Check if product has tier pricing - magento

I am not that knowledgable with the Magento API yet, so I don't know where to search.
I found in the docs getTierPriceHtml($product) but that doesn't really help me.
So, is there a function that I can call on my $product object (in a template) and check if the product has tier pricing? If there is no a direct function in existence, then a short workaround will also be helpful.
I tried if (getTierPriceHtml($product) != null).... but that didn't work and is quite an ugly approach anyway.

Try it with $product->getTierPrices(). If that returns an empty array it means that it doesn't have any tier prices at all.


SCA SuiteScript query item to code

I need to add an non-inventory item by internal id to the cart in SCA, how would I go about pulling that item and then adding it? The code samples I find are for pulling data always refer to views, I am thinking I need to pull it as an item, as I need to add it as an item using methods in LiveOrder.Model
thanks for anyhelp you may give
Really depends on which version of SCA you are using.
The quick answer is to look in the ItemDetails.View.js file in the Modules directory and find the code for the addToCart method.
The longer answer is that SCA's architecture and performance leave much to be desired. If you have things like multiple add to or update cart I found that it was easier to write my own service and then just forward to the cart or refresh the page on completion.
So I found out that the easiest way to do this is like this, the items are returns in a object array, so thanks for your help
$.get('/api/items?id=10779&fieldset=details', function(obj) {
}).done(function(obj) {

Magento: how to get the price of a product with catalog rules applied

I'm developing a script (external to Magento, not a module) which aims to output a text list of all available products, their prices and some other attributes. However, catalog price rules don't seem to be applied to product prices. If I use any of the following:
I get the normal price (without rules being applied).
If I use:
I get null unless the product actually has a special price inserted in the product itself (i.e. if special price is not related with catalog rules).
I also tried
as suggested in the answer given by Fabian Blechschmidt, but interestingly it returns the normal price only if the product is affected by any catalog rule, returning null otherwise.
There was a similar question in StackOverflow and Magento Forums some time ago, but the provided answer (which is to insert the code bellow) doesn't work for me (returned prices remain the same).
Does anybody have an idea of how to achieve this?
I'm using Magento
Thanks in advance.
Thanks to you, I found a new site:
And they mentioned:
As catalog price rules heavily depend on time, store and visiting customer, you need to set those parameters when you want to retrieve the product final price with it's price rules applied.
So, in your case, make sure that provided product is passed with the desired store and customer group id, which can be set as:
I discovered the problem. The discounted prices display Ok in the store frontend. The problem was that I was developing a script "external" to Magento (thus not a Magento module), something like:
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
require_once "app/Mage.php";
// Get default store code
$default_store = Mage::app()->getStore();
For everything to work properly it seems that one must follow the proper Magento bootstrap, and develop everything as a module. My script was so simple that I thought it wouldn't be necessary to code a complete module. In other words, everything in Magento should really be a module.
Concluding, using the module approach, all the methods work as expected:
Thank you all for your input.
This helped me in this issue:
. Jernej's solution seems plausible, but it does not handle rules that Overwrite other rules by using 'stop processing' and therefore can apply more than one rule.
$original_price = $_product->getPrice();
$store_id = 1; // Use the default store
$discounted_price = Mage::getResourceModel('catalogrule/rule')->getRulePrice(
// if the product isn't discounted then default back to the original price
if ($discounted_price===false) {

