how to add more simple products into configurable products using magento API - magento

How can I simply add new simple products incrementally to configurable products?
or do I still need to retrieve the 2 original arrays of the pre-defined configurable product (getConfigurableAttributesData and getConfigurableProductsData) first, append the new arrays and set them again? Is it worked for my case just as the first-time creation?
And if the new simple product owns a new attribute / attribute options, do I also need to create /edit the attribute first before adding?
Thanks in advance!

The API as it stands does not have the functionality to do this.
Your options are:
Extend the API. (Hours of fun)
Do it with Magento methods in your own module or standalone code that includes Mage.php.
SQL script mixed in with your existing API code.
Buy someone's module - (Hope your German is good)
The approach you take also depends on your SKU naming scheme, if you have a simple BASECODE-SIZE-COLOUR type of scheme then the SQL option can work a treat, and in next to no time, but will be heavily scorned on by Magento evangelists.
That means you are probably going to have to write your own code. Here is a very useful site that should help get you started:
As well as being able to import configurables (by a variety of means including SQL) there are also snippets of code useful for updating superattribute price differentials. No readymade complete solution, but, you may need to roll your own anyway depending on your SKU naming scheme.
Whilst you are at it you may also want to write some code to find simple products that are not hooked up to anything when they should be, i,e. the ones with no visibility.


selecting more than one product type for product in magento

i am using two extensions in my magento site and both extensions work upon choosing product type as their type. So i am able to get feature of only one of extension. Is there any way to set product type as multiple so that i can get features of both extensions?
There is no way of doing that.
I mean everything is possible but you will have to rethink the whole architecture.
one of Magento's base rules is: one product can only have one type.
Maybe you can try to change the extensions (or at least one of them) so you can work with both product types you need.

A/B (Split) testing the shopping cart in Magento

We would like to implement A/B (or split) testing on our shopping cart in Magento.
The new design is enough of a departure from the existing one, that we cannot easily create the test using something like Visual Web Optimizer. The only way we would be able to do something with VWO is to create two different URLs for the cart, displaying the original one in the normal /checkout/cart and the new one in /checkout/shoppingcart - or something like that.
Is it possible to do something like this within Magento or am I going to delve deeper into the code?
One possible solution I was looking at was (doing a really dodgy hack) copying the CartController.php and creating a new controller called ShoppingcartController.php. I'm not a fan of this, it's just way to dodgy...but as it's going to be throw away code, I think I'd be able to sleep at night ;)
I'm completely lost as how I could do this. Ultimately, it would be great if I could create two front routes, pointing back to the same controller...but I don't think Magento is that flexible.
One way to accomplish this, is to create two "views" (under one website), and use different URL's for each view, such as:
Once this is set up have Google's A/B testing functionality (or some other JS) direct users to the different views.
Good luck!

Magento: How do I create multiple products each with different custom options?

I am setting up a new store and this time I want multiple products. Each of those products should have its own custom options and some options might be valid for all of the products. An important point is that the custom options should also depend on each other. I am looking for a flexible way to achieve that.
As an example, I will have cars (Chevrolet, GMC, Ford, ...) and motor-bikes (Honda, Yamaha, ...). There will be much more, its just an example. Whats the best way to start this requirement?
You can try this module (not free).

Magento, add a custom attribute to a customer address

I'm looking for a way to add a drop down for a customer's address (during registration, editing, checkout, etc..) that indicates whether or not it is a Residential or Business address. I have spent hours going through tutorials but they are all out of date or poorly written. I have read 6 different ones telling me how to do the same thing 6 different ways. Can someone outline a simple process that you need to do in order to add a custom attribute to an address? I'm on Magento 1.6
Try something like this tutorial at Fontis: Know More About Your Customers - Adding Custom Signup Attributes
Whilst this was written for, most (if not all) is still relevant for 1.6. I've done a very similar thing by allowing a customer to choose the customer group they wish to belong to, by following these directions.
Oh, and there are some great comments on the post as well.
These tutorials should give you a good idea how to do what you want:
Best regards

Virtuemart Coupon Plugin based on quantity not value

I've had a look at available Virtuemart plugins and I can't find anything close to what I am after. This is what I need.
Allow admin user to create coupon codes. An import feature would be nice as there will be thousands but I can handle this bit if needed anyway.
The admin user selects the number of products the customer is allowed for each coupon code.
When the customer uses the coupon code they are allowed to choose any product on the website up to the total amount of products issued to the coupon. Regardless of the products price.
Nice extra would be to allow free shipping with the coupon.
I've looked at the possibility of extending virtuemart and I think it would be possible. It would however require quite a lot of changes and if I can find something that is halfway there it would help me on my way.
Thanks in advance.
OK well time was running out and I didn't get an answer so I rolled my own. It was actually fairly painless. I can't release the code but I can give you a good idea of the steps and a direction to go in.
extend vm_ps_coupon and override the update, add and process methods. Add and update should only require a change to the array that is sent to the DB. See here for more info on extending classes
Alter the enum in the database to allow for quantity as well as total and percent.
Within your new update method handle the variation of quantity to do as you need.
In the update method you can also set a flag for free shipping in a session variable.
In templates/checkout edit list_shipping_methods.php. Simply check for the free shipping flag and load the free_shipping class. You can then call free_shipping->list_rates($vars);
extend vm_ps_checkout, override the add method, call the parent add method and then check the result so you can delete the session variable for the free shipping.
Finally you will need to make some changes in the HTML. Unfortunatly i could not find a way to override this easily and since its only two small changes to the markup i just went ahead and hacked the core. If anyone knows of another way that would be great? I did see something online about using a Joomla hook and a System plugin but I'd rather keep it reliant on Virtuemart only.
In administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/ edit coupon.coupon_form.php to show the new quantity radio button.
Then edit coupon.coupon_list.php to display the correct values. Currently it will only display percent and total.
Hope this helps someone in the future. If you need some assistance then post on here and I'll be happy to help.
