Should Magento sitemap contain empty categories? - magento

From SEO point of view, isn't it dangerous to give out a page without any practical value? If you advertise to have content for a particular category, but you actually don't, wouldn't that make the poeple who clicked on the link to just move along?
More importantly, would the empty category not make guys working at Google mark your website as spammy? Cause you have 100 categories in your sitemap, and only 10 actually contain products?

If you are not using them for content or other presentation you should hide/disable categories that are empty until you have products in them.


Translate Magento Shop Categories

I want to translate categories in magento but I didn't found any way but only to add products multiple times and set different store view but that is really very time consuming if I have lots of categories and lots of site views.
Any short way to translate categories?
Yeah, that one is one of these things that can be done without extensions but are not intuitive. I had to check a video from youtube to get to the solution, which is:
Go to Catalog->Manage categories.
Select the category you want to translate. I am assuming that this category applies to the whole store, all store views included.
Then at the top left box select the store view that you want to display the category in a different language, i.e. "English".
Now the general information tab of the category shows checkboxes with the option "Use default value". Uncheck the checkbox for the field "Name" and change the name for the translated text.
Save category.
In case you find difficult to follow my instructions check this video:

Adding multiple items to special page

I have a quick how to question with Magento.
On my main site I need to have 7 links to special "categories" of items, but these don;t reflect categories of items. It is for a clothes shop so link may be to a summer wear page to only display items tagged as summer wear but from all types of item and categories.
What would the best way to go about creating this functionality?
I am assuming that when you say 'taged' you mean the product has a attribute set to 'summer'. In that case:
If you have products that you want to group together by attribute and list similar to a category page without being in a category, you could try using the Fishpig Splash Page extension:
This extensions allows product attributes to group products instead of categories.
I hope I understood your question correctly.
You can create categories for each of the 7 pages you mention, but hide them from the navigation in the category settings page.
you can then add your products to these categories as you see fit.
They will still be in their original categories too, but you can now link to the new pages and see them there too.
It seems like to me, you would just create the categories like normal. Because products can belong to many categories, you would just assign on a per-product basis which ones need to be in your categories.

URL rewriting in shopping cart site best practice?

I am building an eCommerce web site with a shopping cart.
Each item in this portal belongs to one category. So when I display an item, in an item details page, which is the best practice to create the URL from the following?
1. <domain>/<item-category>/<item-name>
2. <domain>/<item-name>
The reasons for URL rewriting are (a) to make URL's more human readable and (b) to make the URL's more search engine friendly. In this respect, whether you include the category probably makes little difference to humans if they can distinguish the product from the name alone. Adding category might make the links more understandable to a search engine, but there can be a penalty for depth of link too. With just three sections, you should be OK, but in instances where you have a deeper hierarchy, you might look at joining the item category and name with a separator that isn't '/', such as '-'.

Magento addin for Related Categories, similar to Related Products

I'm looking for a Magento addin that replaces Related Products with Related Categories.
I maintain a Magento site which sells inspirational merchandise. People often arrive at the site and see something they like, but not completely. For example, they may see a paperweight with a quotation they like, but they want a baseball cap with the same quotation. Or, the may like the paperweight but want a different quotation on it. Products are all categorized & sub-categorized on the site, but many shoppers just hit Back if they don't see an obvious & easy way to get exactly what they want.
I want to automatically place a box on the right side of each product page (much like Related Products) which lists links to several category pages, instead of individual products (there are too many). For example, you'd have automatically-generated links like "Other products with the same quotation," "Other products with the same design," etc. I'd be OK if the categories listed were either all of the categories the product belongs to, or a list that the admin can manually create fore each product.
Also, I said category, but it'd be ok if this worked on keywords/phrases, attributes, or something like that -- whatever's out there.
One way that you can achieve this is to adapt your Related Products block to show only the categories of the related products that have been assigned, not the products themselves.
For instance, if you have related products of 'Apples' (in fruit), 'Bagels' (in bread) and 'Cucumbers' (in vegetables) then you need not show 'Apples/Bagels/Cucumbers' and instead you could show 'Fruit/Bread/Vegetables'.
I have not checked how you can the master category for each of the related products, you may need to add that to the collection for it to show up in the template.
The advantage of this technique is that you can theme up the related products and not have to write a complicated module.

Magento: Fastest way to hide empty categories in Magento frontend?

What I'm trying to do seems trivial but I've been looking on Google for this for the past 3 hours and can't find it...
--> I'm just trying to list the categories of my website but hide those that are empty AND that all their subcategories are also empty (no products).
Shouldn't that be easy to do?? Everything I've found seems utterly complicated or custom-coded. Am I the only one that doesn't want to show empty categories?
Note: I'm using Magento, I don't want to manually hide categories in backend.
There is an article about that from Pratski :
Display Only If There Are Products In The Category
