Hello stackoverflow community.
I'm been handed over a site that uses Redis, however i've not done much work with it before. It seems that for some reason it is removing breadcrumbs from the product view. As soon as a flush Redis they reappear for a while then disappear again.
Does anyone know of an issue with Redis with regards to breadcrumbs or does anyone know of an affective way to hole punch the breadcrumbs so they aren't cached ?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I'm working in Opencart vesion 3. I had a problem with cache. I have 2 types of problems.
First one, in Back end if I save(create/edit) anything it does not affect. If I do more than 3 times then only it will work.
Second, in Front end product comparison, wishlist and cart, if I add/delete any product from those it will affect lately or after logout and login.
Can anyone please help me.
Thanks in advance!
#Kowsalya is correct. The issue was not caused by the caching functionalities of OpenCart. It was caused by the caching configuration of the server.
Due to not being able to resolve this sooner, I also deployed a Presta Shop instance on the server, and also ran in to exactly the same issue. I contacted the hosting company, and the server has NGINX Cache (similar to Varnish cache).
Once switched off, everyone is working as smooth as butter!
I've been looking for several days now and the problem is stil there.
I'm running the following version of Magento :
I do not experience any particular problem on local (using Mamp). But on my production server my cart page (beginning of the checkout process) is always empty no matter the number of items i try to add inside my cart.
I tried lots of different solution posted on many websites but nothing seems to solve it (since this is working on local it might be a server configuration problem).
Any suggestion ?
Thank you
(Ps: English is not my main language so i'm sorry for the poor syntaxe).
Are you able to login to the site?
Just check in the backend. System->Configuration->Web->Session cookie management
Whether there is a wrong value set for cookie domain
I finally found the answer. The problem was related to a theme template module. I remove the module and it's working now.
I am running Magento 1.8.1 with embeddedERP extension.
Not sure if extension is to blame for the behaviour, i don't think so as it seemed to work fine for a while after I installed the extension. The issue appears to relate to indexing.
I reindexed the site in response to a magento index aler. When I try to view products in the backend the page is blank but only from from the horizontal line below the Add New product button, there is no list of products but also no products table at all, rather than the products table with no rows one would expect.
I have tried deleting cache and session folders.
I've tried disabling cache.
I enabled logging and there isn't an exceptions.log file so presuming this means no exceptions happening.
I've logged in and out.
On one occasion when i tried creating a new product after saving it it displayed the products (new one and existing) but now that doesn't work either.
Previously, deleting session and cache and logging back in appeared to work but now doesn't.
Can anyone suggest how I can go about working out what is wrong. My magento debugging skills probably need some enhancing.
Came back to this and the site was then displaying an error:
Warning: Unknown: Unable to allocate memory for pool in [filepath]/Autoload.php
This thread:
highlighted this is as an apc issue.
Altering the memory size to 256M as suggested solved this.
Hope this helps if anyone else gets this, still don't know why this issue showed a blank screen to start with, perhaps an APC caching issue?
I am working in Magento EE,
I changed the categories URLs from admin panel, but in frond-end(menu) still the old are showing. I run re-index and clear all caches.
Can anybody know how to solve this.
This is my bad, the re-index takes much time to complete. It starts works once re-index completes.
I know it has something to do with the persistent feature of Magento, introduced in CE 1.6
But what is the in-depth meaning?
Why is Magento doubling templates?
Those are used for persistent cart functionality and yes it doubles a lot
Indeed it's not responding to much of any of the following: flush cache, cleared (rm -rf var/cache/*), reindexing, flushing service provider cache (memcache), removed session files anything. And I kept getting guest login while I clearly reset that to NO Mage keeps me streaming this JS with wrong information. Cause? Yet another (100's of options of everything) solution that doesn't work and hide information from the user.
I use ArchLinux ffs, I code in Clojure... why does god punish me with a job to work this magic, black-hole OOP soup of beyond proportions :(