Sort topmenu in Magento? - magento

This is really driving me crazy. I have been trying for hours to get it right, but no luck!
All i want is to be able to sort the parent & subcategories in the topmenu of Magento. I tried a lot of custom coding, but all what Ive found seems to be out of date. Then i also tried to just move the categories order in the admin panel of Magento. This seems to work, but only for parent categories. It won't sort the subcategories. In addition, for some strange reason it will put the old order back again. So for instance, when i sorted the parent categories, it seems to work but when i refresh the admin page the old sorted categories are back and when i refresh the frontpage i see (indeed) the old (wrong) sorted categories back. Might have something to do with the cache ? It should be so simple (i hope:)). Is there anyone who can tell me how i can sort the categories and subcategories (custom, or by id, or anything else...)?

I feel these urls will help you in this case
How to sort a category list array alphabetically in Magento


Magento - Manage Categories doesn't work

I have a magento store with various categories one inside another (subcategory). My problem is that when we enter in the admin to manage categories in the category tree on the left, the categories or subcategories don't appear. Only appear to creat the "new root category" but doesn't work... So.. it's impossible add or see the category/subcategory tree. Anybody can help me?
Check the 'store view' drop down in the top left of the 'Manage Categories' page. I'd be clicking on all the views to see which one had the category tree in it.
If you still can't find the category tree then it might be a data problem with the category set up.
Can you give more information about the history:Did this all work and then one day the categories just disappeared? Have you been using bulk import tools? Does the front-end of your site function normally?
A screen shot might help.
Also please inspect the Magento and web-server error logs to see if there is any error information.

Why is Magento only showing 22 products on the front when I have 409 configurable products?

Im getting incredibly annoyed with my magento website, I have 4900 products 409 of them are configurable products, when I make a category in this case carpets and try and save the 4900 products to that category it makes a duplicate category called the exact same as the previous, now whats confusing is that I dont know how this is happening usually magento panics when it has 2 things the same, both these categories have the exact same ID its incredibly annoying and to top it off its only showing 22 products on the front in the category carpets, any ideas ??
I disabled the theme and just had the default theme to see if that was the problem its not.
You can check out this annoying website at
Right, this answer makes no sense whatsoever, but Ive managed to fix it it had something to do with the qty and that all the simple products had nothing for quantity not even 0 so what you had to do was go into the simple product individually and just click save and thats it the products now appear on the page. its the biggest load of crap I have ever seen in my life.
so if your having this issue with your products go into a simple product change nothing and just click save and it works.
I had the same issue.
In my case it was a frontend bug. It's not possible to have two categories with the same id.
May be upgrade your version.

Should Magento sitemap contain empty categories?

From SEO point of view, isn't it dangerous to give out a page without any practical value? If you advertise to have content for a particular category, but you actually don't, wouldn't that make the poeple who clicked on the link to just move along?
More importantly, would the empty category not make guys working at Google mark your website as spammy? Cause you have 100 categories in your sitemap, and only 10 actually contain products?
If you are not using them for content or other presentation you should hide/disable categories that are empty until you have products in them.

Magento: How to sort product collection?

i have created a list_home.phtml that i call from {{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="6" template="catalog/product/list_home.phtml"}}The category is very important because i will have 3 tabs in this homepage slider.This is a version of the product list without toolbar to include in a homepage slider, where the user should never be able to change the sorting.
However in the main catalog there is the toolbar. Currently, if the user changes the sorting there and then goes back to the homepage the sort order on the home page will also be affected!
How can i force the $collection to always sort by newest and also filter the category from the frontend's block call?
I am really almost stuck after opening around 50 tabs in the broswer and trying to research, really need some help here please.
Thanks in advance.
On the product collection you can set the order by calling ->setOrder on it.
I'm not sure of the field you would need to order by, but if you wanted to set it by price ascending you would do
->setOrder('price', 'ASC');
To filter the category you need to do this
$productCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId);
You can then set the sort order

Magento: Fastest way to hide empty categories in Magento frontend?

What I'm trying to do seems trivial but I've been looking on Google for this for the past 3 hours and can't find it...
--> I'm just trying to list the categories of my website but hide those that are empty AND that all their subcategories are also empty (no products).
Shouldn't that be easy to do?? Everything I've found seems utterly complicated or custom-coded. Am I the only one that doesn't want to show empty categories?
Note: I'm using Magento, I don't want to manually hide categories in backend.
There is an article about that from Pratski :
Display Only If There Are Products In The Category
