:" (in Configure Global Parameters) it is relative to magmi.php file path, not a Magmi folder!
If you have this path of Magmi web interface root/mydir/import/magmi/web/magmi.php your "Filesystem Path to magento directory:" will be "../../../../" and your "Image search path:" can be "media/import/images" or any path relative to defined "Filesystem Path to magento directory:"
I make change for Filesystem Path to magento directory: to value "../../../../" (my Magmi is copyed to magento_root/subfolder/import/magmi/)
for CSVs base directory I've set up "mydata/imports" (this file is in magento_root/mydata/imports/)
and finally for pictures Image search path: "mydata/imports/import_images_folder/" (real path for each file is for example "magento_root/mydata/imports/import_images_folder/someproductimage.jpg")
and it works as expected
The problem for me was the magmi install path. I had it in a different folder not magento_root/magmi-importer. It puts the new files in magmi-importer/../media/catalog not magento_root/media/catalog.

magento image import in csv

I am using magento enterprise edition 1.12 and in that there is no import folder inside media folder. so, i have created one folder named import inside media.
Then, I have tried to put all the images in to media/import, and in CSV file for particular SKU i have passed /example.jpg for the title image.
But, After importing products, when i try to see that image from admin while editing product. i am not able to see that.
Can anyone please suggest for it.
try to go through a checklist:
1) make sure media/import/example.jpg exists
2) make sure you put your string under the column header "image" (sometime people tend to use _image or something like that. I think this comes from magento export format)
3) try to change the products' name in your CSV and see if it changed in DB after import (this will indicate if import process is working at all at least for "name" field)
4) make sure media/catalog folder and sub-folders have writable permissions (chmod 777 media/ -R to make sure). It must copy files to that folders during import, so wrong permissions might be the reason
This is going to at least help to localize the issue
To make it show on the admin side, we need to add price name for media_gallery as well we have to make it enable by putting 0, 1 or 2 as a base image, small, thumbnail.

Can't download files from the downloadable products folder directly from the product page

I've created a few downloadable products and added an mp3 file as the product.
Now instead of going through the checkout to download the file i wanted the user to be able to do it on the products page in view.phtml by clicking on a link
The problem i have is that i can't seem to download files which are in this downloadable folder
If i move that track to media/filename.mp3 ..or even in the wysiwyg folder then i can download it using my script. I've checked the file permissions etc and they're fine so im stuck as to why i can't download my files.
Does anyone know? or is there a way i can change the folder from downloadable to something else, as all i need downloadable products for is music files.
I should also add that i am getting the download box to save the file, with the correct file name and path, its just the file is 523 bytes, im using the code below to get the filepath
$mediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
$_linkpath = $mediaUrl."downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
If i were to change the link path to $mediaUrl."filename.mp3" etc then it would seems to me that its the downloadable folder thats causing the problem?
Nevermind I've solved this, I just changed $_linkpath to
$_linkpath = "media/downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
The full url was causing the problem

How to add images and directories already on server to Magento media browser list of images and directories?

I've installed a new Magento Store and just pasted a media directory from another Magento Store. But when I try to insert images to some page or product using the WYSIWYG editor, I can upload new images and create new directories, but the images and directories that were copied does not appears.
What do I have to do to programmatically add this images and directories copied to the list of the "Magento's media browser"?
Below follows an image in case I didn't make this question clear enough. (You may notice some white squares, I just made a quick edit in this picture to hide the directories and images, as I can't show them)