Virtuemart Coupon Plugin based on quantity not value

I've had a look at available Virtuemart plugins and I can't find anything close to what I am after. This is what I need.
Allow admin user to create coupon codes. An import feature would be nice as there will be thousands but I can handle this bit if needed anyway.
The admin user selects the number of products the customer is allowed for each coupon code.
When the customer uses the coupon code they are allowed to choose any product on the website up to the total amount of products issued to the coupon. Regardless of the products price.
Nice extra would be to allow free shipping with the coupon.
I've looked at the possibility of extending virtuemart and I think it would be possible. It would however require quite a lot of changes and if I can find something that is halfway there it would help me on my way.
Thanks in advance.
OK well time was running out and I didn't get an answer so I rolled my own. It was actually fairly painless. I can't release the code but I can give you a good idea of the steps and a direction to go in.
extend vm_ps_coupon and override the update, add and process methods. Add and update should only require a change to the array that is sent to the DB. See here for more info on extending classes
Alter the enum in the database to allow for quantity as well as total and percent.
Within your new update method handle the variation of quantity to do as you need.
In the update method you can also set a flag for free shipping in a session variable.
In templates/checkout edit list_shipping_methods.php. Simply check for the free shipping flag and load the free_shipping class. You can then call free_shipping->list_rates($vars);
extend vm_ps_checkout, override the add method, call the parent add method and then check the result so you can delete the session variable for the free shipping.
Finally you will need to make some changes in the HTML. Unfortunatly i could not find a way to override this easily and since its only two small changes to the markup i just went ahead and hacked the core. If anyone knows of another way that would be great? I did see something online about using a Joomla hook and a System plugin but I'd rather keep it reliant on Virtuemart only.
In administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/ edit coupon.coupon_form.php to show the new quantity radio button.
Then edit coupon.coupon_list.php to display the correct values. Currently it will only display percent and total.
Hope this helps someone in the future. If you need some assistance then post on here and I'll be happy to help.

Magento 1.6.0 API product update not working when using numerical SKU

My products all use numerical SKUs, but it seems to cause a problem when using the API to do product update.
According to the API doc, you can use either product ID or SKU.
mixed product - product ID or Sku
array productData - array of attributes values
mixed storeView - store view ID or code (optional)
But fully numerical SKUs don't seem to work.
I'm convinced there is some code somewhere which checks if the value is numerical and assumes I must be supplying the product ID.
I also read somewhere you can pass in a 4th parameter to specify you are using sku, but that didn't work either.
$proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.update', array('123456', array('name'=>'Updated name1'), null, 'sku') );
Does anyone know how to get this working?
Short answer is that there's a bug somewhere preventing the last param of product.update from being set properly (or maybe Varien haven't yet implemented it), which also presents a problem for the method
A quick workaround (if you don't mind losing the option to update by ID) is just to set the $identifierType in the Product API update() method ):
In app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api.php l.198
public function update($productId, $productData, $store = null, $identifierType = 'sku')
And finally load the product within the if ($idBySku) condition of the method getProduct() around l.427 of app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Helper/Product.php
$productId = $idBySku;
It's a bit of a fudge. I'll have a look for a better workaround as an override; otherwise, maybe someone else can post a better solution.
In a similar question TurmDrummer posted another workaround:
There is a workaround for pure numeric or mixed SKU, that works quiet
well for me.
Just add a whitespace at the end of your SKU. Magento will interpret
the value as a SKU, because whitespace is non numeric. Internaly
Magento trims the whitespace later
This works perfectly from Magento 1.4.x - 1.7.
I liked this solution a bit better as a workaround because you aren't modifying any core code files, which I try to avoid.

how to add more simple products into configurable products using magento API

How can I simply add new simple products incrementally to configurable products?
or do I still need to retrieve the 2 original arrays of the pre-defined configurable product (getConfigurableAttributesData and getConfigurableProductsData) first, append the new arrays and set them again? Is it worked for my case just as the first-time creation?
And if the new simple product owns a new attribute / attribute options, do I also need to create /edit the attribute first before adding?
Thanks in advance!
The API as it stands does not have the functionality to do this.
Your options are:
Extend the API. (Hours of fun)
Do it with Magento methods in your own module or standalone code that includes Mage.php.
SQL script mixed in with your existing API code.
Buy someone's module - (Hope your German is good)
The approach you take also depends on your SKU naming scheme, if you have a simple BASECODE-SIZE-COLOUR type of scheme then the SQL option can work a treat, and in next to no time, but will be heavily scorned on by Magento evangelists.
That means you are probably going to have to write your own code. Here is a very useful site that should help get you started:
As well as being able to import configurables (by a variety of means including SQL) there are also snippets of code useful for updating superattribute price differentials. No readymade complete solution, but, you may need to roll your own anyway depending on your SKU naming scheme.
Whilst you are at it you may also want to write some code to find simple products that are not hooked up to anything when they should be, i,e. the ones with no visibility.
