Magento - Manage Categories doesn't work - magento

I have a magento store with various categories one inside another (subcategory). My problem is that when we enter in the admin to manage categories in the category tree on the left, the categories or subcategories don't appear. Only appear to creat the "new root category" but doesn't work... So.. it's impossible add or see the category/subcategory tree. Anybody can help me?

Check the 'store view' drop down in the top left of the 'Manage Categories' page. I'd be clicking on all the views to see which one had the category tree in it.
If you still can't find the category tree then it might be a data problem with the category set up.
Can you give more information about the history:Did this all work and then one day the categories just disappeared? Have you been using bulk import tools? Does the front-end of your site function normally?
A screen shot might help.
Also please inspect the Magento and web-server error logs to see if there is any error information.


How to display category in category tree as disable in magento

We are developing a module in magento to display categories to customers on front. These categories will be shown in tree structure as same as displayed in product edit form in admin panel.
So, to implement this, we have followed the same logic as followed on product edit form in admin panel and able to display all categories in same way as displaying in product edit form.
Now, we want to disable few categories in this tree structure on the basis of category ids which will be select by admin in admin panel. So that customer could not check/uncheck these categories but see in disabled mode.
We have tried many logics and then searched a lot to know, how can be disable categories in category tree on the basis of category ids but nothing found?
Can anyone help us to how can be resolve this problem?
Waiting for solution

How do I switch off products display on Category pages

I am new to CS-cart and trying to set this up for my multi-vendor e-commerce shop.(and I am not a programmer)
So here's my problem, I don't want products to be displayed on any category pages.
This is the flow I am looking to have
Grid of main categories (on homepage)> List of sub category> Associated Sub category> and then products.
I'll assume you are on the latest release of Cs-cart (v.4.x.x), as you did not mention it.
You can control wether you want to show products from subcategories or not through the global setting option "Show products from subcategories of the selected category" that you'll find on the Settings/General menu of your admin area. See the screenshot:
I hope that helps you!

Magento Attributes search filter not correct

I have problem with my Magento Attributes search filter not correct. For example this page
As you can see. I have all the list created with magento attibutes at the left side bar.
All list have show correct as i want. But when i'm click on it such as WAYFARER ® (1) <<< There are only 1 product on a list. But it's look like magento show all my products. Normally it have have to show only 1 product as they say.
Second question.
I have set Is Anchor to yes in Category.
For example this page.
As you can see Magento show Anchor correctly. ( below "Shop By")
But when I'm click on it. All the page getting error 404 page can't be found.
Anyone know how to fix this problem. Kindly Please help. I'm stuck with this problem for a weeks.
Thank you
For Search Filter you should delete all files under var/locks and then reindex all.

Display products of some sub-categories when browsing magento catalog

I have several layers of categories such as:
Laundry Accessories
And I would like users to browse Laundry and see all Washers and Dryers, but not any accessories. But still allow users to browse through the accessories category by itself, and to use the Layered Navigation while doing so.
Does anyone know a way I could accomplish this?
If you set the Washers and Dryers categories to be anchors their products will show up in the parent category. This is on the second tab when editing the category.
However, I have found in the 1.4 family (haven't tested 1.5) that changing from not anchored to anchored wouldn't have any affect. This is probably related to a cache I wasn't clearing but the simple solution for me was to delete 'Washers' and create it again, this time making sure Anchor was "yes"

Why are my related products not displaying on my product page?

I have gone to admin -> manage product -> product information page -> related products
Then I added a product that is related, and saved.
I went to that product and refreshed the page, but nothing changed. Why not?
Also, be sure to check that the product you're trying to see in 'Related Products' is not already in your cart. Magento has a default filter applied that removes items in the cart from the related products collection.
Login to Admin
Go to System -> Index Management
Select All checkboxes
Select 'Reindex Data' from Actions selection list
Click Submit button
Reference: Magento Up-sells Cross-sells and Related products are not showing up
Related Products appear in product info page, in the right column.
Cross Sell items appear in the shopping cart.
Upsells for this product are items that your customers would ideally buy instead of the product they’re viewing.These appear on the product info page underneath the product description.
As a result, I understand that you would show products bottom of the product info page, you should choose upsells instead of related products.
If you want related products ( which I can misunderstanding you ) do following things :
Check related product status is enabled.
Check visibility status set "Catalog" or "Catalog Search"
If everything is fine, check the inventory of related products.Stock should be greater than 0.
Last thing, related products must be include a category. Click "categories" link to check and see if the product added in a category.
Click on the "Reset Filter" button on top of the related product listing. It will list all products in table. Or you can clear cache + reindex data.
I had the same issue. After some time ago, I found that the products are not made to be visible in the visibility section, and that the products are not set to be in any website.
Hope this is the answer, and should be, because if you set up everything right there is nothing that can make problems.
Make sure the product and related product are under the same website. This isn't apparent when adding the relating products.
One possible pitfall you can run into is that you use a template without a right column. In that case you have to use unsetChild and insert to move the related product block.
